Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book VII

Chapter 07: Grudge Match

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Dumbledore,Ginny,Harry,Lily,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-05-15 - Updated: 2008-05-15 - 6868 words

Chapter Seven: Grudge Match

In the Kitchen at the Potter Residence, Hermione and Hailey were sitting around in the latter part of the evening, as Lily had joined them, looking really weary.

“Nothing again?” asked Hermione.

“No, thought this time was it, but it turned out to be an abandoned temple, that a cult practiced dark magic in Albania in the 1960s, a couple of dangerous artifacts were there, but no Horcrux,” replied Lily. “We thought for sure it would be in Albania, as Voldemort did spend all those years in exile but every lead over there has turned up empty.”

“So, Harry really doesn’t know that you’re still trying to find the Horcruxes Mum?” asked Hailey.

“No, but I figure I might want to complete the set, only two more Horcruxes to go after all and should Harry change his mind…” stated Lily before she shook her head. “He’s gone out, pretending that nothing’s out of the ordinary, after what happened with Voldemort, but I can see it, he blames himself for Voldemort winning and taking over.”

“I know but the most frustrating thing is it’s almost like trying to talk to that wall over there, Harry won’t admit anything is wrong, yet, he’s been training at least twice as hard then before,” remarked Hermione in a tense voice. “I don’t know what to do, Harry’s pushed himself hard before, but this a whole another level.”

“Harry’s like me, a bit too much come at times for his or anyone else’s own good,” muttered Lily, more to herself than to her daughter and Hermione. “Driven, wanting to be the best, absolutely hates to fail at anything, and when he falls, he falls harder than anyone else…”

“Harry will come around, he has to,” said Hailey in a hopeful voice, but in the back of her mind, the only way her brother was going to ever come around was to face off against Voldemort once more but right now, that might not be the best thing right now.

Lily sighed, she was thinking back to the summer before her seventh year, right after her parents were murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange and when Petunia vowed to never speak to her again, saying that it was Lily’s fault they were dead. For months, she was a bit moody, a bit irritable, and attempted to shut everyone out, while training as hard as she could in any form of magic. Her friends had tried to help her, but she had just claimed that everything was find, shutting them out at times, it was only with time that she managed to pull herself and return to normal.

“I know you two want to help Harry, and I do too, but Harry’s only going to work this out on his own,” remarked Lily. “It’s just a string of things that happened over the past six years that have come to a head, but Harry will get better, he’ll figure out what is best for him.”

“Do you think he’ll ever decide to face Voldemort again, Mum?” asked Hailey.

“I don’t know,” said Lily and truly she had no insight into Harry’s mind. “Whatever he does decide to do, Harry should only do the right thing for him and not for the Wizarding World.”

“Seems to me that deep down Harry’s gotten the idea that what’s best for him as best for the Wizarding World,” remarked Hermione. “Not exactly the healthiest thing to have in mind, but that’s Harry and to a lesser extent Ginny as well.”

“Yes, I’ve noticed that Ginny is willing to take Harry’s word at face value more easily, that everything’s fine, because let’s face it, she spends a lot more time with Harry, so maybe she knows something more than we don’t,” commented Hailey. “Still, she’d be giving us an earful if she heard us suggesting the fact that Harry might go back eventually, between Harry getting poisoned by Malfoy and the defeat by Voldemort…”

“I know, what ever happen, happens,” said Lily, who did not wish to discuss the matter any further, as Harry would recover from the traumatic event that he went through much like she did all those years ago. It would just take time and then Harry could get on with the rest of his life, whether or not he decided to go up against Voldemort or not.

On the roof top, Don swung his Bo Staff right at Harry but Harry efficiently dodged down, before he swept Don’s legs out from underneath him. The brainy turtle dropped to the ground, before Raph charged Harry but Harry blocked his Sais, a determined look on his face, before he forced Raph backwards. Leo rushed in and managed to knock Harry’s weapon out of his hand. Quickly, Harry launched himself over Leo and quickly, Harry flung a shuriken, before he knocked one of Leo’s katanas out of his hands. Another shuriken and Leo was disarmed, as Harry leapt up, knocking Leo right onto his shell with a kick. Harry turned around, nodding as the Turtles rose to their feet, looking a bit ragged.

