Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Twisted Timeline

Chapter 19: Showdown

by madnesspersonified 5 reviews

Much to his displeasure, Harry is thrown back through time into his six year old body. As a result, Harry decides to contort the timeline, purely for his own amusement.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-03-09 - Updated: 2008-03-09 - 5359 words - Complete

This chapter may be a bit disturbing in places to some readers. You have been warned.

Chapter 19: Showdown.

Voldemort stepped from the crypt and calmly walked forward. Seconds later he turned to his Death Eaters, who were on their knees, bowing before him. With no emotion on his face whatsoever, Voldemort stood straight, surveying the Death Eaters through his chilling slit like red eyes.

“Rise,” ordered Voldemort softly and the Death Eaters did as they told, bringing themselves to their feet, as Voldemort turned slightly, not even bothering to acknowledge Harry, at least not at the moment.

Harry bent his head slightly to get a better look around. The chains were made of solid platinum as Bellatrix indicated. They could not be magically unlocked, melted, broken, or damaged in any way magically whatsoever. The most powerful blasting spell he could muster didn’t even place a scratch on the metal. He could not break through the chains and with no way to contact anyone, there appeared to be no way out for the foreseeable future.

“My return tonight could not have been possible without the sacrifice of Peter Pettigrew. No matter how much his actions were motivated by cowardice and a desire for power, without him our campaign would not be moved forward, so I request one minute of silence in the memory of Peter Pettigrew,” said Voldemort calmly and the Death Eaters bowed their heads at the order of the Dark Lord. After exactly fifty nine seconds, Voldemort broke the silence. “And that moment has passed. It would be foolish to remain enamored with the past but rather we look towards a brand new future.”

The Death Eaters cheered but Voldemort offered no indication that he had heard them, but rather his expression remained rather stoic.

“A decade previous my power had been broken, not due to the skill, determination, or power of those who oppose us, but rather by a previously unheard of magical phenomenon,” continued Voldemort. “I had come to kill young Harry Potter on that night. His parents, foolishly, had attempted to defy me and they fell like many others have. Then, the Killing Curse, the one foolproof way of disposing of any living being, something that comes as naturally to me as drawing breath, was rebounded back towards me when I had attempted to dispose of Harry Potter. I must admit, my friends, there was a small window of opportunity where escape may have been possible but I stood transfixed, drawn by natural curiosity, wondering exactly how this could have occurred, what made this one small child special enough to rebound my own magic against me. The curiosity was my downfall and my body was obliterated, but my spirit remained intact, as throughout the years I had became much more then a mere human and thus had succeeded in obtaining immorality.”

Voldemort only paused long enough to draw breath.

“For many years, I had pondered what could have happened and the answer, I reasoned, was locked inside the boy’s blood,” concluded Voldemort. “In addition to having the power that I once held, I now also have obtained the power of the one who has defeated me and I stand before you on this evening, reborn, more powerful than I have ever been previously.”

The Death Eaters cheered and Voldemort allowed them to have their moment of fun, but did not smile, not for the briefest instant as he turned his head slowly towards Harry.

“And, I would be remiss if I didn’t also recognize young Harry’s presence, because his blood was as crucial as Wormtail’s sacrifice,” continued Voldemort as he turned to a quartet of Death Eaters. “Remove him from his restraints, I wish to speak to him face to face.”

The group of Death Eaters walked over towards Harry. Harry was sorely disappointed that they were smart enough to take his wand before they went to work, each removing a key, which they placed in the lock holes and the platinum shackles unsnapped. Harry was roughly pulled up by the arms by two of the Death Eaters, as he stared right in Voldemort’s face.

“Hello Harry,” said Voldemort softly. “It has been a long time since we have last met.”

Harry just fixed his face into a fearful expression, masking the hatred that he had for Voldemort. A problem also reared its head. Harry had been spending years preparing for the time where he would have to face against Voldemort but he was missing one important element. With all of his planning, Harry still did not know exactly how he was going to finish him off for good.

“Do not worry, Harry, I am not going to kill you,” remarked Voldemort. “I wish to speak to you and you will not do me any good dead.”

“What do you want to talk to me about?” asked Harry, hoping that his voice sounded childish and innocent enough that Voldemort would not be expecting Harry to strike, when he had a workable plan to strike that is.

