Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Laceration Gravity

Laceration Gravity

by GhostInTheSnow_X 1 review

Girl meets boy. Girl meet famous boy. Girl meets extremely extremely famous boy. Girl is falling, hard.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-03-08 - Updated: 2008-03-08 - 660 words

I tapped my fingers impatiantly on the cash desk, waiting for my best friend, Leah to make her purchase.

"Steph, which one do you think I should get?" She asked seriously, holding up a plectrum in each hand, and comparing them.

"I don't know, but just hurry up we've been in here for half an hour already..." I whined. Leah, could be so reckless at times, but she didn't seem to be able to make the tiniest decisions. But thats why I loved her, you never knew what she was going to do next. It was crazy.

"What do you think I should get?" she asked the guy behind the counter. I rolled my eyes and wandered off to look at The Smashing Pumpkins records.

The bell above the door to the small record shop jingled as another customer entered. I didn't bother looking up. I couldn't decide between Gish and Siamese Dream. I checked my purse. £60, enough for both. I grinned to myself, spun on my heel and promptly crashed into the unsuspecting person stood behing me also looking at records.

"Oh my god, I'm really sorry!" I blushed. I was so stupid! The guy grinned, and offered me a hand

"Its okay..." He had an American accent. I took in his attire as he bent down to pick up my CD's. H had the hood of his jacket up, even though it was hot, sunny July outside, which made it even warmer in here. I frowned then shook the thought off.

He handed me my records. "Smashing Pumpkins, nice." I grinned and glaced at his face. His eyes were obscured by sunglasses. That was wierd.

"I know, one of my favourite bands ever. Gish must definately be my favourite album." I replied, still smiling.

Sunglasses guy grinned back. "Aha, point one, if its so good why are you buying it - shouldn't you already have it? And two what are you thinking!?! Siamese Dream is like THE best one they've put out!"

I rolled my eyes. "Definately not. No, no and no. Plus I'm buying it because my arse of a brother scracted the last one when I lent it to him."

Sunglasses guy laughed. "So, what other music are you into?"

The conversation carried on like that for a while what music we were into, what we thought of the mainstream bands.

"Oh, some of my favorite mainstreamers would have to be My Chemical Romance, Good Shoes and ,uh, Panic At The Disco I guess."

Sunglasses guy gave me a questioning look. "Panic At The Disco, eh?"

I nodded. "I like their music, but I preferred them before they were mainstream. Smaller shows are always better."

Sunglasses guy looked thoughtful. "I supposed so, whats your favourite song?"

I shrugged. "Gee, erm, Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks I guess. I love the Intermission though."

His eyebrows raised . "The intermission ?!"

I giggled "Yeah, Its really catchy... I like it."

Sunglasses guy shook his head. I stepped past him to pay for my records.


I payed for them, and made my way outside. Leah was leant against the wall, across for the small record shop talking to none other than Sunglasses guy.

"Hey." I said as I approached them. Leah turned and gave me a knowing smile. I gave her a puzzles one in return.

"So, I was just talking to your friend" Sunglasses guy began. " I got your number off her, and my band Is playing the Refectory next Friday, I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Sure, I guess" I replied, something wasn't quite rght about this. "What time?"

Sunglasses guy grinned. "Door open at 7:30pm but come by at 5-ish and we can hang out before. Come to the back entrance and ring me." He reached up and took of his sunglasses.

I thought I was going to pass out.

Because behind those sunglasses were the brown eyes of none other than...

Brendon Urie.
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