Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In Between Days


by -PLWwayy 1 review

And Enter Sidney. Brian reveals that his sister Sid will be crashing. Frankie likes this. Very much. But so does Mikey. And Gerard!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-09 - Updated: 2008-02-10 - 1365 words

I redress and head to the living area, and pull out my make up case. This is my post avoiding everyone and being couch potato debut, and I’m gonna look hot! I style and straighten my hair and smear on eyeliner. Nice. Soon enough Gerard emerges. He too has gone to pains to look good, and he does. We kiss and walk out hand in hand. His excitement has caught from mine and we’re both talking about how we’re exited to start touring, writing, recording. It’s been a while since we did anything, and I so want to be a band again. To do signings, interviews, photo shoots. Touring.. I miss it. We walk to the tourbus. Gerard walks up the steps and opens the door and walk in. Ray and Brian are already in there. The table is littered with Folders, bagels, coffe and.. a girl. She turns and faces me and my jaw drops. This is the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen. She’s short.. Shorter than me.. And skinny. She has pale skin and blonde hair streaked with black and blue. She’s wearing a black singles, a tartan skirt and black slip on high heels. She has a light dusting of freckles over her nose and cheeks and has cherry red full lips so beautiful and can only compare them to Gerard himself. Her eyes look blue. No, green.. They’re edged in black make up.. No they’re blue. I can’t decide.. She smiles at me and jumps off the table and walks into the kitchen. Gerard, after saying hello to everyone (Ignoring the girl) runs into the bunk area, dragging me with him. I’m sitting in my bunk pulling on my Misfit gloves when I hear a familia shriek. I get out “What is it Gerard?” “I HAD THREE UNOPENED FANGORIAS I WAS SAVING AND THEY AREN’T HERE.” I roll my eyes. “Attention everyone: Princess Gerard has lost his Geek Weekly. I heard a giggle and turn around. The girl is behind me. She gives the magazines to me and says “Tell him the Dracula spread in #78 is divine.” Then she turns around and flounces away. I stand there with my mouth open for a good 30 seconds before Gerard comes around the corner, sees I have the magazines and throws his hands up to the sky “Rejoice! All Rejoice! Hallelujah!” He snatches them away and sits down on the couch with one. “That chick had them. She said the um… Dracula? Spread in uh..” He looked up “Issue #78?” I nodded “Yeah. That’s it.. Well, she said it was divine.” He said nothing, only nodded and turned the page. Well, he’s in Nerd Mode, so I’m not gonna bother. I walk to the table and strike up a conversation with Ray, and bite into a Blueberry Bagel (My favourite food EVER.), All the while thinking about that girl. Who is she? Why is she here? I hope she stays :D

I walk into the trailer. Gerard’s on the couch reading a comic or something (what’s new?), Ray, Frank and Brian are seated around the table, Brian running through reports or whatever and Frank devouring a bagel. Ray has coffee and is stirring it and adding sugar…two sugars…three…four…five. what the hell?
“Hey guys.” I say casually. “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB!” Frankie squeals and leaps on me. I throw him off and he mocks despair “But Bob, I thought you loved me?” I shook my head woefully and took his spot next to Ray, also taking a bite out of his bagel. He snarls and takes it off me. “Sup Gee?” I say. He does nothing but salutes himself. Right. Me and Ray start talking about this awesome new riff he came up with yesterday and how it needed drums, and Frankie’s found his light up jack o lantern and is investigating, when we hear the door open and close. It’s Mikey. The atmosphere in the room changes a bit. Not out of hostility, but slight awkwardness. He smiles weakly and walks in, looking around. Frankie stands up and yanks off Mikey’s jacket. “Your coat, Madame.” This was a game we used to play. “Why thank you, kind sir.” They both giggle and share a kind of moment, and I think things between them are gonna be okay.
“Right, now everyone’s here, lets get on with the meting, shall we?” Says Brian. Mikey and Frank sit at the table, both reaching for coffee. I throw a half eaten donut at Gerard. “Oi. Meeting.” He nods, gets up and walks to the table, still with the magazine. What a freak, I think. “So yeah. I was discussing our financial position with our planners, and I think we can agree that that’s quite-“ I tuned out and reached for a donut, biting into it and causing jam to squeeze out the other side, onto my financial report. I watched it spread in amusement and then look up. Gerard’s put down the magazine and is doodling on his report. Frankie’s flinging crumbs at Ray, who’s yet to notice. I watch him for a while, and he... He “OH MY GOD RAY PICKED HIS NOSE!” I scream. Everyone looks up, smiles spreading like the jam. Mikey pushes his glasses up and laughs as Ray throws up his arms in protest “I did not! I was scratching!” Everyone laughs “Suuuure.” Says Gee. Frankie smiles “Everybody knows, Toro picks his nose, rubs it in the dirt, eats it for desert!” Everyone chants. This is us being a band. I missed it. Even Mikey’s joining in. I heard that he hit Frank pretty good, but I’m not clear on why. I was hoping it would be like this, and not awkward or angry or whatever. We all laugh until Brian tells us to shut up. “Alright guys. Now its time to get serious. I realise that of late the bands, uh, personal situation has been slightly awkward and has somewhat deteriorated. So I thought it was time for something new. Someone new. To break any ice, to help you guys, to entertain…” And this girl steps into the room. “Yeah Bri, you’re making me sound like a hooker. Shut up.” Brian rolled his eyes. Bri? I think. Hahaha. “This is my sister Sidney Schecter. She’s 19 and is here to assist you guys with anything. Kinda like a bus maid, but hopefully more like a friend.” Sidney raised her eyebrows. “Bus maid? Okay, I’m here because when I finished high school, I had nothing to do, really. College holds no interest to me, and my parents are currently travelling, so basically I had no job and nowhere to live. So I called Bri and enquired as to whether he could help me. And he told me that he had 5 very desperate characters that could use my assistance. So I hope that’s true. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you. But keep in mine, whatever Bri here says, if you don’t like me, or don’t want me around, I’m gone in a second. No pressure.” She smiled warmly and sat in between Brian and Frank, who was sitting with his mouth opened. Ray didn’t seem very interested in her, and was fiddling with his clothes. Gerard was trying to look indifferent and failing. Mikey was smiling at her, looking weirdly confident. And I, well I think she’s pretty.. Yeah sure, she’s gorgeous, but I don’t think she’s jaw droppingly awesome (Like Frank clearly does) so I’ll wait till I know her to pass judgement. Brian talks about the Taste Of Chaos Tour we’re due to leave for tomorrow, more finances, argues with Frank about bringing a poodle on tour with us, and organising our own tour and such. Another half hour, and we’re told to go gather our things in preparation for leaving. I’m pumped. Today was a good day.
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