“We are quite similar Harry,” said Voldemort softly. “Orphaned at a very young age, forced to live with those did not understand us at all. Forced to take actions to rectify matters out of their control. You may argue, rightfully so, that I killed your parents. It was an unfortunate necessity, they were to the point of no return, they would have followed Dumbledore blindly to their deaths even if I did not have a hand with them. You may also assume it is your duty to fight me.”

“Well, the prophecy does indicate that I might have to,” replied Harry and he had said the magic word that had grabbed Voldemort’s attention.

“If you know the prophecy, then it would be for the benefit of all for you to tell me it, to put us on equal ground,” prompted Voldemort quietly.

“The prophecy, talks about the one that will defeat the dark lord will be born to those who thrice defied him, which is the part you know, correct,” answered Harry and Voldemort gave a calm nod, to confirm what the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Meddle-With-Time had said. “The next part states, the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal and as long as the Marked One lives, the Dark Lord’s immorality will be secured. Should the Marked One perish, than the Dark Lord can be destroyed.”

Voldemort stared right into the boy’s eyes, to determine the truth of his words. After about a minute of intense, but subtle searching, Voldemort found no hint of deception. No wizard could protect his mind well enough to fool Lord Voldemort and certainly no eleven year old child could as well. With the fact that Potter was telling the truth all too evident, it was of uttermost importance to bring the boy over to his side.

“Very well Harry, that confirms a suspicion of mine of why Dumbledore would put his savior in the hands of Muggles who would most likely despise you,” remarked Voldemort. “The Muggles be susceptible to partake in abusive actions that would wear your assertiveness down. You would gladly embrace Dumbledore and blindly follow his actions. He would use you to run a fools errand, a suicide mission against myself, which he would plan to lead to both of our demises, all for the greater good, I’m sure.”

“You think,” replied Harry, in a mostly childish tone, but the mental intent of the message had been rather sarcastic in nature.

“It is a reason why I am offering you a chance at power that none your age could not even begin to comprehend,” continued Voldemort. “Yes, Harry, I am offering you a place right beside me.”

“You want me to join you?” asked Harry in astonishment.

“I assure you I did not make this offer on a whim, and I had came to the conclusion that it would be a grievous crime to squander power such as yours, Harry Potter,” said Voldemort softly, as her peered right into Harry’s eyes. “By my side, you would learn magic beyond your wildest dreams, magic beyond the comprehension of the population at large. You would be my most trusted follower.”

“My lord, I thought I was your most trusted follower!” whined Bellatrix childishly, causing several Death Eaters to look at her like she was insane at her sudden outburst, interrupting the Dark Lord.

“Be silent, Bella,” ordered Voldemort shortly as he turned away, ignoring Bellatrix pouting at the thought of someone else being higher on the Death Eater food chain then here. “I not only offer you this training, but I also offer training to your guardian, the feared and legendary Boss Barone. He has already succeeded in bringing the Ministry to a standstill before. By my side, he would be untouchable, in both the Magical and Muggle world.”

Harry looked at Voldemort, hoping his face held an awestruck look, as he began to run over his escape plan in his mind, it was a one in a million shot to work, but right now, those sounded like pretty damn good odds.

“I can give you all you desire Harry Potter should you join me but if you refuse me, I can take all that you already have,” said Voldemort in a chilling tone, that caused the hairs of Harry’s neck to stand up, as the Death Eaters shifted Harry’s position slightly, as Voldemort turned. “The prophecy indicates that it would serve you well to join me. So take you rightful place beside me, Harry Potter. Kneel down before Lord Voldemort.”

“So, you want me to join you,” repeated Harry slowly and Voldemort didn’t show any emotion other than a stiff, cold nod. “I must admit that your offer does some intriguing and I’m tempted, but I’m going to have to pass.”

At that instant, in an extremely sophisticated and revolutionary maneuver, Harry struck one of the Death Eaters in the face with his elbow. The other Death Eater was subdued, when Harry skillfully drove his knee right into his groin, before Harry ducked and dodged, before he snatched up his wand.

After dinner, Hermione looked around; she would have thought that Harry would have returned to Hogwarts in good spirits, having finally gotten his revenge on Snape. While Harry hadn’t been all that specific why he hated Snape so much, Hermione gathered that it was rather important but she wished Harry would not have been barging into Hogsmeade alone.

Now, with Harry gone for over an hour, Hermione feared that he had overestimated his abilities and something might have happened. Quickly, she moved to find the first trustworthy adult and while Sirius loosely fitted the definition of “adult” he would have to do.

