Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

14- Shells

by bashfullovesbob 1 review

Sorry about not uploading for ages, there are many reasons for that, which i will not bore you with now. Swearing. xx

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-16 - Updated: 2008-04-16 - 329 words

It was blissful. I was lying on the sand surrounded by friends, with the warm sun beating
on my face, and i could just hear the sea lapping against the rocks, and the birds tweeting
or whatever noise they make.... It was so peaceful and.....
"FUCK I'M HUNGRY" Frank sat bolt upright next to me and practically screamed.
"Shut the fuck up Frankie!!!" someone groaned at him from the other side of me.
"Sorry, were you not awake?"
"NO" everyone else yelled
"Well, I am now" I said, muttering and getting up.
"Awww i'm sorry Bryony" Frank said
"It's fine..." I sighed "I'm up now, let's go and find something to eat"
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!" He said linking arm in arm with me as we skipped
towards the forest

. . . .

"Dear god" Gerard said "Could they be flirting any more ovbiously?!"
"I don't think so....." I said while laughing
"Saaaaaaraaaaaaah....?" Someone said whingingly from the end of the beach
"Yes Ray?" I sighed
"Do you think this shell is red or pink?"
"It's pink!" said Bob
"RED!" said Ray
"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!!" I shouted. "It's obviously orange!!"
"For fucks sake" Daisy piped up "it's a shell!!!!! Right, Bob, come with me and we'll go look
for food too"
"OK. This isn't over...." Bob said while waving his fist at Ray. Ray laughed and blew a kiss
at him as they walked off.

. . . .

"Uhhhh.... Bryony?" I said
"Where are we?"
"I was just about to ask you the same thing..."
"So you don't know?"
"Ah." There was a pause as we both looked around. I spotted something big and hairy on the
tree in front of us that had eight legs.
"THERE!!!!" I pointed at the tree
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" We both screamed and I grabbed her hand and ran as fast as my
(admittedly little) legs could carry me, away from the tree and deeper into the forest.
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