Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just To Get Back In Her Arms

Typical Gerard and Stef

by bellaxmuerte 3 reviews

Brawl on the streets of New York City.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-02 - Updated: 2008-02-02 - 1250 words

Just To Get Back In Her Arms
Chapter 11

“Stefanie, get back over here!” Sarah yelled to her friend, who was bolting down the busy New York street. “You live too far to walk home!”

“I’ll get her,” Gerard said as he jogged up behind Sarah.

“Oh no you won’t, you’ve done enough damage for the night,” Sarah exclaimed as she walked briskly down the street. Gerard followed her. She looked back at him.

“I’m serious Gerard, things will be better if you just leave her alone. Stefanie Diane, STOP WALKING!” Sarah said, reverting her attention back to Stef. Gerard didn’t listen to Sarah and began running after Stef. Sarah, unable to run after the both of them due to her high heels, sighed. “Alright Gerard, you want to get kicked in the balls? That’s your prerogative!” she yelled. A couple walking next to her gave a funny look. “What?” she asked innocently. “It’s true, my friend has no respect for the male anatomy.” The woman shook her head and kept walking.

After continuing his jog to Stef, Gerard finally caught up with her. He lightly rested his hand on her left shoulder.

“Sarah, just let me be. I’m fine-” she begged as she began to turn around. When she came face to face with Gerard and not Sarah, her sad tear-stained face turned into an angry one and she glared at him. He didn’t speak.

“Oh. It’s YOU,” she growled.

“Can I talk to you, Stef? Please?” he pleaded.

“We are finished talking Gerard! Go boo-hoo some more to Mikey and Frank and whoever else, and let me get on with my life, dammit.”

“If you would only listen to what I have to say for myself, this could all be avoided.”

“I don’t WANT to hear what you have to say! I’m fucking done with your bullshit. Anytime you are in my life, you just fuck it up, and I won’t do it anymore!”

People walking by couldn’t help but stare at the argument that was going on in the middle of the street. Gerard couldn’t tell if they were staring because Stef was yelling and looked ridiculous with her smeared black makeup, or because they recognized who he was. He was hoping it was the former.

“You’re causing a scene,” Gerard declared in a low, patient tone.

“You call this a scene? Baby, I’ll show you a scene because this is nothing!”

Before Stef could continue, Gerard grabbed her arm and pulled her off to a quiet side street. Much to his surprise, she didn’t resist.

“What, are you worried about your little reputation?” she asked condescendingly.

“You’re drunk so just calm down and stop it.”

“Oh really, I’m drunk? I had noooo idea,” she said sarcastically. “Isn’t this the way you like me Gerard?”

With that comment, he slapped her. It wasn’t hard by any means, he was just hoping it would snap her out of her psychotic fit of rage. Stef didn’t put her hand to her face or react in any way. Instead, she just stared at him with wide eyes, apparently shocked at what just happened.

“You needed that,” he justified, putting his hands in his pockets.

“I needed that,” Stef replied blankly.

“I’m sorry.”

“I needed that,” she repeated.

“Are you okay?”

Stef folded her arms across her chest and looked at the ground.

“Why do you do this to me?” she asked.

“Why do I do what?”

She looked up at him. “And how come things are never normal with us?”

Gerard shuffled his feet. “I don’t know Stef. I mean, after all of these years things just can’t go back to normal.”

“That’s not it,” she stated as she shook her head. “Things haven’t been normal with us since the 7th grade.”

Gerard slightly smiled. “That’s just the way we work Steffy,” he chuckled, recalling an old nickname that Stef had once hated.

“I tried, you know,” Stef said, tears beginning to form in her eyes. “You left me in shambles, but still I tried to be your friend again. You can’t blame me for what I did. And you also can’t just come back into my life and fuck things up like before. I want to be honest with you and that’s why I told you about the baby. Now either you accept that or you don’t.”

Gerard looked down at the ground. “So what are you saying?”

Stef sighed and wiped tears off of her face. “I’m saying I’ll give it one more shot. I forgive you for what you did to me and you forgive me for what I did to you. But I don’t want any grey areas. I don’t want you mad at me one day then crawling back to me the next, especially after you make a real shitty comment like the one at the club. We’re friends or we’re not friends, but none of this in-between shit.”

“Are you being serious?”

“Yes Gerard, I’m serious. Can we just let everything go and try to put it behind us?”

“I think that’s possible.”


“So we’re friends?”

“I suppose we are.”

Gerard put his hand out for her to shake, but when she went to shake back she began to feel dizzy and fell forward. Gerard quickly extended both arms and caught her. Her hands landed on his chest and she looked up at him.

“Are you okay?” he asked, brushing a strand of hair away from her eyes.

“Just a little lightheaded, that’s all,” she quietly replied with a smile. Gerard chuckled.

“Someone’s had a little too much to drink tonight,” he said. “Let’s get you home.” For a moment they didn’t move, her hands still on his chest, her eyes still locked with his.

“Well this is quite an interesting situation,” Sarah said coming up behind them. Stef quickly backed away from Gerard.

“Are you okay?” Sarah asked Stef.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.”

“She should get home,” Gerard said.

“Thanks, I know,” Sarah retorted. “Come on Stef, let’s go.”

“Wait a sec.” Stef turned back to Gerard. “Are you leaving tomorrow?”

“Yeah, in the afternoon.”

“Oh... ok... well, maybe I’ll see you the next time you’re in New York?”

Gerard smiled at her. “Definitely.”

Stef stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Gerard noticed that she looked uncomfortable and took a small step forward. He shrugged his shoulders and grinned at her. She couldn’t help but grin back and extended her arms for a hug. They embraced for what seemed like eternity before she finally broke away. Still in his arms, she looked up at him and nearly whispered a goodbye. He kissed her forehead and turned to walk away. She and Sarah turned in the opposite direction toward the road from which they came and went to call a cab.

“Okay, what on EARTH was that?” Sarah asked, dumbfounded.

Stef just laughed a little. “Typical Gerard and Stef I guess.”

*thaaanks for the comments! i know i am the worst updater in the world, but i'm hella busy and am also not quite sure where i want this story to go. buuut comments tend to be motivation :-)
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