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Flames of Memories.

by Kuniki 2 reviews

The memory of the scar... It shall stay for a long time.

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters: Zuko, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-06 - Updated: 2006-02-07 - 501 words

Disclaimer: Don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Title: Flames of Memories.
Author: renuki (my user name on LJ.)
Word Count: 460. O_O
Warnings: ....Mad poem skills? Otherwise, I think none.
Challenge: #35, Memory

A/N: Ahaaaa! I made my own poem! o.o I use some dialog from 12 "Storm"... yay. o.o

Fire is all around me,
Pain has me,
Suffering for being outspoken, yet trying to save someone,
Sorrow for remembering what my father did to me.

Why? Oh, why father!?
I had the best interest for the Fire Nation in me!
Why did you have to break my heart, father?
Why do you want to sent rookies to their deaths?
They are loyal to you!
And this is how you repay them?
Why must you sent young Fire Nation soldiers to their deaths?
Loyalty shouldn't be repay like this...

A fourteen year old boy was trying to sleep, but he kept on rolling around in his bed in pain.

"You will fight for your honor."

The boy whimpered and put one of his hands on burn scar on his face.

"Raise and fight, Prince Zuko!"

Shaking his head slowly, Iroh, who was outside his nephew's room, listened painfully to his nephew's cries of pain, he wondered if Zuko will ever forget this painful memory.

"You will learn respect and suffering shall be your teacher."

Screams of 'No, Father! Don't do that! Father! I am loyal to you and the Fire Nation!' come from the boy.

Painful scream and flames biting on a young one's face...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhha!", Zuko woke up and put his face in his sweat hands, he whimpered to himself. He said faintly as he tried not to cry, "Why can't it leave me? I don't want to remember."

Opening the door of Zuko's room slowly, Iroh looked in to see the boy with his head in his hands silently shaking from the cries, Iroh said softly, "Prince Zuko?"

Zuko looked up with tears threatening to escape his eyes, Zuko said softly, "Yes, Uncle?"

Iroh tried not to have his heart break from looking at his nephew, and asked, "May I come in?"

His nephew nodded his head, Iroh walked in and took a seat on Zuko's bed, and tried to decide how to comfort Zuko. Deciding on what to do, Iroh spoke calmly, "Prince Zuko, you can cry on my shoulder, let it all out."

Zuko tried not to show his sniffing, and said stubbornly, "I am not crying, Uncle." Zuko tried to hide his tears by putting on a mask.

Iroh smiled faintly and pointed to the tears that are falling from mask, he said kindly, "And what is that, Prince Zuko? Sometimes, it better to let it out and not hold it in you. Do you want to later now just break down in tears?" Iroh smirked at his nephew.

The mask broke and the scared child looked though, Zuko started to cry on his uncle's shoulder, and Iroh slowly patted him comfortably on the back.
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