Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Will Always B the 1

Like I'll Never be the Same..

by Syn_INC 4 reviews

The one with the results

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-03-08 - Updated: 2008-03-08 - 4348 words

Chapter 7:
Thursday, March 15 2007
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Dr. Robert Drakes office
I sat in my chair with my legs folded and my hands intertwined on my lap. Petrick was next to me. Both looking rather anxious and unwell. Patrick more than Pete. It looks like he hadn't slept for days or eaten for that matter. His face was so pale and aged. He just looked older than he did last week.
"Why aren't you nervous?" Patrick asked silently from beside me.
I looked to my right slightly and smiled sarcastically at him.
"This isn't 'Maury' Patrick, I know what the results are going to be"
"BULLSHIT" Pete said facing me.
I rolled my eyes in sheer annoyance
"Who the fuck was talking to you? Shouldn't you be off somewhere being a camera whore taking pictures of your dick or something?" I suddenly snapped.
This, causing Patrick to burst out into a fit of laughter while Pete and I stared at him as if he were crazy.
"Dude are you ok?" Pete said with concern as Patrick just waved him off and laughed harder.
"Do I fucking look 'OK' Pete? I'm about to confirm I have a 1 year old daughter who's dying with a woman who hates my very existence, and my girlfriend well she's beyond pissed and refuses to talk to me even though it isn't MY fault and that I didn't know. So no, Pete, to answer your question I'm not 'OK'. Nothing about this is okay." He clapped his hands together and laughed some more.
This I found as borderline delirium.
I then leaned back in my chair and let my thoughts go wild. He just said 'to confirm' he has a daughter meaning he already KNOWS Payton is his. This made me a little mad.
I tapped my left black flat on the desk in front of me as we waited for Dr. Trohman and Robert to walk in. 10 minutes later they did just that and behind them were Vivian and Bob. I sighed in annoyance. Who does this boy think he is? Honestly, must he bring a posse everywhere he goes?
Dr. Trohman took a seat next to Robert and they both talked amongst themselves for a second before they turned to face us.
"The results are in." Robert started and Patrick's breath hitched in his throat.
"Patrick, you are Payton's Biological father." Dr. Trohman finished he kept talking but I was too busy watching the emotions on Patrick's face to hear him.
The very second 'you are the father.' left Trohman’s mouth Patrick seemed to exhale the breath he was holding as if a linebacker had just tackled him down. His face fell in anguish but only for a second before a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He got this dumbfounded deer caught in headlights look that every parent gets when they find out they are about to become parents.
"I'm a father." He said softly to himself
"I want a recount." Pete grumbled lowly but Patrick ignored him and kept talking.
"Pete, I'm someone’s daddy..." Patrick trailed off subject as he looked to his best friend who had a mixture of shock and confusion on his face.
Noticing no one was listening to them caused both doctors in front of us to stop their talking and look over at us.
"I have a the baby..." Patrick had now gone through all the stages of finding out you’re parent. Dr. Trohman leaned a hand over patting Patrick on the shoulder.
"Yes, congratulations son. Now I think my services here are done." And with that he got up and walked out.
Patrick didn't even flinch he was still trying to fully comprehend this whole dad thing. I was unfazed by this all. Its as if I were watching it from above the room instead of my seat next to Patrick. They called them out of body experiences I guess. That's what this felt like. I was brought back to the room though when Robert spoke to Patrick and I.
"So we can start Payton on radiation to get rid of what little bone marrow she has left today. This should take 2 days and we can insert Patrick's bone marrow on the 18th but we can wait until another day whatever’s ok with you Andrea." Robert looked at me expectantly.
"Why is it up to her what day it is? Why can't you do it on the 18th, the sooner the better right?" Patrick asked and Pete nodded
"Well the 18th is Andrea's Birthday but like I said its up to her."
"No its fine Robert. The sooner the better." He nodded at me and went to set up everything to be done A.S.A.P. I was about to get up and walk out to see Payton when I was stopped by Vivian.
"Andrea there are still some matters we'd like to discuss with you." I looked at her like if she were nuts and that's when Bob spoke up.
