Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book VII

Chapter 08: Aliens Among Us

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Dumbledore,Ginny,Harry,Lily,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-05-18 - Updated: 2008-05-18 - 5673 words

Chapter Eight: Aliens Among Us

In Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, a large flying saucer zoomed through the sky. In the desert, large tanks barreled down after the flying saucer, as it zoomed. One of the tanks pointed its missile launcher up towards the saucer and seconds later, a large missile whizzed through the sky. The missile connected with the side of saucer, causing it to burst into flames, before it descended from the sky and crashed with a high impact right in the center of the desert, as the tanks rolled in towards the saucers. A group of heavily armed commandos exited the tanks, lead by Agent Bishop, who looked exactly the same in 1947 as he did fifty years later in 1997.

The commandos entered the tank, as Bishop stood, calm as ever in the shadows and seconds later, a grey alien with bug shaped eyes was dragged out of the saucer by two of the commandos, completely rattled by his ship being cut down out of the sky. Several more commandos exited the vehicles, carrying several high level pieces of technology, as Bishop nodded, as a helicopter moved in to take the ship as well, to study at a later date.

Bishop reflected on this incident as he entered one of his many bases of operations, in the heart of Area Fifty One. It was truly one of the many incidents throughout the annals of time that illustrated the fact that aliens polluted aspect of society and remained among us. Incidents that happened before that incident in Roswell and would continue to occur unless something was done.

Bishop entered his secret base, moving inside the lab of Doctor Baxter Stockman, who was busily at work on an ambitious project that Bishop had set for him to do. On the walls had an infinite number of stasis containers, containing a multitude of different alien specimens that had visited the Earth that Bishop had captured.

“Greetings Agent Bishop,” remarked Stockman who barely looked up from the work he was doing. “How’s Washington? I heard it’s rather lovely this time of year.”

“It was quite abysmal,” commented Bishop in a bored tone of voice, before he got straight down to business. “Status report, Doctor Stockman?”

“We’re right on schedule, Agent Bishop,” answered Stockman promptly, as he made a few more calculations to ensure that everything was up to specifications. “Normally playing Doctor Frankenstein would be beneath me, but you do have me intrigued. These genetic manipulations you are having me do are quite interesting indeed, but nothing that would further your super solider program. Might I inquire why?”

“Your project has a much broader goal than that Doctor Stockman,” responded Bishop calmly. “The bureaucrats in DC intend to cut my funding, thus effectively crippling the effectiveness of the Earth Protect Force. But, I intend to rectify that matter personally and soon enough we will have more than enough funding, straight from the President himself.”

“The President?” inquired Stockman in an astonished voice, as he looked at his boss with some skepticism. “How on Earth to you hope to manage that one, sir?”

“In three days time, the President will be in New York, to address the UN and there, I shall demonstrate the necessity of my work to him,” replied Bishop, as he stared at the figure in the stasis tube that Stockman was working on modifying and then duplicating. “However, with a current alien threat being absent, one will be created to thoroughly illustrate our purpose.”

It was the first week of November, as Alexandra and several American Aurors walked down the street, followed by Lily, Hailey, Ginny, Sirius, Remus, and Harry, all that were in disguise to avoid being recognized by anyone.

“Okay, we need people here, here, and here, just in case any magical assassins get a bright idea to attack the President,” ordered Alexandra to the Aurors. “The Secret Service should have be able to put out any Muggle fires, but against witches and wizards, that’s a bit out of their pay grade. Use disillusionment charms to cloak yourself, as with a crowd this size, rounding up people to modify their memories would be a mess.”

“Right, Madam President, my Aurors are moving in, the Muggle President should be here in a few minutes,” commented head Auror Richards, as they quickly moved in, leaving Alexandra with the group.

“This is the President’s first visit to New York since shortly after the Triceraton invasion, if I’m not mistaken?” asked Lily.

“Yes, it is, he’s had his own problems recently, but this visit should have nothing to do with that,” answered Alexandra. “Still, every time he arranges a visit to a high profile city like New York, we have to arrange an extra level of protection to ensure no one from our world takes a shot at him.”

“It’s worth it though,” said Harry calmly, as he looked around. “Imagine the mess you’d have on your hands if the President got struck down with a Killing Curse right in a public forum. The entire Magical/Muggle wall could come crashing down and it’d make the Voldemort thing seem like a minor scuffle.”

“That’s a rather grim assessment,” said Hailey with a shudder. “You sure know how to bring the positive to a situation.”