“Sirius, have you see Harry lately?” asked Hermione in a frantic voice.

“No, I can’t say I have seen him, not since Lunch at any rate,” responded Sirius with a frown. “I’d thought he would be with you.”

“No, I haven’t seen him since…” stated Hermione slowly. “Well, let’s just say that Harry may have heard about a certain escaped fugitive being in Hogsmeade, so he decided to investigate.”

“Harry didn’t go after Snape, did he Hermione?” asked Remus, who had just walked off. “You just let him go…”

“You know how Harry is, he would have stunned all of us if he tried to stop him, he wanted to deal with Snape personally before he was brought in and I didn’t see which way he went either,” said Hermione in a irritated tone. “He could have taken any of the secret passages into Hogsmeade after he left that corridor.”

A horrid realization just reached Hermione.

“It was a trap, Snape had to have been working on behalf for someone else, whomever broke him out of Azkaban,” voiced Hermione.

“Very astute observation Miss Granger,” remarked a calm voice and all three joined to see Flamel standing there. “Rumors of Snape being sighted in Hogsmeade had just reached me and I was hoping to catch Mr. Potter in time. Vengeance is a rather unfortunate emotion, makes fools out of the most rational of us, and sadly, my inability to get to Harry in time most likely gave him the opportunity to reach Hogsmeade.”

“Yes, the way Harry was talking about Snape, he might be more reckless than normally, but I think Harry might have taken some type of precaution,” said Hermione, who didn’t sound as certain as she normally did. “But you don’t think that we might be able to find something that might shed more light on the situation in Hogsmeade.”

“Excellent idea Hermione, perhaps if Professor Flamel would join us, the three of us could go to Hogsmeade to have a look around, so Hermione if you excuse us, we’ll be off right now” said Remus evenly.

“Now wait a minute, I’m not going to stand here when Harry could be in danger,” challenged Hermione and as Remus opened his mouth to protest, Flamel raised his hand.

“Allow her to come, she may be privy to information regarding young Mr. Potter that you may not know that may shed some light on what happened to him,” said Flamel firmly and without another word, Hermione joined Sirius, Remus, and Flamel as they made their way to Hogsmeade.

“My Lord, the boy, he’ll get away!” yelled one of the Death Eaters before a loud crack echoed through the field once Harry’s spell connected with his opponent’s skull.

“Be still, I am well aware of the situation,” said Voldemort calmly as Harry vainly tried to disapparate, but Voldemort had enchanted the area around them to prevent this elementary means of escape.

The good news was that even Voldemort had limitations on how far he could extend this anti-apparation field when dealing with an area outside. The bad news was it was very difficult to locate where the enchantments ended when he was being cursed at from every direction. It was only sheer luck that Harry managed to avoid being struck.

Harry moved forward, towards a hill, reasoning that he could lose them there, but Voldemort merged with the dark shadows in the field before he reappeared right in front of Harry.

“Guess I couldn’t leave without incident could I…Riddle,” said Harry smoothly but even the use of his real name did not cause Voldemort to react with anything other than indifference.

“At one time that name could have been used to taunt me, to stir emotions of anger, but all my humanity has been stripped, in exchange for the power that the ritual has given for this new body,” responded Voldemort coolly. “I must acknowledge that it is quite interesting that you know this, but it does not change the fact that you will join me one way or another. CRUCIO!”

The pain was more intense then Harry had remembered. His body felt as if it was being assaulted by a thousand flaming knives at once, the pain had given Harry the need to claw out his own eyes, just to take his mind off. It seemed to last for hours, but really Voldemort had only held him under for less than ten seconds as he released the curse.

“Respect is a virtue, one that you will learn, beside me, so after that lesson, I must ask you to join me once again, my offer remains the same as before,” said Voldemort as he stared down at Harry, who just barely managed to get to his feet amongst all of the pain.

“Drop dead,” muttered Harry, the gloves were off as far as Harry was concerned with the first Unforgivable and Harry withdrew his secret weapon.

A loud bang and a bullet impacted right into the chest of Voldemort. Harry looked up and Voldemort didn’t seem injured, but rather unimpressed, as he waved his wand, pulling the bullet out of his chest, slightly ripping his robe in the process. Before his eyes, Harry saw a bloody wound right where the bullet had impacted but seconds later, the skin had magically healed itself, leaving no indication that Voldemort had ever been shot at all.