“Remember Harry, do not overexert yourself,” cautioned Master Splinter, as he watched down but Harry gave a courtesy nod, before he turned to his brothers, standing in a battle stance, as he faced off against them once again.

“Come on, let’s go again, throw at me everything you got, hold nothing back, I’m not fragile you know,” challenged Harry in an intense voice as Raph charged Harry, Sais drawn but Harry dodged, before he quickly disarmed Raph and flipped him to the ground. “Sloppy, really, that move might have worked when I was eight, Raph, but you need to do better than that.”

Don and Leo attempted to take Harry down from easier side but Harry effortlessly rolled out of the way, causing their weapons to clang together. Quickly, Harry disarmed them with a pair of kicks, before he somersaulted over them. An uppercut leveled Don, before Leo attempted to grab Harry but Harry sent him flying. Leo skidded halfway across the roof top, before he came to a stop and Master Splinter rose to his feet, with a clap of his hands to gain the attention of his students.

“That shall be sufficient for today, for all of you,” said Master Splinter and that moment, Harry stepped back, to allow his brothers to get to his feet.

“Something was missing, the four of you should be attacking me, throw everything that you have next time,” demanded Harry, rather disappointed as his brothers seemed to be slacking ever since the Shredder’s death, almost like they were taking it easy without the constant threat of one of their most dangerous enemies and constant battles with Foot Ninjas to worry about.

“Hey, don’t blame us, Harry,” responded Leo in a defensive tone of voice. “Mikey appears to have slipped off when we weren’t looking.”

“Again?” demanded Harry. “That’s the third practice he’s skived off.”

“Yes, I shall be having a chat with Michelangelo myself Harry, but it is really nothing you need to concern yourself with,” commented Master Splinter and Harry responded with a bow, but the irritation was obvious in the seventeen year old wizard’s face, before Splinter turned to the others. “Raphael, Donatello, go locate your brother.”

Raph and Don walked off, while Harry just stood back in the shadows, an unreadable expression on his face, as Leo and Splinter stood, awaiting the return of the others.

A couple of buildings down, Mikey sat in the ledge, playing a hand held video game. Eagerly, the turtle pressed button after button, as he blasted the enemies he was fighting against, focused on his game.

“Come on, come on, just a few more hundred points,” muttered Mikey in an excited voice, but at that moment, a hand reached out and pulled the video game out of his hand, before it was shut off. “Hey, I was just going to get high score…ow!”

Raph had reached down and had pulled Mikey up by the bandanna before he dragged off his younger sibling, with Don standing behind him, holding the video game.

“Watch the bandanna Raph!” whined Mikey, as Raph continued to drag him off.

“It’s lucky that I’m only pulling you by the bandanna Mikey,” replied Raph in an agitated voice, as he dragged Mikey right in front of Harry, Master Splinter, and Leo, all who did not look all that pleased about the lack of ambition that the youngest of the Turtles was achieving.

“Mikey, you snuck off again, that’s the third time this week,” chastised Leo as Harry just glared at Mikey, which said more than any words he could off.

“Michelangelo, you must take your training seriously,” lectured Master Splinter in a stern voice. “Your ninjitsu skills are a tool and much like any tool, they must be constantly sharpened, otherwise they will dull and thus will be ineffective against any adversaries you battle. The only way to do so is to train.”

“Come on Master Splinter, I doubt I need much training after all I’m a…” stated Mikey but Raph stuck his hand up right in front of Mikey’s face, as he saw what was coming up from him a mile away.

“Don’t you dare say it Mikey,” grumbled Raph in an irritated voice but Mikey just responded with a grin, before he proceeded to continue.

“Battle Nexus Champion!” cheered Mikey. “Don’t forget that?”

“It’s kind of hard to, given the fact you remind us at every blasted opportunity you have,” said Raph

“Yes that in addition to the fact you keep the trophy on top of the television,” added Don with a similar look of irritation on his face. “It’s a wonder that you don’t wear it around your neck everywhere you go.”

“Er, I tried, the chain kept breaking,” admitted Mikey sheepishly but Master Splinter had rounded on his second youngest son.