“No, I agree, this is necessary but maybe we’ll be lucky and nothing bad will happen today,” replied Ginny in an optimistic tone of voice which caused Harry to give her a disbelieving look. “Don’t look at me like that, security’s tight, on both ends, I mean I doubt even Voldemort would dare try anything.”

“Good thing he can’t come into the country at the moment unless he takes down the wards,” inputted Remus lightly. “Still, I must say this is an interesting experience at the very least.”

“You’d think anything’s interesting Moony,” commented Sirius. “It’s just a chance to get out, see the sights afterwards maybe, but it’s not like we can get anywhere in the city like this.”

Harry looked up and saw four very familiar looking green figures on the roof, as the Presidential motorcade began roll into the city proper.

“Oh no,” muttered Harry darkly, as he saw his brothers on the rooftops above, in broad daylight, with all those people in town, with all the security around, and hoped they did not do something stupid to get themselves seen.

On the rooftops, Don turned around, looking down at the scene below, with heat vision goggles on his face, as he scouted from high above, to the streets down below.

“Come on Don, I want to see,” pleaded Mikey but Don turned away from Mikey.

“In a minute Mikey…oh look there’s a secret service agent,” commented Don, looking around excitedly, not too much unlike a kid in a candy store. “And there’s another and another and…”

“My turn!” piped up Mikey as he removed the heat vision goggles from Don, who just sighed in an exasperated tone as Mikey placed the goggles on to look down, with the President exiting his limo, flanked b even more Secret Service agents yet. “Oooh, total turtle vision”

“I don’t really know if this is such a good idea,” remarked Leo in an uncertain voice, as he looked around from side to side. “I mean, given all the security, you know the risks of us being seen are now higher than ever before.”

“Come on Leo, how many times are we going to have a chance to see the President come into town?” argued Don. “I heard this is going to be a big speech, it could determine the future of Space Exploration for many years to come.”

“Perhaps, but keep on your toes guys, it is at the United Nations and it is the President, so everyone will be on the look out for the strange and the suspicious,” commented Leo in an uncertain voice.

“Relax Leo, there shouldn’t be any problem, even with all of the Secret Service agents there,” remarked Raph. “Man, those guys are supposed to be the best out there, I should be a Secret Service agent, I think I’d be great.”

“Yeah Raph, I heard they’re really looking for short, green, bald agents,” replied Mikey which caused Raph to respond with a glare.

“Shh, the president’s going to start, this is going to be big,” said Don, as he looked down, straining to listen, as the President stepped up to the podium, to address the crowd.

“Citizens, thank you for coming out here today, I…” started the President, but a loud feedback loop echoed from above and a large red light bathed the city, as the crowd looked up, with several flying saucers appeared, hovering over the crowd, humming menacingly, as everyone looked up, most of them wearing fearful expressions on their face.

“Well, it’s going to be big, in more ways you can imagine,” said Leo as he looked on, in shock, as the saucers continued to hum, as the entire crowd wondered exactly what their purpose was today.

“Whoa would you look at that, there’s an alien invasion, that’s something you don’t see every day,” commented Raph in a slightly sarcastic tone of voice, before he shook his head in irritation. “Oh wait a minute, yeah we do.”

“Okay, Don, what do you make of this?” prompted Leo, as he watched the saucers, humming above.

“Well, the crafts don’t look to be Triceraton or Federation in origin, or even Utrom, it looks like something out of an old movie” commented Don thoughtfully as he analyzed the saucers. “It’s something new, something different than anything we’ve ever went up against before…”

“And hopefully something friendly,” added Mikey, but somehow, this did not appear to be the case at all.

The President looked up in absolute horror, as one of the ships began lighting up, powering up some kind of energy weapon from high above the city.

“This cannot be happening,” muttered the Secret Service Agent, before he straightened up and turned to the President with a serious expression on his face. “Mr. President, we need to get you out of here, now.”

The pair of Secret Service agents quickly grabbed the President and escorted him back into the limo, just in the nick of time, as the energy weapon from the space ship fired, nearly blowing a hole right through the middle of the street, as the limo turned, and sped off, as mass hysteria raged through the city streets.

Alexandra looked around, and frowned as she got a report, and by the growing horrified look etched upon her face, the news she had just received was far from good, as Lily turned to her friend.

“My Aurors attempted to connect with the ships, to slow them, but magic appears to have no effect,” said Alexandra grimly, answering Lily’s unasked question, as she looked up. “They’re going to try to contain them, but it doesn’t look good.”

“At least the Muggle Secret Service is trying to get the President out,” said Remus as he watched. “Although don’t know how far they are going to get, as that thing appears to be on their tale.”