"Its just the legalities, custody, support, and all that." I looked over at Patrick who was now standing next to me.
"I told you already all I want is your marrow, then you can disappear for all I care."
"That’s not going to happen. I'm not just going to walk away and leave her."
"She's my responsibility Patrick."
"No see that's where you’re wrong she's OUR responsibility."
"A piece of paper doesn't give you a right to come here demanding all this-"
"No you see that's exactly what that paper is telling me. She's MY daughter too and if you won't let me be with her then I'll sue you for full custody."
"You wouldn't FUCKING dare. The courts are on my side Patrick. They'd laugh in your face." Patrick let out a defeated sigh and rubbed his hand over his face before pacing.
"Andie please, I just- I just want to help. Let me take care of the hospital bills at least, let me be there for her. I've already missed out on more then 2 years of watching her grow."
"She's 16 months Patrick"
"I know that but she was growing inside you for 9 months and I completely missed that. I missed her birth, her first steps, her first word. I want to be there to watch her grow now, I want her to have my name please don’t take this from me."
I looked at Patrick and he actually seemed sincere about all of this. I wanted to trust him, I did, but something inside me wouldn't let me. I couldn't just welcome all of this change-of-heart-be-in-your-life crap.
I had to get out of there.
I threw open the office door and stepped out. Patrick and his posse followed
"Andrea I want to see her." Patrick yelled.
I stopped and turned to him
"Fine Patrick. See her. I can't keep her from you, you said it yourself. But all this other crap with the documents and the papers and 'legalities' I can't do that right now. I can't. Payton doesn't even know you. None of my family or friends know your her father yet and god knows how I'm going to explain this to them. You just want all this crap and I just can't take it right now. Later. Maybe. Just not right now. Right now I just want to focus on getting her this transplant so that she can live until her second birthday. After that we can fight about all this all you want."
"But the sooner we-" Vivian interjected.
"Later!" Patrick hissed at Vivian and then followed me to Payton's room.
Outside in the waiting room there were a few people. Mostly Patrick's people just waiting around for results I guess.
Its funny that they've been around the hospital a few days and only 3 of them have actually bothered LOOKING at Payton. I just ignored everyone and walked into the room where Joey, my mother Tina, and brother Danny were hanging out with the baby.
Joey was talking to my mom and brother about something or the other and as soon as I walked in they all quieted down and looked at me.
"Mom when did you get here?" I asked sitting next to her, exhausted.
"Acabo de llegar" She responded.
"Oh. Mom there's something I have to tell you."
"Ahora que nena?"
"El papa de Payton esta aqui."
"What do you mean he's here?" My brother interjected walking up to face me.
"He's here in the hospital." I shrugged silently.
"What the fuck? When did you talk to him? Where did you find him? Where is he! Ill kill him!" My brother handed over Payton to Joey and he began to walk towards the door.
"Danny! You don't even know who he is." I rolled my eyes at my brothers temper and my mom spoke up again walking to stand in front of me as well.
"Calmate nene. And you, how is it that he all of a sudden shows up?" She now demanded herself.
"I heard he was in town and I had some friends find out his information so I went to see him."
My mom gave me a look.
"He was my only shot at keeping her alive ma."
She sighed and then Pete and Patrick walked in the door.
"Sorry to interrupt." Patrick stated closing the door behind him. I just sighed and looked over at Joey. She had been quiet the whole time and now she looked a little scared and amused all at the same time.
I guess its now or never.
"Oh. This should be pretty." Joey trailed off.
Before I could make any proper introductions my brother spoke up.
"Aren't you 2 in Fall Out Boy?" Danny softly whispered.
My mom looked over at the 2 and slightly recognized them from videos Danny and I would watch. Patrick and Pete looked over at him with a bit of confusion and a bit of fear. My brother was no joke. He was only 5'6, but 200 pounds of pure muscle thanks to many years of baseball. Patrick swallowed hard and extended his hand.
"Uh yea I'm Patrick Stump this is Pete Wentz and you are?"
