Categories > Celebrities > The Used > It's Our Time To Shine

My Head on Your Chest, Waiting to Cave In.

by QuitLollygaggin 1 review


Category: The Used - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-04-12 - Updated: 2008-04-12 - 1157 words - Complete

I stood outside the hotel, getting some fresh air.
I still haven’t slept. The worse part is, we’re back on tour tomorrow night.
At this point I don’t think sleep will help. I’m so sleep deprived right now, that one night will not help me what so ever.
My phone vibrated in my pocket and I quickly pulled it out.
Caitlin Calling. The screen read. I slid open my phone and held it to my ear.
“Hello?” I answered. I haven’t talked to her since I asked her if she wanted to meet me for coffee.
“Hey, Jepha.” She said. Her voice was sweet and welcoming. “How are you?”
“Exhausted.” I replied. “Yourself?”
“Not bad.” She answered. “Did you still want to meet me for some coffee?”
I nodded not realizing that she couldn’t see me. “Yeah.” I said quickly.
“Good. I’ll pick you up in 15 minutes.” She said cheerfully. “What hotel?”
“The Hilton.” I said before hanging up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and threw open the hotel doors. I hurried to my room to get ready. I found a pair of black jeans on the floor and quickly pulled them on. I ran around frantically for a clean shirt. I couldn’t find one. I found Quinn’s open suitcase lying on the floor. I walked over to it pulling out a pale yellow shirt. It would do. I pulled it over my head and ran back out of the room. I nearly took Bert out as I ran out of the room.
“What’s the hurry?” Bert yelled pushing me back so I wouldn’t knock him down. I held my ground so I wouldn’t fall back.
“I have a date.” I explained quickly. Why was I in a hurry? Why was I so excited to go see Caitlin? I really didn’t know.
“Oh, Caitlin?” Bert asked.
“What’s it to you?” I snapped.
“Don’t get snippy Howard.” Bert said and walked into his own room. I shook Bert from my thoughts and ran to the hotel lobby.
I stepped off the elevator. Caitlin stood there, more beautiful then the last time I seen her. Her long hair was all black now. It was curled and laid on her shoulders so delicately. She had on a low cut tank top and a pair of jean shorts, which barely covered her. She had on black wedges that made her mile long legs seem even longer.
My heart raced and palms were sweating. I walked cautiously towards her. A small smile crept across her face. I became face to face with her. She smelled sweet, a mix of fruity perfume and fresh out of the shower. I smiled back, trying to keep my composure.
“Hey.” Her voice floated to my ears, making every part of my shake, in a good way.
“Hi.” I said back. She linked my arm in hers and led me out the hotel. We got into a very nice and expensive; 2008 Explorer Hybrid. She was environment friendly; my kind of girl.
“Nice car.” I complimented as we drove off.
“Thanks.” She said. “Nice shirt.” She laughed. I looked down at the pale yellow shirt. I blame Quinn for buying such disgusting and unattractive clothing. I also blame myself for not doing laundry.
“Uhh thanks?” I replied hesitantly.
“I wasn’t being funny,” She explained. “I really do like it.”
I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.
We pulled up to a Starbucks and got out. I hurried to the door to open it for her. She walked in and we both headed to the register.
“What do you want?” I asked. I pulled out my wallet and got ready to order.
“Um, a Strawberry Frapachino.” She answered.
“Ok, go find us a seat.” I instructed before stepping up to the register to order. I ordered her drink and got myself a sweet green tea. I waited for our drinks. I looked across the small coffee shop towards Caitlin. She sat at a table by the window, staring intently out of it.
“Sir, your drinks.” The barista said pushing the drinks towards me. I thanked her and went to go sit by Caitlin.
We drank our drinks and talked for awhile. She explained that she’s been busy with classes and apologized for not being able to come see me. I accepted her apology and told her not to worry.
A younger girl, maybe 15 or 16 approached us. She had on a My Chemical Romance tee shirt and ripped skinny jeans. Her eyes were drowning in black eyeliner and red eye smudge. She had the biggest smile across her face.
“Hi.” She said, her voice shaking. I knew exactly what she wanted.
“Hey.” I said. She held out a small scrap of paper and a green Sharpie. I took the two items from her hand.
“Can you sign that?” She asked sweetly.
“No problem.” I smiled.
“Vikki! Hurry up!” A boy yelled from the exit. I quickly signed my name on the paper.
“You should get going Vikki.” I said. Her jaw dropped and her hands shook as she retrieved the paper and marker from my hand. She nodded enthusiastically and went on her way.
“Thank you!” She called over her shoulder. I waved and she was gone.
“Look at you, Mr. Popular.” Caitlin joked. I laughed and finished off my drink.
“Want to go back to the hotel?” I offered.
“I’m not a groupie.” She warned again, like I forgot. “I won’t sleep with you.”
“I know.” I said. She stood up. I followed and threw my empty cup away.

We got back to my hotel room. Quinn was no where to be seen. Caitlin sat on the bed. I ran around the hotel frantically picking things up.
“Stop. You don’t have to clean up.” She laughed. I forgot, this was the same girl, that just days ago, had willingly sat on the horridly messy tour bus.
“Ha okay.” I said sitting next to her. She kissed me softly on the lips. Her lips were small and tasted like strawberries. She slowly laid back onto the bed, pulling me with her. We kissed for awhile, innocently, nothing intense. After awhile, she pulled away and laid next to me. She laid her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around me.
“Let’s watch a movie.” She suggested.
“Which one?” I asked her grabbing the remote off the bedside table.
“Doesn’t matter.” She yawned. I scanned through the movie menu on the TV.
“Saw IV?” I offered. She nodded and I put it on.
No more then ten minutes into the movie she was fast asleep. I made myself comfortable next her. My eyes got heavy. I yawned a few times. I fought to keep my eyes open. Sleep had found its way to me.
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