Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A story for the broken girl

If the world falls down, I'll stay beside you

by ocean_soul 0 reviews

this is the second chapter of Story for the broken girl, it introduces new charaters... what hides behind the the door... i wonder? (i actually

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-04-11 - Updated: 2008-11-16 - 774 words

“Miss Marks, we need to make some sense of this, we need you to tell us what you saw.” A police officer peered down at the young girl who was crouched stubbornly in the corner of the worn down living room, in a worn down house.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his gloved hand and placed his hat on his knee as he crouched down to look the girl in the eye and explain the situation…again.
“I know this must be hard for you, but we have witnesses saying you fled the scene. You mustn’t protect your friend; it will just get you in trouble.” The officer repeated for the second time, somehow thinking that maybe Miss Marks had not taken it in the first.
The girl just stared blankly at the spot between her two knackered converse shoes. She never once made eye contact with the man dressed in fluorescent yellow. She had no interest in him, she never had, and never will.
The officer, who was incredibly patient considering that the girl he was trying to get a statement off would not say one meagre word, kept his eyes in the same place in the middle of the girls head waiting for some sign of weakness.
“Miss Marks, lets start from the beginning, you walked back to your flat after you had met with your brother, Danny Marks, you walked into your flat and…” the officer stopped talking as the girl tore her eyes away from the spot on the ground and looked at the man, never making eye contact.
The man, who could tell that the broken girl was in a lot of distress, signalled for a boy, who stood in the corner of the room, to come and sit next to her. He looked about 17 the same age as the girl; he was tall and skinny with brown straight hair and a black skater hat. He sat down next to the girl, who had put her tearful eyes back to staring at the same spot on the floor, and gently placed his lanky arms round her shoulders.
“Tell them everything Kelly there’s no way he’s getting away this time, just tell them what happened.” The boy said looking down caringly at his pale, and dead looking friend.
“I don’t even know what happened, Mikey, I thought he was dead,” tears began to swell up in her eyes as she looked up at her best friend, “I thought the thing that had dragged him away from us had finally caught him up, I called the ambulance and ran, I couldn’t watch them try to save him and then tell me what I already knew, I wouldn’t have left him if I knew he was still alive.”
“Gerard's like a cockroach, he will never die.” Smiled her loving friend.
The thing that was playing on Kelly’s mind the most, was the fact that Gerard had begun to grow use to her always being there, she had always been the one he pined the blame on. Today was the final straw, he had overdosed too many times and somehow he had managed to put the blame on her…again. He had put her sanity on the line and she was forced to beg for her mother’s forgiveness so she could sleep under some sort of roof.
The police officer who had been talking to his fellow work mates during the time that Kelly and Mikey had been talking, started to walk back towards them, concern in his eyes.
"I can't tell him, I don't know him." She said tearfully to Mikey as she played with his Green Day belt.
"But he's just going to use you again, I know it's hard, he's my brother..." He trailed off as he rubbed tears that were forming in his eyes away.
"We have to do something, Mikey, this is gonna kill him." I wispered
"I know we do Kelly, but he won't listen, this is how he wants to be, a drunk addict."
Kelly kept staring at the same spot as a silent tear trickled down her face. Mikey looked down at her and rubbed the back of her shoulder.
"He's my best friend, we're so close, but i can't do this, he promised me!" Kelly started to sob for the first proper time.
She shook her head and looked up at Mikey, he gazed caringly back, but she remained silent. The police officer had finally reached them, and she went back to staring at the same spot... between her two knakered converse shoes.

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