"Daniel Sanchez. The little sick person is my sister’s daughter Payton. That's so great of you guys to visit kids in hospitals like this."
Patrick once again swallowed hard and he and Pete swallowed hard before I finally stepped up to him.
"Danny. He's not here to visit sick kids. Well not all of them just Payton." I added.
"Oh really? You know him sis?" Danny questioned confused.
"I guess you can say that." My brother looked at me in confusion and then I saw a flicker in his eyes. He looked back at Joey holding Payton and then at Patrick.
"You’re kidding right?" He sat down looking into my eyes. My mom just looked confused
"This is him. This is the guy you slept with and then he was gone. He's Payton's dad?" My brother asked in almost disbelief.
I didn't answer him only looked down in I guess shame? Maybe I don't know what I felt.
"I'll fucking kill you!" My brother lunged out of nowhere and right before he could strangle Patrick Joey who got over in record time stepped in between Patrick's face and my brothers fist and while she and I pushed him away.
My mother yelled as she came to stand by the group of us.
"Que te calles te dije!" She yelled as he tried to protest.
She then turned to Patrick and although my mother stood 5'0 and was way smaller than Danny she seemed to strike fear into Patrick's heart as only a true mother can do.
"What do you want?" She asked in her thick Spanish accent.
"I just want to see my daughter, that's all. I want to help. I want to be in her life."
Patrick pleaded his case to her as if she were a Supreme Court justice
"For more than 2 years I watched her struggle with that baby. I don't know you I don't know what you and her did or what happened but I do know that there is a little girl now who needs her father, so if that's what your hear to be than fine. But if your just here to play with my family-"
"I assure you Mrs. Sanchez that all I want is to be there for my daughter. To watch her grow up."
My mother looked Patrick in the eye and then turned to my brother.
"Vamonos Danny. Y tu," she pointed at me, "Hablamos despues."
My brother walked out behind my mother bitterly mumbling under his breath. I knew he wanted more than anything to beat Patrick down to a pulp but what mami says goes in our house. As soon as the door closed Patrick let out a breath and collapsed on the chair.
Pete just looked like he had seen a ghost and Joey who was breathing hard looked at me and spoke.
"Well that wasn't intense. I thought there would surely be blood...." she pointed to Patrick, "you sir Are one lucky man. He's given people concussions for doing less to her. "
With that Joey said her goodbyes and walked out the door following Pete.
I walked over to Payton and Patrick followed stopping inches away from me.
"Hummingbird look who came to visit." Payton stood up on the bed. And leaned forward to look over my shoulder and look at Patrick.
"Say hi to baby" I said and she just eyed him. After a second she waved and shied back into my shoulder blushing.
I picked her up and brought her around to face Patrick.
Suddenly I was paged and I didn't know why. I then remembered I was on call and groaned. I picked up the phone in Payton's room and then pulled out my Sidekick.
"What's wrong?" Patrick asked.
"I'm calling the front desk and then texting Joey to come back here to watch her."
"I'll do it."
I was too busy in my own world talking to the front desk and texting as fast as my fingers would let me. When I hung up with the front desk I turned red but Patrick kept saying the same thing over and over.
"I'll do it." Patrick said for the 15th time.
"What?" I trailed off.
Patrick pulled my Sidekick out of my hand and this stunned me.
"I'll do it." Patrick said as our eyes met.
"First of all; thank you, I'll be right back. And lastly touch my phone again;" I said taking my phone away from him, "I'll pound on you. Capish?"
"Yea." He said and I turned to Payton
"Hummingbird ven paca por favor." I said kissing her on the forehead, "I need to go to work por unos minutos ok. Pero- no baby, don't start wining. I'll-"
"patra?" Payton stated in broken Spanish as she handed me her binky.
"Que si. I can't leave you. Ever. Ok. You'll stay here with your daddy alright?"
Payton looked around my body and at Patrick who was just sitting there intently. She then looked back at me and took her binky back. She wasn't talking to me anymore. I rolled my eyes and walked out the room.
"You. Come here." I said softly to Patrick as I was paged again.
"If she gives you any trouble just hit the nurses button. They'll come in and you can leave."