Sirius turned to where Harry was standing at least five seconds ago, but much to his surprise, Harry had snuck off, along with Hailey and Ginny as well from the looks of things.

“I know, they went to leave to help out most likely,” commented Lily in a calm voice, but she looked out in the crowd where everyone was running, the Aurors attempting to move in to contain the mess, as the Secret Service was more concerned with getting the President out safely. “I suppose we should have expected that to happen, but it looks like the Aurors need our help right now, but still I can’t say that I’m not worried.”

“Those three have handled much worse, your son especially, they’ll be fine Lily,” commented Alexandra vaguely as she turned over, to attempt to control the crowd. “Everyone remain calm, we are trying to get everything under control but it is impossible for us to keep you safe, unless you all stay calm”

The presidential limo made its way down the street at a breakneck speed, with one of the flying saucers hovering above it, the energy weapon powering up once again over it, before it shot right towards the limo. The drive put the breaks on, but it was too late, as the energy weapon impacted the tires, blowing them out and caused the limo to skid to a stop, knocking the occupants inside unconscious.

From below, the four Turtles descended to the ground, dropping down towards the limo. Mikey stepped forward, reaching towards the door, before pulling it open, and peaking inside, to see the President slumped inside, unmoving, from getting rattled.

“Think we can keep him?” asked Mikey but Raph stood behind Mikey, a look of disgust appearing on his face.

“I don’t have time to whack you Mikey, come on and move it,” said Raph and Mikey stepped forward, but footsteps were heard, causing the Turtles to tense up and quickly, they scaled back up the wall, just as the military walked into the alleyway, making their way towards the vehicle.

“Everyone move in, secure the president,” ordered the General.

“Good, we can get out of here, before we’re seen, the military can take care of the President, get him to safety,” muttered Leo under his breath so no one could hear him, as they almost got to the rooftop, but the flying saucer had hovered over the alleyway once again, powering up the energy weapon, before it blasted down into the street, causing the military to back off, as more shots with the energy weapon tore holes in the pavement.

“Fall back, move around to recover so we can…” stated the General, but a blue light bathed the alley way, and several grey, bug eyed aliens appeared, to engage the soldiers, before removing laser blaster weapons. In an instant, the military was backed off, as the laser weapons had obliterated their own guns, causing them to fall back, as the aliens closed in, moving towards the limo.

Quickly, the Turtles jumped down to face off the aliens, but were backed off, as they pointed the weapons at the Turtles and opened fire on them, forcing them to take cover behind some dumpsters, as more laser fire.

“I don’t understand, these aliens are using both Triceraton and Federation weaponry,” said Don with a frown, as he tried to wrap his hand around what was happening.

“It’s just more of a reason to take them out,” said Raph, as he withdrew his Sais, before he moved into battle and quickly spun around, dodging into battle, with the other three Turtles also moving it. Raph rammed his Sai into the laser blaster of the alien he was facing off against, causing the laser get jammed, as Mikey and Don were backed off, with Leo attempting to move in from the other side.

“Need a hand?” asked Hailey, as she dropped down, right in front of the aliens, dodging to the side, with Harry and Ginny slowly moving in. An attempted stunning spell flew over the head of one of the aliens but Harry send a wandless blasting spell at one of the blasters, causing the blaster to blow into pieces. The alien that held it began to swell up and quickly it exploded, sending white goop in every direction, splashing the alley walls.

Mikey quickly dodged a laser fire, before he swung his nunchucks, and cracked them against a pair of the aliens. The aliens began to swell up much like the one Harry had connected with and quickly they also exploded, more white goop splashing everywhere. Leo propelled himself up into the air, katanas at ready and came down onto the laser blasters, slicing them to ribbons. Quickly, Don sprung it, and kicked at one of the aliens. The off worlder was sent into the wall where it swelled up and sent more white goop in every direction.

“Ick, this is disgusting,” said Hailey in an absolutely mortified voice and true it did take a lot to gross the Potter girl out, but this was pushing it, as she ducked a charge, before she withdrew a crossbow and an arrow, before she impacted the arrow in the chest of one of the aliens. The alien blew up and then exploded, showering her, Ginny, and Harry in the goop.

“Yes, but considering I lived with Fred and George all my life, I’m a bit desensitized to the disgusting,” commented Ginny dryly, as she assisted Harry in taking out an alien, who also burst open, sending its filling in every which direction, as they moved in.

One of the last aliens had Mikey pinned down, its razor sharp teeth bared and its eyes widened, but Don stepped in front of it, Bo Staff drawn.