“The point is that you should approach your achievements with humility, no matter how great they are,” lectured Master Splinter. “Far greater warriors than yourself have been caught up in their own hype, their own belief that they were better than they truly word and their own pride was their downfall. I highly hope that does not happen to you, Michelangelo, but at the current rate you are going, you may fall. That is why you must keep on the path, remain to train, no matter how many honors you achieve.”

“Yes, all of those warriors who fell may be great, but I have one thing they didn’t,” scoffed Mikey. “The fact that they…”

Mikey was suddenly struck silent as Harry looked at him with a serious expression on his face.

“Thank you Harry,” said Raph graciously, before he turned to the silenced Mikey, who opened and closed his mouth, absolutely irritated at his current inability to speak. “Listen Mikey, you won the tournament, right, but the only reason you won was because sheer dumb luck, a great emphasis on the dumb part.”

“I’m going to remove the silencing charm on you Mikey, I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” replied Harry.

“Ah, Harry, can’t we keep him like this?” asked Don but Harry shook his head, as he calmly flicked his wrist, removing the charm from Mikey.

“Now, Harry, really is that any way to treat a Battle Nexus Champion,” said Mikey in a hurt voice but at that moment, a portal opened right in front of him. At that moment, a very familiar figure sprung from the portal, rushing right at Mikey. A large purple skinned alien with a blond mustache and blond hair with a balding spot on top knocked Mikey down to the ground.

Mikey looked up, seeing his large and imposing figure, the same individual that he scored a victory over in the final round of the Battle Nexus Tournament.

“Woah, Kluh?” questioned Mikey and the turtle gulped as the large warrior stood over him, spear drawn right near his throat, a sadistic glint in the warrior’s eyes, as he made it perfectly clear that he could destroy Mikey any time he wished.

“Hang on Mikey!” yelled Raph, as he rushed forward, with Leo, Don, Harry, and Master Splinter also rushing over before Kluh did some serious damage to their annoying, but somewhat loveable, family member, but the portal remained open, and several other purple skinned aliens exited the portal, standing in front of the remaining three Turtles, Master Splinter, and Harry. Splinter turned the oldest of the aliens.

“What is the meaning of this?” demanded Splinter. “This is not allowed…”

“Tear him apart, Kluh,” growled the older alien and Kluh stalked Mikey, as the others did battle with the other aliens, but they could not fight back.

“To your feet, little turtle, so I can kill you properly!” thundered Kluh as attempted to gut Mikey with the weapon but Mikey rolled out of the way. Kluh plunged a hole through the roof where he stood but he quickly removed his weapon from the roof and swung it towards Mikey, but it was stopped by some invisible force.

“Halt, remain where you are, or you will charged with violating Battle Nexus law,” warned a voice and the spectral form of the official of the Battle Nexus, the Gyoiji appeared, its essence apparently reformed after the Ultimate Drako mess.

“On what grounds?” growled the eldest alien, looking at the Gyoiji with absolute disdain in its eyes.

“The Daimyo has clearly stated that the competition will take place in three days, no sooner, and this attack is an attempt to skew the odds in your favor,” answered the Gyoiji. “The Daimyo will not stand for this, I can assure you.”

“Wait a second, competition?” asked Master Splinter, as he looked at the Gyoiji. “I am to understanding this means what I think it means…”

“Due to the unique circumstances surrounding the final of the previous Battle Nexus Championship Tournament, after much delegation, a battle by ordained combat has been set for three days from now,” explained the Gyoiji. “Or to put things in third Earth vernacular, a rematch.”

“Does that mean what I think it means?” asked Raph.

“Oh I think it does,” added Leo with a nod, as he looked over towards Mikey, who looked a bit befuddled at what was going on around him.

“What, what’s going on, someone tell me?” inquired Mikey, but something told me he was not going to like where this was going.

“You’re returning to the Battle Nexus Mikey, to fight Kluh,” elaborated Don and Mikey gulped, in horror at the prospect that was set before him. “Man, I’d really hate to be in your shell right now, bro.”

“Yes in three days, the match that will settle the matter of whether or not the last Battle Nexus Tournament was won fairly will take place, so prepare yourselves warriors and any attempted sabotage prior to the tournament will be taken as a breach of the protocols of the Battle Nexus and will be punished as such,” warned the Gyoiji and the eldest alien made a noise of disdain. “Yes, I am well aware of your disdain for Battle Nexus protocol, Ammag, but that the Daimyo’s word on the matter. You are to report to the Battle Nexus in three days time. And Ammag, I would highly suggest you take you son and the rest of your warriors far from this dimension.”