"Why would I leave?"
"I don't know. Fear? I'll be back."
Before I knew it I was kissing Payton one more time and running out her room before I was fired. I got to the nurses station and was just standing there.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"We got a cake for you." Grace and Shannon said at the same time.
They opened the box and it was shaped like an envelope and it said "You ARE the Father." I couldn't stop laughing.
"You guys are so sweet!" I said giving them both hugs.
"Plus." Shannon started.
"We saw you walk in with him and figured that maybe he should spend 15 minutes with her alone you know." Grace stated.
"I understand."
"And its chocolate cake." Dorian said as he walked around the corner.
"Chocolate is the best kind."
Meanwhile Patrick was sitting in front of Payton and touched her hair. She turned around and looked at him then smiled still holding her binky between her teeth.
"Hi." Payton stated then scratching her arm.
"Hello." Patrick responded.
Payton then took her binky out of her mouth and gave it to Patrick.
"Uhhm, thanx kid." Patrick said softly,
"so can you speak?"
"What can you say?"
As Patrick sat there Payton went off on this ½ Spanish, ½ English rant about her mommy, uncle and nana. This was all completely foreign to Patrick.
But he made the best of the situation by responding 'Really', 'Seriously', 'And then...' just random words. Payton then yawned and looked back at him. She took away her binky put it in her mouth and yawned again. She stood up grabbed something off the shelf and closed her eyes.
"Uhh, kid?" Patrick asked.
Payton was already knocked out. It had been a long day for us all. Patrick pulled the black and purple fleece throw on her and walked out the room.
"Can we leave now?" Pete asked.
"What?" Patrick said with the biggest smile on his face.
"That's what we call, The Hummingbird Effect." I said softly as I sat down 2 chairs over from Pete.
"She was talking to me and I didn't know what she was saying parts of it was gibberish and other parts were Spanish I think. But she gave me her binky. No! I did make something out. Mommy cried when BamBam and Joey go but she squeeze me when mean man go'. What was she trying to tell me?"
"Just jumbles I guess.”
“hum, how long has she been speaking? I mean I didn’t think kids her age can talk. She was speaking complete sentences in 2 languages!” Patrick was amazed and I just shrugged
“I’ve been reading books, novels, poems, and pretty much anything to her since she was a newborn. I never did the whole baby talk thing. Her first word was at 9 months and I’ve been helping her with pronunciation ever since. The Spanish is courtesy of my mother who speaks only that around the house. You guys can go. I'm off for the rest of the night."
Pete sat there and itched in his seat. He knew this kid was Patrick's but he couldn't bear loosing his best friend to this extreme minor female. He was trying hard to hate everyone but he couldn't.
"Can I go see her?" Pete asked.
"I don't know how entertaining she'd be but half asleep but sure." I responded.
Patrick and I sat there and sighed.
"I remember that one night with you." Patrick said barely above a whisper leaning forward in his seat with his hands intertwined in each other.
"You do?"
"Yea.” He sighed
“You left before I woke up." I said looking over at him
"the way I saw it then, leave before they wake up or do the walk of shame.” He said turning his downcast eyes to look at me. He seemed sad then
“I prefer the latter." I said simply
"So did we not use protection?" he asked suddenly. His eyes were burning into mine and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it at all. I let out an exasperated sigh and moved around in my chair trying to hide from his gaze.
"I don't know, I can’t remember. I've been so stressed about her and what not those random things have been deleted out of my memory."
"I want to apologize again if I had known I-"
"Please. Don’t. I just ask. Keep Vivian off of me until I can get my own lawyers involved and figure all of this out in my head. "
"alright but were going to have to get them involved eventually"
“or you can just give me half of what you got now and we can call it even”
“What?” he looked at me with a hint of confusion and a ‘oh no she is a gold digger’ look
"I'm kidding. It’s called a joke."
"Oh. Ha ha? I just. I have a daughter. I'm happy about this."
"As you should be."
"Why are you being nice to me?" he asked looking up at me I sighed
"Would you like for me to hate you?"
