Categories > Movies > Van Helsing > The Brides children

Loss and gain

by lollzpopz22 0 reviews

Most of Dracula's children have been wiped out, and he wants revenge...

Category: Van Helsing - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Aleera - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-03-15 - Updated: 2008-03-15 - 245 words

27, that is all that's all that's left of Verona's children. But she, in a way, is lucky. For she has the most children out of the sisters as she had the most time to gather them. Though Aleera came soon after she only managed to gather 19 of hers. But Marishka was hit hardest. She had practically no time to get her cildren together and was left with only 12. A couple of days have passed and it is slowly starting to sink in. We haven't taken them out again, and Marishka says she never will until Van Helsing and the gypsy princess are both dead and the friar's head rots on a spike. But with the time they have been cooped up in the castle they have bonded and named all of their children. But Verona is having trouble naming one, a girl. With the rest of her children they have been loud, bold and courageous and so she has been able to give them names to fit. But the trauma that this one went through seems to have permanently scarred it. It always sticks close to her and is petrified of everything. Petra, her name will be Petra.
In the past few days Dracula has been watching Van Helsing and Anna non stop, looking for a way to seek revenge. And he's just found the perfect way. Flying away, he could almost laugh at how he is going to get his revenge. It's almost ironic.
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