Ammag, grunted, before he waved his warriors over but Kluh reached over and ripped a section of the roof off with his bare hand, before he turned to Mikey.

“In three days, this will be you,” threatened Kluh, as he crushed the concrete in his hand, reducing it to nothing but dust, before the off worlders vanished as quickly as they appeared and Mikey had an absolutely petrified look on his face.

“Wait, I have to go back to the Battle Nexus, and fight him, fight that eight foot tall guy who wants to kick my shell in for accidentally talking him out and making him look like a fool in the last tournament,” said Mikey frantically.

“Looks that way to me, Mikey,” responded Raph with a smirk. “Going to be an interesting experience, for everyone, both you fighting and us watching.”

“Yes, Mikey, but surely the Battle Nexus champion can handle Kluh no problem whatsoever,” added Leo.

“No, are you insane, he’ll kill me!” exclaimed Mikey. “Guys, you’ll help me right, you know train, I’ve been slacking off lately, out of practice, but you’ll help me, right?”

“Mikey, you were just going on not too long ago about you didn’t need training, because you were the Battle Nexus Champion,” commented Don lightly, as both Raph and Leo nodded in agreement and Mikey became absolutely frantic as his brothers seemed to really enjoy his discomfort at the moment.

“Come on guys,” begged Mikey as he turned to Master Splinter with a hopeful look on his face. “Master Splinter, you’ll train me right, please tell me you’ll help me prepare for this rematch.”

“You know training does sound like a good idea, my son, but I’m more in the mood to play video games or perhaps read some comic books,” said Splinter, hoping that his son was learn a lesson of humility for trumping his Battle Nexus triumph at every opportunity. “Wait, I know what would be great, to have a large pizza right now. Yes, in fact, pizza sounds like it would be good now, with pepperoni and lots of karma.”

With that Master Splinter, Leo, Raph, and Don walked off, leaving Mikey by himself to freak out at the battle at hand but Harry stepped forward from the shadows, having just hung back the entire time.

“I suppose someone better help you so you don’t make an idiot out of yourself,” stated Harry coolly and Mikey’s hopes rose.

“You mean you’ll help me train, Harry?” asked Mikey hopefully and Harry nodded.

“Still, don’t thank me just yet, there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to get you ready for this battle,” said Harry in a serious voice.

Three days later, Mikey walked to the alleyway, followed by Harry. Don, Raph, Leo, and Splinter were already there and Mikey looked up with them, looking a bit battered from the intense training that Harry was putting him through, that included him getting knocked right on his shell multiple times per day.

“So, I’m really glad you guys are coming along to give me moral support,” said Mikey as he turned to his family, but they all had various states of amusement on their faces, as Master Splinter drew the symbols on the wall, before he began the chant to open the portal to the Battle Nexus.

“Moral support, nah, we’re just here to watch you be taught a lesson,” remarked Raph.

“Let us go my sons,” prompted Master Splinter as he stepped through the portal, with Leo and Don following him. Mikey attempted to sneak off but Raph pulled him forwards, before he shoved Mikey through the portal. Mikey screamed as Raph followed him through with Harry casually following behind. Seconds later, the portal closed as the group arrived in the Battle Nexus.

They walked for several minutes, before they reached the Hall of Past Champions, taking a shortcut through to reach the palace of the Daimyo where they were to report before the rematch between Mikey and Kluh as to begin. Mikey’s eyes lit up, as he saw a very familiar face and walked over, with a slightly smug expression on his face.

“Look at that bros, the 1995 Battle Nexus Champion, Michelangelo,” read Mikey as he posed next to his statue, looking really pleased with himself but Raph seemed to become disgusted.

“Get away from that Mikey, you’ll attract pigeons,” said Raph in a disgusted tone of voice.

“Welcome,” said the voice of the Daimyo and sure enough, the Daimyo himself walked into the scene, carrying the ever present War Staff, the item that he used to control all the magic that flowed within the Battle Nexus.

“Hello again my friend, it is good to see that you are well,” remarked Master Splinter as they all bowed to the presence of the Daimyo, who did look better than the last time they had seen him.