"Well no but I'm just wondering why. I mean I know my friends and family haven't made this easy on you. I haven’t made this easy on you. But you are always so….. nice."
"Well I'm a nurse and a mother it’s in my nature."
"That's it?"
"Well that and the fact that you are the father of my child and I don't believe in holding grudges, I never have. We were young and stupid back then and it feels like an eternity ago. I'm a different person now. It seems pointless to hate you it wont change anything so it’s better to have you on my side on this.”
"I wanna help."
"Be there for her-"
"No. Well that too. But I want to help you too. How are you taking care of the hospital bills?"
"Her godfather."
"What who’s her godfather?"
"Oh yea. Joey's baby's father does it."
"How? Aren't the bills hundreds of thousands of dollars?"
"Yea but that’s what happens when you donate 5 million dollars to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. They give you anything you want just so you’ll donate 5million more."
"So. Wait. He donated 5 million and they took care of her expenses? How does that work? Expand my horizons."
"Well there are different levels of donation. You know from that $1 that kid gives, who’s parents want him to learn that there's people out there needier then you. Then there's that school drive, like the one Lane Tech did when they heard about Payton. Then there's that Last Will and Testament some old guy gives because his family is Greedy. And then there's Payton's godfather. Payton is John's Selfishness and all he asked when he gave this money was that they take care of her"
"I've heard that somewhere. The selfishness thing"
"Its common."
"No. Not the way you said it."
I then heard a squeal and looked through the glass of Payton's room. Pete was having the time of his life with a ½ asleep 16 month old.
"That is The Hummingbird Effect in motion." I said laughing,
"God I love my kid."
"She’s gonna be fine right? With this transplant shell be ok after right?" I turned to him and he had a somber look in his eyes. He was sincerely scared that he’d loose the little girl he’d just discovered he had.
"Yea I think she is, she’s a strong one. I pray for her every night. Shell be fine"
Patrick didn't say a word to me but smiled.
"So where is this thing for this $5 Million Dollar donator?" Patrick asked.
"You're standing on it."
Patrick moved and the marble tile that was engraved under his feet he stooped down to read.
"Why did he put that?" Patrick asked.
"I don't know. He's a random person. That’s the only way to describe john”
Patrick read over the words again 'If we don't stand up for Children. Then we don't stand up for much. For Payton Care of Joey Sebastian and J.C. Mayer.’
Pete exited the room pouting and Patrick gave him a look.
"She fell asleep." Pete grumbled.
"Yea its 1015p past her bedtime." I responded.
"What's with these guys?" Pete said holding out something of his likeness to me along with Andy and Joe.
"Her godfather brought them for her. She digs the band. He thought it would be funny"
"Yea?" They both said at the same time. They were giving me surprised looks
"what? I let her listen to you. I'm her mother. Not a monster." I responded.
Pete's phone rang and they forgot they had a show tomorrow some random place around the Chicago land area it was all over the radio. Andy and Joe were already at the venue waiting for the other 2 to get there for a late sound check due to this whole ordeal with me and the baby.
"We're playing a festival in Florida after this show. But I'll be back in 2 days."
"That's a day before her operation. Ok. Yea. Yes. I'll see you guys later."
With that said Patrick went to go kiss his daughter and I was standing behind him.
"Hey that's me." Patrick said laughing as Payton held on to his miniature form as she slept.
"Yea..." I trailed off rolling my eyes, "she can't go to sleep with out her ‘Patty Cakes’. I don't see why. I tell her shes going to poke herself one day but she wont listen she insists. Oh, Pete, give me."
I ripped Pete's likeness and Joe and Andy out of his hand and put them in a little nook Payton has next to her then I turned to face the 2 men.
"so I guess I'll see you?"
"Yea 2 days." I nodded Peterick made and exit. I collasped onto the other bed following Payton into dream land. The next 2 days are going to be tough.

ok i know what your thinking... I've gone soft! just like that she forgot all he did and what not but thats not it and if any of you have kids you'll know that you will do anything to make them happy. so yea. that explains the treatment. but no worries more drama to come kiddies. you trust me.
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