“That’s my annoying sibling you have there, slimy,” commented Don as he swung the Bo Staff at the alien, striking him and causing the alien to burst open, covering Mikey from head to toe with the white goop.

“Eww, he slimed me,” remarked Mikey in an absolutely mortified voice, as the goop dripped down to the ground.

“You wear it well,” retorted Don with a grin.

Little did they know, but Agent Bishop had monitored all of the activities from a van not too far from the scene where the aliens attempted to snag the President.

“Meddling fools,” said Bishop in a slightly agitated voice, before he turns to one of his subordinates. “Get me Stockman, now!”

The subordinate nodded, before he pressed a few buttons, activating the view screen, as the face of Stockman appeared, looking rather bored.

“How goes your production, Agent Bishop?” inquired Stockman in a casual voice. “Are you the next Orson Welles yet?”

“Your aliens are decomposing ahead of schedule, Stockman,” replied Bishop in a soft, deadly tone of voice. “Would you care to offer an explanation as why this is occurring?”

“Decomposing, but how could this be?” asked Stockman in a surprised voice, his eyes widened, as he ran through the computer program that contained the genetic specifications for all the alien creatures. “Well, this could the problem, your parameters only accounted for basic survival instincts and the ability to fire weapons. Hand to hand fighting was not on the list, the physical battering must be accelerating the decomposition process.”

At that news, Bishop’s forehead swelled up, his skin looking rather unsettled, as Stockman looked at Bishop with a curious expression etched on his face.

“Apparently, they aren’t the only one’s whose bodies are breaking down,” commented Stockman lightly but Bishop looked at him, as he pushed the skin back with a bit of effort.

“Another time, Doctor Stockman,” said Bishop in a dismissive voice.

Bishop looked irritated, but never the less, he turned to his subordinates.

“Ready the saucer, we’re cutting the invasion short and if anyone gets in our way, obliterate them,” said Bishop all in one breath as he turned to oversee that his plan went according schedule.

In the alleyway, the space ship above shot a beam of solid red light out, the field engulfing the presidential limo, and began to pull it up towards the saucer. The Turtles, Harry, Hailey, and Ginny attempted to move forward, but at the speed of light, the limo was sucked right abroad the ship, where the saucer and many other hummed from high above, as they floated in the sky.

“Okay, this is bad,” commented Don.

“What was your first clue, aliens abducting the president?” replied Raph in an agitated voice but Harry stood, looking above, frowning.

“Something seems very funny about this entire business,” commented Harry suddenly.

“Like what?” asked Hailey curiously but before anyone could answer, Don moved forward, before he removed a vial from his duffel bag and bended down towards the goop.

“Allow me to get a sample and maybe we can shed some light on this entire…what the?” asked Don, as he siphoned some of the goop away, but underneath appeared to be a large, half circular device buried deep within the stuff. “This is just getting stranger by the moment, I just found a transmitter buried deep within this stuff.”

“So, it’s almost like someone’s controlling these aliens,” supplied Ginny but Harry also looked up curiously.

“Don, you got your heat vision goggles?” asked Harry and Don nodded. “Check something, the ships seem a half of a second out of sync with the one that swooped up the president.”

“Right Harry,” said Don, as he pulled out the heat vision goggles and placed them on, looking at the ship. “Guys, these readings are peculiar, and as I shift through the electromagnetic spectrum…Harry’s right, something is up. No wonder all the other ships seem out of sync with the mother ship, as all of the other ships are fake, holograms, a complete hoax.”

“So the only real one is the one that grabbed the president,” commented Leo and Don responded with a nod. “Still, why would someone go to all of the trouble of faking an alien invasion?”

“We’ll find out soon,” said Don as he hooked up the transmitter to a portable tracking device and it began to beep lightly. “And I was right, this transmitter is giving off a signal, so it will lead us right to whomever is behind this alien invasion.”

“I hate all this techno crud,” grumbled Raph in an agitated voice. “Just show me what to hit, damnit!”

Sometime later, the group was leaping from roof top to roof top, as they spotted a van with a satellite dish, parked by the river.

“Okay, this all looks familiar,” commented Ginny. “I’m beginning to see who’s behind this mess…”

“Yeah, that’s one of that whacko Bishop’s vehicles,” said Raph as he looked down.

“So, let’s pay him a visit and see what’s up,” suggested Harry in a gruff voice, as he climbed down.

