Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I am not afraid to keep on living: Projekt Revolution 2

Letters From the Dead

by TeamWentz17 0 reviews

Just read and Enjoy!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-03-06 - Updated: 2008-03-06 - 582 words - Complete

Lexus' POV

"Dear Miss Lexus Renee Barakat,

My my, you're my little sassy pants and my best friend in the entire world. I always love eating lunch outside on the steps at school. I love taking you to concerts and seeing my brothers' band perform. When you get this, you will know that I am no longer living. I know it's crazy, but living with my anxiety has just made me go crazy, so I just can't take it anymore.

I am weak and can't go on. My heart is about to give out on me anyway, so I've decided to speed up my death. I have stolen Mikey's Prozac medication and I have taken a few pills. I'm really sorry to end it with a letter, but please know that I will always care for you and love you.

Good Bye dear Lexus.

Audrina Way

Holy crap. She planned it??

"What does it say??" Lyn-Z asked me.

I didn't respond, I just shook my head and started to cry. Gerard came over to me and started to hug me, tightly in his arms. Gerard was always like a brother to me and besides Jimmy and Zacky, he and Mikey were pretty much the ONLY men I could truly trust in this world.

"Oh my gosh!! Why did this have to happen!?" I screamed.

"Shh, calm down. It's going to be alright," Gerard assured me.

I was still unconvinced and still had buckets of tears streaming down my face. This was horrible and I couldn't believe that my best friend would have the nerve to do such a thing. Seriously!! Who does she think she is, going and killing herself!? This is just NOT fair!!

"I need to go home to Jimmy," I demanded.

"But your hair is still wet with color," Lyn-Z said, pointing out the obvious.

"I don't care," I snapped.

"Lyn, just go call him, ok?? I'll stay with Lexus, until then," Gerard said.

"You'll be ok, Jimmy will be here in a few minutes. Just calm down," Gerard said.

I decided not to fight it, so I just nodded and sat back against the wall. Gerard went to go and get me a cold water bottle to help me calm down. Minutes later I heard Jimmy walk in through the door, asking where I was.

"Babe?? What's wrong??" Jimmy asked, as he walked over to me.

I looked up at him with sad eyes and shaking hands. He kissed my forehead and gave me a hug.

"I got a note from Audrina and she didn't die on accident. It was intentional and on purpose. She killed herself," I announced, and broke down into more tears.

"Ohh babe," Jimmy said, hugging me tightly, again.

He was being such a great boyfriend right now, he always knew how to take care of me when I was upset. He'd also try to find a way to make smile or laugh.

"Alright, you gonna be ok, now widdle wexus??" Jimmy asked, in a baby voice (which sounded more like a creepy old drunk).

That made me laugh a little bit and I nodded.

"Good, now, finish dying your hair and would someone by the name of Lynyster Z get my girlfriend some chocolate chip mint icecream??" Jimmy demanded.

I laughed more, but it still hurt me that Audrina would do something like that. Man oh man, do I have SOMETHING to tell my therapist.

A/N: Bell is ringing!! xoxo
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