“As it is you my friend,” agreed the Daimyo before he turned to Mikey. “And it is excellent to see that your son has returned to honor you in combat, truly this must be a great day for you as a sensei.”

“Can’t I just honor you at home?” asked Mikey hopefully as he turned to Master Splinter. “You know breakfast in bed maybe…”

“Don’t let Mikey fool you Daimyo he’s just itching you get in there and get it on, said Raph as he threw a few fake punches in mid air towards Mikey, who stepped back and gave a sheepish grin.

A small figure was moving in the background, looking curiously out from behind the statue of Salazar Slytherin, a movement that caught Don’s eye and he turned to Leo with a grin.

“Hey Leo, it looks like the Ultimate Ninja wants a return match,” said Don and Leo turned to see the small form of the age regressed Ultimate Ninja, Ue-Sama walked into the picture, looking up Leo.

“I remember some stuff from before but most of it’s foggy,” commented Ue-Sama as he looked over Leo with a curious expression on his face. “You look familiar though, did we use to play together or something.”

“Yeah, something like that,” responded Leo, who did not know exactly how to tell a small child that his older self had attempted to murder Leo in a number of occasions.

“Then you shall be my friend,” replied Ue-Sama happily and Leo had no idea how to respond to that, other than a calm nod and a slight smile.

Elsewhere, in a large dark room, Kluh grunted in irritation, before he turned to his father Ammag.

“Father, why must be bow to the Daimyo’s will, I could have crushed that miserable whelp of a turtle a thousand years over by now,” grunted Kluh. “The fool continues to live, for humiliating me two years previous, the victory that he suffered, even if it was a fluke, taunts me, I need to crush him, I must break him.”

“And you shall Kluh, but first we must play by the Daimyo’s rules, but not for much longer,” replied Ammag. “The misguided attempts by that fool Drako to take control of the Battle Nexus has given me the plan to make all bow down to us. We will succeed where he failed, all the magic in the multiverse will be controlled by us Levram warriors. We will prove we are much more than the brutes, the barbarians that others portray as, and soon power will be ours. However, right now, we must follow the Daimyo but not much longer.”

Kluh nodded before he turned to a block of wood with the image of his opponent painted up it. Quickly, he slashed his spear at it, slicing it into several pieces. It dropped to the ground as Kluh looked down at it, nodding, as he visualized his opponent in pain, begging for mercy, but Kluh would give none.

In a hallway, Harry turned to Mikey with a serious expression on his face, as Mikey seemed to be on the verge of freaking out.

“Harry, this is not your fault, you did everything you could, but Kluh’s going to break my legs, both of them,” said Mikey in a panicked voice. “I just had two broken legs and it wasn’t pleasant not at all.”

“Mikey relax!” snapped Harry in a stern voice. “You need to clear your mind of all doubts, otherwise you’ll defeat yourself before you get out there. Now you’ve shown some improvement from the first day since the end of the third day.”

“Yes, I nearly got in a shot on you, bro,” responded Mikey but a stern look from Harry had silenced Mikey even more than any silencing spell would have.

“Mikey, you’ve been notable improvements, the fact remains that the problem with you has never been a lack of skill, rather the fact you are a bloody lazy bum!” yelled Harry and Mikey cringed.

“That was a bit harsh Harry,” said Mikey. “Was it really necessary to point out my faults in such a blunt manner?”

“If it will get you to focus on the task at hand, then yes, it’s more than necessary,” retorted Harry before his expression softened, but only for the briefest seconds. “Still Mikey, it’s absolutely crucial for you to get out then and prove yourself, it would reflect badly on the rest of us. If one of us falls, then everyone else falls, your success is directly tied to us, but barring that, no matter what else, do your absolute best.”

“Maybe just maybe…” remarked Mikey as Harry looked at Mikey. “Maybe there is still time if I can forfeit.”

Harry just turned from Mikey, before he calmly walked off and Leo walked into the picture, to turn to Mikey.

“Mikey, all things considered, you’ll do just fine,” replied Leo as Raph, Don, and Master Splinter had already made their way out to the arena and he made sure Harry was out of an earshot. “Harry thinks so too, he just has a more deceptive way of saying it. Must be his Slytherin heritage.”

