Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Doushite

Chapter 5

by MasterBakatare-san 1 review

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Sasuke - Published: 2008-04-13 - Updated: 2008-04-13 - 634 words

February 2008
MB: OI!! I've been forgetting the disclaimer!

DISCLAMER: We do not own anything from either Inuyasha or Naruto.



Chapter 5: Healing Touch

in the forest

"My dear Uchiha." Kagome sighed dramatically.

Sasuke closed his eyes as he felt the light touch of her fingertips on his skin, Gods; I wish she meant that...

Seeing his shoulders relax a bit, she smiled sadistically, "I wouldn't get too comfortable, this is going to be EXTREMELY painful..." His eyes snapped immediately as her soft lips rested on the place on his neck that the evil mark resided.

He gasped loudly and cried out when she sunk her teeth into his neck, directly covering the mark. Sasuke felt his knees give out, but he never fell; Kagome had a good grip on him.

She softly let him down to the ground, retracting her fangs from the wound. He watched numbly as she turned her head and spit out something black. Something he assumed was the poison from Orochimaru's mark.

Sasuke's vision was becoming fuzzy. "Thank you." He murmured before his world went black.

"Poor boy... He's been through so much..."

In the Uchiha manor

"Damn! This is an awesome place Uchiha has!" Kagome looked around, awe-struck, before remembering that she was still carrying Sasuke.

Looking down at the sleeping boy in her arms, she smiled, "He almost looks like an innocent little boy." She paused and snorted at her own comment, "Almost..."

Laying him down in the first room with a bed she could find, she searched the room for a pen and some paper. Finding what she needed, she wrote a note and left it on the bedside table along with his soft shirt. "He should be fine tomorrow. Now to get myself some beauty sleep!"

She yawned, and realized just how much of her energy she used. Suddenly, Kagome felt slightly woozy. "Maybe I will stay... Just in case..." She wandered until she found a second bed, promptly collapsing in it and falling asleep.

The next morning

Sasuke woke up when the sun rose - as was his habit. He groaned, not wanting to wake from his blissful slumber. It was the best sleep he had had in a while. Turning over, he realized an important detail... This wasn't his bed!

Sitting up quickly, he looked around and realized that he was, indeed, in his house, but he was in one of the guest rooms. The young Uchiha wondered for a moment how he had gotten there. Then he remembered everything and understood - Kagome must have taken him there.

Wondering where she was now, he glanced toward the door; looking down in surprise, he noticed the note she had left for him.

Uchiha, it read, You passed out in the forest, so I took you home. ~Kagome

Smiling lightly, he sat back down in the bed that wasn't his. He was truly in a fix. On one hand, she was his teacher... And on the other... I think I may be falling for her...

Shaking his head, he frowned. No, he thought, that can't be it. He crumpled the paper in his hands, Sure, I respect her more, but respect and love are two different things.

Standing up, he decided to get some fresh clothes from his room so he could go take a shower.

Navigating through the halls, he finally stumbled tiredly into his room only to be met with the most surprising sight... "Kagome?"


MB: Blegh... I feel sick...

GR: Well. Something has been going around...

MB: You close it out...

GR: Okay. Well, as MB promised, a chapter today... And also, 'The relationship between MB and GR: friends or... family?'

GR: We're sisters.

GR: Okay. Well, until next time (unless MB is sick)... Peace.
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