Categories > Original > Humor > You Can Take Your Stories And Shove Em Up Your...

Pushchairs and Paramore

by CrimsonRegrets 0 reviews

Frances has and accident, and the others have the first in a series of music related arguments. Warning - Violence towards small children.

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-03-05 - Updated: 2008-03-05 - 391 words

"I love my new shoes"
"Yes, you said Daisy. Seven times." said Lauren, her annoyance obvious in the tone of her voice.
The group were wandering fairly aimlessly around Plymouth City Centre (as was their custom on Saturdays)and Daisy was wearing her brand new Doc Martens which were as shiny (if not more) than had been advertised.
"But aren't they great Lauren? Huh? Huh? They are good aren't they?"
At this, Daisy exploded with rage and her eye began to twitch uncontrollably.
There ensued a short scuffle resulting in Lauren being pinned to the floor by one of Daisy's shoes.
"They're.. ok.. I guess..."
Daisy's eye stopped twitching and she removed her foot. Immediately, Laurens hands sprang to her neck and she started to massage her neck.
"That really hurt Daisy."
"Sorry, don't know what came over me..."
Meanwhile, Bryony, Amy and Frances were laughing fairly hard at a joke Joy had just told.
"I don't get it..."
"Whats not to get Flic? The chicken decided to cross the road, and then..."
At this moment, Frances, who had been walking backwards in front of the rest of the group tripped over something and landed on top of a small child in a push chair. The child immediately started to laugh derisively at her (mostly because she had just tripped over, but also that she was a weakling and hadn't even hurt him) However, the child's mother (who was completely unaware that her son didn't mind the teenage girl now sitting on him in the slightest) started to yell abuse.
"Why don't you look where you're going you bloody fool? It's not like you have eyes in the back of your head is it?"
Amy and Sarah pulled her up and she began to apologise to the woman, who walked off quickly in a huff.
"Oh my god! I just sat on a child."
"We saw..."
It took the whole time to walk to Central Park to calm her down.
"What are you listening to Flic?"
"Oh, I like that."
"Are you talking about Paramore?"
"Yes Daisy" Flic and Bryony chorused apologetically.
"And you know how I feel about Paramore don't you?"
"Yes Daisy."
"Well stop then."
"But Daisy..."
"No buts Flic!"
"Sorry Daisy."
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