“Champion, if Leonardo believes you can win, then I do,” chimed in Ue-Sama in a confident voice and Mikey opened his mouth to respond, but the Gyoiji appeared right in the Pavilion of Past Champions.

“It is time, warrior,” responded the Gyoiji in his calm voice, as he waved his paddle, vanishing Mikey, and leaving Harry, Leo, and Ue-Sama alone in the Pavilion of Past Champions.

“Come on, we need to get you back to your father,” said Leo but at that moment, Ammag entered the area, flanked by eight very vicious looking Levram warriors.

“You aren’t going anywhere, at least alive,” grunted Ammag, as the Levram warriors rushed forward, with Harry and Leo withdrawing their weapons in an attempt to fight. One of the Levram warriors struck Leo hard, causing him to drop to the ground with one shot. Harry engaged his opponent, weapon shots deflecting off his thick skin, but Harry leapt over the attack, and kicked his larger adversary right in the back, staggering him. Leo was back up and he dodged an attack, before he managed to knock two of the warriors together, stunning them for just a matter of seconds, before they moved back into the attack, refusing to let up on their assault, even for a second.

Ue-Sama backed away, as he watched these bigger warriors make mincemeat out of his new friends, he needed to find his father but he backed right into the monstrous form of Ammag, who lifted him up by the arm viciously, before he turned to his minions.

“You two come with me, I have what I’ve came for, the rest of you destroy those two insignificant worms,” growled Ammag as Leo attempted to make his way over, but was hoisted by the arms, and thrown down, as Harry sprung off one of the statues, knocking one of the Levram warriors to the ground, dropping him like a sack of potatoes.

“Leo, go after the kid, I’ll hold them all off,” said Harry in a tense voice, as a series of thick cords shot out of mid air, wrapping around one of his opponent and a wave of magically simulated electricity was sent through the Levram warrior, but Harry was dropped by a punch. His opponent attempted to strangle all the air out of Harry.

“But….” Stated Leo, but Harry had managed to kick his opponent off, barely, standing back.

“GO!” yelled Harry and a loud bang caused by a burst of defense magic had convinced Leo to do as Harry said. The Levram warriors moved forward to chase Leo but a wall of fire erected by Harry right in front of him had caused them to be stopped in their tracks, before an invisible force pulled one of the brutish aliens backwards and flung him right into the Battle Nexus statue of the Shredder. The other warriors moved in as Harry turned, before he waved his hand, beckoning them forward, as he stood in a battle stance.

Back in the arena, Mikey turned to face off against Kluh, who looked rather murderous at the moment, both warriors encased in a dome of pure magical energy, so there would be no external interference on this occasion.

“Turtle, Turtle, Turtle!” chanted the spectators but Mikey had nothing to offer, other than a fearful gulp.

“Turtle soup more likely,” summarized Mikey grimly, as Kluh rushed him, fist raised and Mikey shrieked like a little girl, but he managed to avoid the beefy fist of his opponent. Another swing and another miss, but the third time was the charm for Kluh as he plastered Mikey in the face with a punch. Quickly, Mikey pulled himself up, and Kluh attempted a punch, but Mikey dodged underneath. Quickly on the rebound, Kluh spun his spear weapon and the wooden handle smashed right into the back of Mikey, dropping the turtle down to the ground.

“Whoa, wait just a minute, that shouldn’t have happened!” exclaimed Raph in an astonished voice.

“Now, something’s up right there, I mean Kluh’s weapon should not even have touched Mikey,” added Don and the Daimyo was hunched over, clutching his forehead and Master Splinter quickly rushed over, looking concerned.

“Something has happened, a disturbance in magic around the Battle Nexus, tampering of some sort,” remarked the Daimyo and a vicious laugh signaled the arrival of Ammag and two of his Levram warriors, Ammag carrying a sack.

“Daimyo, I acquired the services of a powerful mystic wizard to tamper with your precious wards and he managed to remove your defenses, so the combat between my son and that turtle will be to the death,” said Ammag in a pleased tone of voice.

“Speaking of wizards, we really could use Harry right about now,” muttered Raph. “Where the hell is he anyway?”

“You mean the human, he’s currently being pummeled to an early grave, along with one of those other turtles,” said Ammag viciously. “My wizard has control, there is nothing that can be done to stop what has happening.”