With a wave of his wand, Voldemort removed the gun out of Harry’s hand, causing it to crumble into dust with a second wave.

“Now do you have any more toys I need to take away, Harry?” asked Voldemort calmly. “Or can we proceed with our business like wizards, instead of bringing Muggle trivialities into this?”

“If a duel is what you want Riddle, then you’ve got one,” responded Harry calmly.

“Potter, I believe you may be making a bit of an error in judgment,” said Voldemort as the Death Eaters watched intently. “It would be best for both of us if you joined me.”

“No, actually it’d be best for you, Riddle,” argued Harry. “Let’s face it, you just want another warm body that you can throw out there against your enemies, another wand to fight your battles for you, while you sit back and be feared by all.”

“Merely your opinion Potter and I would highly recommend you not put it across as fact,” said Voldemort.

“Oh, but I got one fact, I blasted you out of your body when I was one, what do you think I can do to you now?” asked Harry. “You want me to join because you know you can’t beat me.”

“Yes, but according the prophecy as long as I live, I cannot die,” challenged Voldemort calmly.

“True, but the one thing that I did agree with that Dumbledore said, that there are things way worse than death,” said Harry, who couldn’t believe his luck how Voldemort was taking his slightly embellished version of the prophecy as the gospel truth. “In fact, considering your twisted ideals of blood purity, you should be the one bowing down to me.”

“What do mean by that Potter?” hissed Voldemort in disgust, showing the slightest hint of anger for the first time and Harry was pleased, there was still some humanity left in Voldemort, no matter how many rituals he went under to try to eliminate it. Now all Harry had to do was bait Voldemort into a formal duel.

“Well my mother was a witch, Muggleborn yes, but still a witch and my father was a wizard,” responded Harry smugly. “While your mother was a pureblood, your father was nothing but a simple Muggle, not a drop of magic in him. So guess what Riddle, my linage is purer than yours. So, you should be the one bowing down before me.”

The Death Eaters sounded angered at the blatant lies that Harry Potter was spreading about their Master. To say that the Dark Lord’s father was a Muggle, Potter had crossed the line.

“Bow Potter,” ordered Voldemort stiffly and Harry gave a mocking little bow, as Voldemort did the same.

In an instant, Harry sent a bludgeoning curse right at Voldemort’s head in mid bow. Voldemort wasn’t going to fight fair, so why should Harry? Voldemort was caught off surprise, but he managed to avoid the brunt of the curse. By the time Voldemort had regained his dueling position, Harry whipped around and shot thick ropes from his wand. Voldemort flicked his wrist and the ropes burst into flames, utterly destroyed before they even made it halfway towards Voldemort.

Harry attempted to find cover but once again, Voldemort morphed into the shadows, before he appeared right in front of Harry and a sent a jet of black light towards Harry.

“PROTEGO!” shouted Harry, giving the shield a little extra power by verbalizing his spell and Voldemort’s attack had sliced completely through the shield, causing Harry’s heels to drag into the ground as he was pushed back about thirty feet, before the black light completely faded and Harry collapsed, slightly weakened but he had to pull himself up to his feet.

“Imperio,” said Voldemort and Harry felt a light headed feeling come up, as the Imperius Curse washed over him, his mind becoming blissfully blank. “Join me Harry.”

“No,” responded Harry weakly.

“Bow down to me, admit that you were mistaken in challenging me,” said Voldemort with a little more force as Harry felt his spine bend slightly, but he struggled, he would not be forced into submission by Voldemort.

“I will not,” said Harry.

“Don’t fight it Harry, admit the truth, embrace reality,” said Voldemort in his most forceful voice yet, as every bit of Harry’s will power was tested. “Bow to me, bow before Lord Voldemort.”

“I WON’T!” shouted Harry and a large of wall of fire burst from Harry’s wand right towards Voldemort. A couple Death Eaters who were unfortunate enough to be in the path lit up like Roman Candles and seconds later, they were reduced to nothing but ashes.

The smoke began to clear and Harry hoped that his little burst of accidental magic had barbequed Voldemort to an early grave, but much to his horror, Voldemort calmly walked forward, his robes completely burned off and his body only covered in third degree burns. Seconds later, the burns healed, leaving no trace of injury and Harry shuddered as he saw far more of Voldemort than he ever wanted to.

