Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mad By Association

Chapter 22

by poser 1 review

The end is near.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-02-17 - Updated: 2008-02-17 - 459 words

Number 22 : Headlines!

Just in, the students are all going CRAZY.
A war for the most dominant clique is making its way.
"All for one and one for all" is the motto of the popular beings.
Sporting their uniformity, with vulgar slangs and back breaking phatitude.
Freaks and geeks are melting in puddles,
for their only hope lay in the hands of 5 musical, comic freaks.
Brace yourself kids, this war is gonna be UGLY!

The school's underground newspaper bares all on it's front cover. Nothing has been the same since the day Mikey parted ways with the popular crowd. Everyday as the bell rings for the student's dismissal, an innocent is held as a victim and taken down, in utter madness of student rivalry. Don't count on the teachers to step in, for any inncident that takes place out of the school's compound is none of their concern. So today's victim, choosen by the footballer's is head prefect, honour student, captain of the debate team, Norman Hanes. Good luck sweety :(

All he wants for Christmas, are two front teeth.
Norman Hanes' parents have transfered him out of our school.
The violence and the dismantling of his appearance was well undeserved.
When are our school heroes going to step up?
When would the anger stop?
One can ony hope for miracles, for today another one bites the dust.

A ball flies away from the baseball field and smack into the face of victim #10. Blood gushes from the slash of pain he received. Everyone stands shocked and in disbelief. That kid wouldn't be able to do math home work for weeks. How devastating.

Now this is it.
Today is the day.
Right now it the moment.
No more bullshit, no more suffering.
We've had enough!
Motherfuckers gather, for we're going to REBEL!

Gerard Way casually walks down the main hallway, his weapon in the form of his crochet stick, warmly embracing his right shoulder. Frank Iero, although the shortest of the gang, is well developed in attitude and plain sexiness. Ray Toro, isn't smiling today, his muscular arm spins a baseball bat like it's out of control. And who said glasses weren't sexy? Micheal Way, proves us all wrong with that. Step by step they draw closer to stupidity. Stupidity comes in the form of Jervay, Jake and 3 other none important minians.

2 baseball bats.
3 crochet sticks.
1 balled up fist.
And the rest with hockey sticks.
Bob Bryar's absent for the moment, but don't fret, he'll suprise us all soon.

"Ready to die dipshits?" Jervay hollers above all others.
"Ready when you are," Mikey makes his way to the front.
"All right," Frank pulls a pair of shades from his pockets and puts them on soon after, "lets get this party started!"
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