“You presume too much Ammag, remember, the essence of the Battle Nexus also flows through my veins,” said the Daimyo as he screwed his eyes shut in concentration. “Yes, I can feel your wizard now.”

The Daimyo raised his war staff but before he could cast the meddlesome wizard out, Ammag spoke.

“I would advise handing over that War Staff to me, or you’ll lose something very important,” said Ammag in his most dangerous voice as he reached into the bag and pulled out the struggling form of Ue-Sama, as the two Levram warriors stood on either side of Kluh, both looking equally menacing, as the Daimyo looked horrified, before he set down the staff.

“You win Ammag,” said the Daimyo in a resigned voice.

Back in the battle, Mikey was sent flying, smacking against the wall and he looked up, in a slightly dazed state.

“Okay any second, I should be disappearing, any moment now,” said Mikey as he screwed his eyes shut, but Kluh was pulled up to his feet, before Mikey hung up and Kluh hammered Mikey with a vicious punch to the chest. Another punch and Mikey hung, as Kluh continued to pummel him.

“No way out now, turtle, this match only ends when you lay dead at my feet,” said Kluh viciously, as another punch impacted Mikey, as Kluh took his time, slowly beating Mikey to death.

Ammag held Ue-Sama up in the air and as the War Staff was at his feet.

“I lost my son once, I cannot bare to lose him again,” said the Daimyo in a deflated voice, as Ammag gave a vicious smirk, the vicious alien held all the cards.

Quickly, in the blink of an eye, Leo bolted in and plucked Ue-Sama out of the clutches of Kluh, before setting him down safely in front of his father.

“And you won’t have to,” replied Leo but Ammag picked up the War Staff, with a triumphant look etched on his face.

“You may have your brat back, but I still have the War Staff,” commented Ammag, as he waved the weapon. “And soon, my son will be finished with that pathetic whelp of a warrior.”

“Leo, where’s Harry?” asked Don in a lowered voice, as he looked around.

“No wait, let me guess, he insisted that you go save the Daimyo’s son, leaving him alone against all of Ammag’s alien thugs,” replied Raph and Leo nodded and Ammag laughed.

“Foolish human, he has no prayer alone against six Levram warriors,” said Ammag. “And soon, the entire multiverse will have no prayer, as we will finally take what is our birthright.”

At that moment, a Levram warrior blasted through the door, and Harry stood out, blood dripping down from a slash on his cheek, as he stood to face Ammag, an intense glare in his eyes.

“No, there is no way you could have survived against that many of my warriors,” said Ammag but he pointed the War Staff towards Harry. “No matter, I’ll reduce you to dust.”

With that Ammag sent a jet of magical energy from the War Staff right at Harry, but a golden shield appeared right in front of Harry, blocking the magical attack. The brutish alien growled in frustration, as it attempted to attack Harry once again but once again, Harry blocked it with a well placed shield charm once again as Ammag circled him, holding the War Staff.

Back in the Battle Nexus, Mikey hung limp by one arm as Kluh held him up.

“Pathetic, I had hoped for a challenge but perhaps I had hoped for too much,” growled Kluh. “Soon, you will be done and soon my father will have unlimited power, control over the magic in the entire Multiverse. The first that will be slain will be your family but you’ll go first, fool.”

Mikey looked up, attempting to shake the cobwebs off and finally, Harry’s words began to click with him. There was no easy way out this time, he had to fight like he had never fought before and Mikey’s eyes flickered open, as Kluh drew his fist back, perhaps ready to deliver the final blow, but Mikey swung his legs up, cracking Kluh right in the face, causing the big warrior to stagger backwards. Kluh gave an angry bellow and charged Mikey but Mikey dodged out of the way and caught Kluh with a knee, which staggered him to the ground. With a focused look in his eyes, Mikey removed his nunchucks, spinning them to gain momentum.

“Come on then big guy, give me everything you got!” prompted Mikey and Kluh rushed forward, weapon drawn but Mikey dodged and Kluh’s weapon plunged into the ground. Kluh attempted to wrench it out of the ground, but Mikey swung his weapon and Kluh was smacked right in the face, dropping him to the ground.