“I must say impressive Potter, you came closer than expected to injuring me,” responded Voldemort in a bored voice, as he had the decency to wave his wand and conjure a robe to cover himself up. “Magic such as that should not be allowed to go to waste and all will be forgiven, you will still be allowed to join me, just kneel down and accept the truth, Harry.”

“You know, Riddle, it seems to me you have a perverse desire to have eleven year old boys kneel down before you,” responded Harry coolly, unable to help himself, his younger self needing to share this observation with Voldemort, despite the objections of his older self to keep it quiet. “Perhaps it is a problem you should devote more time to, get some professional help, perhaps you might find a hobby beyond attempting to take over the Wizarding World.”

“Potter you are insane for mocking the Dark Lord like that,” muttered Bellatrix in a rational tone but Voldemort paid her no mind.

“It appears that I still have a few lessons that you need to be taught Harry,” said Voldemort softly. “Crucio.”

This time Harry was ready, he summoned an unfortunate Death Eater towards him. A human body wasn’t meant to be summoned so naturally, several bones were broken as the Death Eater was in front of Harry, suffering the full brunt of Voldemort’s attack, screaming out in utter agony despite being only under the curse for a few seconds.

“I am surprised at the cowardice showed by you, by using someone else as a shield,” declared Voldemort calmly.

“Toe-may-toe, Toe-mah-toe, Riddle what you may call cowardice, I call smart and oh by the way, CATCH!” shouted Harry as he used the Death Eater as a projectile, throwing him straight at Voldemort.

Voldemort slashed his wand, ripping the Death Eater in half before he could connect, reasoning that he was no one important. Blood splattered everywhere as the nameless, faceless Death Eater met his demise.

At Hogsmeade, Flamel, Sirius, Remus, and Hermione walked around. The village wasn’t all that busy at this moment, which made it ideal to have a look around.

“Do you notice anything peculiar?” asked Sirius as he pointed to the doors of the Hog’s Head, which were halfway open.

“Yes, for a place that has been condemned for years, it does bare investigating considering the fact that it appears to have been recently visited,” said Flamel. “It may be a good idea to have our wands ready, as there is a good chance that Snape may yet still be inside.”

With that the group walked inside, Hermione looking the most anxious, as there appeared to be no sign that Harry had ever visited Hogsmeade.

Sirius stopped and his eyes widened in surprise as he looked down at the figure slumped against the wall, his eyes completely blank and drool hanging from his mouth

“Well, Snape is here, Headmaster Flamel,” said Sirius as he looked at his long time enemy, in his blank eyes. “Physically at least, mentally is a whole other matter entirely”

Flamel stepped back, it took a lot to shock him at his age, but he had never seen anything like what had happened with Snape. Bending down, Flamel decided to take a peek into Snape’s mind and he recoiled in horror.

“Snape’s mind looks like an equivalent of a city struck by a hurricane, a tornado, an earthquake, a tsunami, and a nuclear missile all simultaneously,” said Flamel darkly.

“It’s really that bad,” said Remus seriously.

“Perhaps worse, I’ve been known to understate the matter but it really doesn’t matter, as Snape’s brain is beyond all repair,” said Flamel. “Plus, it appears that young Mr. Potter’s trail has run cold as he is not here.”

“But if Snape didn’t have anything to do with Harry coming back, then that means…” stated Hermione.

“Indeed, then someone else is behind this,” said Flamel.

“It couldn’t be him, could it?” asked Sirius quietly.

“It’s highly likely, and as much as I loathe getting the Ministry involved, they may like to know that the Boy-Who-Lived is currently missing,” remarked Flamel. “Not that they can do much but at least they should know.”

A net whizzed through the air in an attempt to trap Voldemort but Voldemort calmly shredded the net, as Harry leaned forward, breathing heavily. Fatigue was beginning to set in. His limits when he was eleven were much more then when he was six but at the same time they were not even a fraction of what was necessary to fight Voldemort. Voldemort was more powerful than Harry had ever remembered him and as an overage wizard in the other timeline, Harry had to admit that he could barely hold his own on his best day.

“I can see it, Harry, you’re becoming fatigued, the strain of performing magic is getting to you, it is much more then anyone your age should overtake,” remarked Voldemort as he stood there. “In the end, no matter what, your best shot isn’t strong enough to…”

Harry slashed his wand, sending a black light through the air right at Voldemort and Voldemort staggered, his cheek cut open, blood dripping down from it as Harry’s knees buckled and he collapsed to the ground, as Voldemort placed his hand on his cheek, as it didn’t seem to be healing as quickly as his previous injuries had.

