Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Avatar: Insane Drabbles of DOOM!

I Shall Live for You.

by Kuniki 1 review

Welcome, to drabbles for Avatar! There is cuteness, love, chaos, funny, weird... you name it, and this is likely going to have it someday!

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Characters: Zuko, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-06 - Updated: 2006-02-07 - 281 words

Disclaimer: ....Do you really think I own Avatar? Really....>_>

Oy! Welcome to the drabbles that I write for Avatar: The Last Airbender, there might be some pairings, but mostly just general. :P You can thank coffee and my insane mind for the drabbles... Joy!

First one up, and it for a challenge from theavatar100.

Title: I Shall Live for You.(I had a better title, but I forgot it. annoyed)
Author: renuki AKA my user name from LJ... yay.(I have to many user names that are different...shakes her head)
Word Count: 130 (Whooooohoooooooooo!)
Warning: Eh, bad grammar? and someone about to kill himself? Oh! There isn't any spoken dialog here... Yes, Zip, Nein, Na-da, Nope... and whatever means no. :)
Challenge #34: The Morning After

He woke up in the morning and when he remembered what happen yesterday, He started to cry.

His wife died from the grief of losing their son, and now he wondered if there was a reason to live?

Thinking of joining his son and wife, He was about to kill himself, but a messenger knocked on the door.

He learned that his brother had a son, and curiosity perked, he walked out of his room to see the newborn.

Looking at the newborn, He wondered if he should kill himself and let the little one become a mini version of his brother?

Strangely happy and grinning like a madman, He decided he can live a little longer for the child and make sure the boy doesn't become his brother.

Say hello to Angst Iroh! Yes, he was the he. :P
Zuko is the newborn...(Dun Dun Dun!)

....Though, I feel kinda silly to tell ya that. :P
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