Harry avoided the attack before he sent expertly pointed his hand at Ammag, before a banishing charm was sent right at Ammag. The spell only staggered Ammag back but it removed the War Staff from his hand and the Daimyo had grabbed it. The Levram warriors attempted to get at the Daimyo, but quickly a bolt of magical energy had immobilized the nasty aliens.

“Now see what you have brought upon yourself Ammag, the tied as turned,” remarked the Daimyo as he pointed to see Kluh being battered slightly by Mikey. “I will allow Michelangelo

decide the fate of your son, but for your sake, I hope you have not condemned him.”

Kluh rushed forward but Mikey dodged the attack. As he became airborne, Mikey smashed down onto Kluh and Kluh thumped to his knees, viciously injured by the attack from Mikey. Mikey stepped forward towards Kluh, who was at the mercy of the turtle, a distinct reversal of rolls from earlier, nunchucks spinning wildly as Kluh looked up at Mikey, a defeated look etched in the large warrior’s eyes, as blood splashed to the ground.

“Do it, it’s your right to finish me,” said Kluh gruffly but Mikey’s nunchucks stopped spinning as he looked at Kluh.

“No, that’s not the way how my father taught me,” remarked Mikey as he looked at Kluh with a serious expression on his face. “Besides, you’re already finished.”

With that, Mikey raised his hand before he calmly tapped his finger on Kluh’s head, causing the large warrior to thump to the ground, completely defeated, Mikey having earned the Battle Nexus trophy this time, with no flukes or outside interference, as the Daimyo raised the War Staff to drop the dome.

“Your winner, Michelangelo,” announced the Daimyo, as the dome disappeared and the crowd cheered at Mikey’s hard fought, well earned victory.

About a minute later, the Turtles, Master Splinter, and Harry found themselves in a palace, where the Daimyo approached Mikey with a medal in his hand.

“And as a result of your performance Michelangelo, I present you with the Medal of Unparalleled Honor,” announced the Daimyo, placing around Mikey’s neck, as Mikey bowed before the Daimyo in respect.

“Ah man, I though the trophy was bad enough, now this,” grumbled Raph under his breath in a slightly agitated voice. “I’m going to have to move.”

Mikey turned to Harry, taking a deep breath.

“Thanks Harry,” commented Mikey. “You were right.”

“Don’t mention it, Mikey, you applied yourself and scored the win,” responded Harry with a nod.

Over in Britain, Voldemort had walked over to Gringotts, with the proper paperwork drawn up to get the goblins the right to use wands. Other than a couple of minor problems he was required to deal with, he had ruled over his country with no problem, preparing it to take over more but it would be a long term plan. Quite frankly, Voldemort had all the time in the world, after all he was immortal.

Voldemort stepped into the bank and was quickly met up by a goblin.

“This way my Lord,” prompted the goblin and Voldemort walked through the corridor, where an entire group of goblins were in a conference room, all looking at Voldemort with greedy expressions on their face.

“I understand how efficient you goblins are, so I doubt that my word would be much collateral,” said Voldemort softly, as he reached forward before he pushed the document in front of the goblins. The goblin at the head of the table reached forward and flipped through the stack of documents.

“This all seems to be in order, no deception, now the terms of the contract can be carried out,” remarked the head goblin. “I trust provisions will be made for us to learn for us to use our wands.”

“Something is in the works but it matters little,” commented Voldemort mysteriously and in the blink of the eye, Voldemort had disapparated.

“That should be impossible inside this bank for any human,” grumbled one of the goblins but the doors of the conference room were sealed shut. The goblins attempted to blast them with their own unique brand of magic, but they remained immobile.

“Now, you should know that I am not just any human,” replied Voldemort. “I wouldn’t waste your energy, as you’ll need it to hold your breath.”

“Why this treachery?” demanded one of the goblins.

“Now I did as I promised, but not once did I promise that you would live long enough to enjoy the right to use a wand,” hissed Voldemort in a deadly voice. “You’ve outlived your usefulness.”

With that, a thick yellow substance was pumped into the room, filling the air. The eyes of the goblins widened in horror, before most of them dropped to the ground in a matter of seconds, as the gas filled their lungs. The lungs spontaneously combusted once the gas had came into contact as Voldemort had laughed coldly at the plight of the goblin nation.
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