Voldemort turned as Harry pulled himself up, the wound slowly closing but a chilling expression was etched upon Voldemort’s face. Harry stepped back, as the ground shook, Voldemort enraged that a mere eleven year old boy made him taste his own blood.

Harry suddenly felt himself struck in the face by a force that was similar to being punched in the face by a hand made of solid steel. Just after he skidded to the ground, Harry was ripped from the ground and flung around by a raw burst of power by Voldemort. Harry smashed right to the ground, nearly shaking the ground below him, wincing in pain. There was no doubt that he had suffered a couple of cracked ribs at the very least.

Voldemort yanked Harry up by the limbs roughly, before Harry found himself pulled forward, face to face with Voldemort, who looked absolutely murderous at that moment.

“Do I amuse you now, Potter?” asked Voldemort coldly just before he flung Harry up into the air, and smashed him down, before magically dragging him all over the ground, and then roughly pulling Harry inside the sky again. Voldemort withdrew his wand and Harry was sent spiraling to the ground. Just in time, Harry avoided falling right on his head, his right arm taking the brunt of the fall. Harry bit his tongue, as several bones in his arm shattered and recoiled as he saw his right arm was bent at a disgusting angle.

Voldemort stepped forward as Harry looked up with him, in pain. Vainly, Harry attempted to disapparate, but unfortunately, he still hadn’t reached the edge of Voldemort’s enchantments and seconds later, Harry found himself roughly ripped back to his feet. Voldemort drew his arm back and jabbed his wand right at Harry’s head. Seconds later, Harry found himself on the ground, victimized by the magical equivalent of a knockout punch and he would not be surprised if he had suffered a concussion from the impact.

“C’mon Riddle, my Uncle Vernon could hit harder than that,” slurred Harry, blood splattering from his mouth and Voldemort ripped Harry from the ground using his wand, before another raw burst of magic flung Harry forward. With a sickening thud, Harry landed face first onto some hard rocks.

“I do hope that’s up to your standards, Potter,” hissed Voldemort coldly, as stepped forward, before Harry was once again levitated into the air, his face cut up. Voldemort pulled Harry forward, until he was right above Voldemort. Blood splashed from the air, Voldemort taking a shower in Harry’s blood.

Abruptly, Voldemort let Harry go and Harry free fell right to the ground, landing on both feet. A loud crack and Harry found himself unable to get back to his feet, the pain unbearable, when he realized that he could add two shattered ankles to the list of injuries he suffered against Voldemort.

“Beneath me, where you belong Harry,” said Voldemort softly as his slit like red eyes were fixed firmly on Harry, before he dropped his voice low so only Harry could hear him. “Your actions against me today raised far more questions then answers. The most prominent is that while I avoid children, you do not act like any child that I have ever seen and I can only come towards one logical explanation.”

Harry winced. It appeared that Voldemort had figured out that Harry Potter and Boss Barone were one and the same but Voldemort looked away from Harry, as if disgusted for some reason.

“You’re not the real Harry Potter, but merely a decoy sent to Hogwarts by Barone, to fool the world at large, while the real Potter receives magical training far beyond the scope that Hogwarts offers,” said Voldemort as if this was the most elementary thing in the world, but it was clear that Voldemort was none too happy about what he perceived as a flaw within himself. By his new theory, he took the wrong person’s blood. “The simpletons of the world may be fooled, but I will not be any longer.”

“You have me pegged, Riddle, don’t you,” said Harry in a weak, yet sarcastic voice. “I can assure you I am very much the genuine article.”

“No, eleven year old can put up that much of a struggle or know that much magic,” hissed Voldemort as Harry awkwardly waved his wand behind his back, and he was mere centimeters away from the enchantment barriers. “So while the prophecy may state that it would not be in my best interests to kill Harry Potter, you are not Harry Potter.”

“Then who am I?” demanded Harry as he managed to slide himself past the enchantments, before he attempted to summon up his remaining strength, knowing full well that this desperate move could put him out of commission for weeks.

“It matters little,” said Voldemort curtly as he raised his wand, pointing it towards Harry. “AVADA KEDAVRA!”

The jet of blinding green light met Harry just at the moment he disapparated to a safe location.
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