Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

13- "I'm tiiiiiiiired"

by bashfullovesbob 2 reviews

Swearing etc etc

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-03-24 - Updated: 2008-03-24 - 424 words

"BOB?! RAY?!" Daisy started screaming. I lay on the beach, staring at the sky, trying to
catch my breath back, while i heard Bryony and Frank start screaming as well. The sun was
burning my face already, and I'd only been lying here for two minutes at the most. The sand
was sticking to my ankle, where my jeans had ripped a bit after i got caught on a rock. I
could therefore safely assume that the rest of me was covered in sand too.
By the time i had finished pondering, Bryony and Frank had been deployed to go and look for
Ray and Bob around the corner, and Daisy and Mikey were heading for the rocks.

. . . .

Bob and I sat on a rock on this island nursing our grazes.
"We are on the right island aren't we?" I said
"How many other islands do you see captain afro?"
"Alright, alright, no need for sarcasm"
"Maybe they're around this corner..." Said Bob, standing up and starting around the bend
towards another beach. We walked for about ten minutes before Bob started whinging.
"Are we theeree yeeeet"
"How can you ask that when we don't know where we're going?!"
"But I'm booooooored"
"Jesus Christ!"
"And I'm tiiiired..."
"Grow up Bob!"
"That's not nice, if you're going to be stuck with me for the near future, you may as well
be civil.... Especially seeing as i saved you back there..."
"Yes, as did Gerard... Did you see where he went?"
"No, i'm assuming he got back OK... at least I'm severely hoping so..." Bob stopped in his
tracks. "Can we have a rest now?"
"No, but I guess i earn you a piggy back at least..."
"Yaaaaaaaay!!!" Bob jumped on my back. I stumbled slightly, then continued on our way.

5 mins later

"Oh jesus Bob, i can't do this anymore" I stumbled over a rock and fell flat on my face,
dragging Bob down with me. I lifted my head up, spat the sand out of my mouth, and looked
around. There I saw the blank faces of all my friends.

. . . .

By the time Bob and Ray regained their composure, the sun was starting to set, and we were
all getting pretty tired. The burning sun quickly gave way to arctic-like cold, and we all
instinctively seemed to huddle together to keep ourselves warm. One by one, we all started
to drop off to sleep, and before long, I was dreaming. I don't know what I was dreaming
about, but it's hardly important. Is it?
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