In the back of the truck, Bishop turned, as one of his subordinates redirected the saucer towards the designation point. In the blink of an eye, the door blasted open, and Harry, Ginny, Hailey, Leo, and Raph entered the truck, causing Bishop’s eyes to widen. Bishop’s subordinates pointed the weapons right at the group, but Bishop raised his hand to signal them to stop.

“No don’t shoot, you’ll damage the equipment,” ordered Bishop but Harry quickly rushed in and took down one of the commandos with a kick. Another commando swung a punch at Harry but Harry dodged it and knocked his opponent backwards with a punch. Leo sprang off the walls and took out a pair of commandos, dropping them to the ground. One of the commandos grabbed Harry, but Ginny hit him from behind, allowing Harry to flip him to the ground. Quickly, Harry brought both of his feet down onto the face of his opponent. Raph sprang forward and knocked one of the commandos down, dropping him to the ground. Hailey dodged another one of Bishop’s subordinates, before she back flipped off the wall and the subordinate turned around, in time to get wrapped up in thick cords by Hailey.

On the top of the vehicle, Don analyzed the satellite with scientific interest.

“Fascinating, but how to shut it down?” asked Don to himself.

“I suggest a fore wood,” commented Mikey and Don nodded, pulling his Bo Staff out and swung it, cracking the Satellite dish, knocking it off the truck. From high above, the holographic saucers disappeared one by one.

The final commando dropped by a Harry punch before the group turned and walked towards Bishop, but before anything could happen, Mikey popped his head into the back of the van, a smirk etched on his face.

“People of the planet Earth, you are now safe, the alien menace has ended,” remarked Mikey, as he entered the back of the van, followed closely by Don. “Don took out the satellite and poof, no more aliens.”

“You did what?” thundered Bishop angrily as he rushed over, looking out the window, as he saw the mother ship careening towards them. “You fool, the President was on that ship.”

Bishop looked out, before he moved out, as the ship careened towards the water. Quickly, the Turtles, Hailey, Ginny, and Harry scattered, as the ship knocked into the van, with both splashing into the river.

“Way to go, Einstein,” said Raph sarcastically turning to Don, as they looked at the ship in the river, the hatch door blown open from the impact of the crash, and quickly, they moved towards the ship, as they stood looking, before Raph turned to Don. “I vote Don leads the way.”

Don stepped into the ship, the others following him, looking around at the interior, awed expressions on their faces, as they looked around.

“Wow, this is something different, the interior is like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” commented Don in an awed voice.

“We can sight see later, we need to find the President,” said Harry in a slightly urgent voice as he moved forward, before he pressed a button, opening a door and the all entered the room, before tensing up at the sight they were greeted by, dozens of the same bug eyed grey aliens that they fought earlier.

“They’re not moving,” said Hailey after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.

“Might I ask exactly why the slime brothers aren’t moving?” asked Mikey, as he looked at them, expecting them to come to life at any second as they looked too still and too silent for his liking.

“Maybe they’re on a union break,” suggested Raph with a smug look.

“I think when the ship stopped, they became inactive, because they had no orders to receive,” inputted Don.

“Very astute as usual Donatello,” said Bishop as he walked into the picture, coolly looking at the group.

“Why Bishop, why would you go to all the trouble of staging a fake alien invasion?” demanded Harry in an intense voice, as he stared down Bishop, who just stared at Harry with a calm, cool, and collected manner.

“For the good of all mankind, Harry,” responded Bishop in a calm voice, as he turned to the group. “Now if you would excuse me, I need to save the President from quite an untimely fate.”

“Are you that whacked in the head Bishop?” demanded Raph as he withdrew his Sais. “The only place you’re heading is painville.”

“I think not Raphael, my sleeping pets are awakening and in need of a few playmates,” remarked Bishop casually as he pulled out a remote control device, reactivating the aliens as they moved towards Hailey, Ginny, Harry, Raph, Don, Mikey, and Leo. “Play nicely children.”

Bishop walked off as the aliens moved towards the group, ready for action.

“Oh no, it’s slime time again,” commented Mikey, as he ducked an attack by one of the aliens, before he smashed his weapon into one of the attackers, knocking his opponent backwards, causing him to swell out and burst open, sending the creamy filling inside everywhere.

“Raph, you and Don go after Bishop, find the president, we’ll hold off these things,” grunted Leo, as he sliced one of the weapons, dropping the alien, the impact bursting the alien open and his inner material to burst everywhere, as Raph and Don ran off.

“Wait, they get to go, and we have to stay, to fight bug eyed aliens that pop up like giant zits!” exclaimed Mikey in a shocked voice, as Hailey pierced one of the aliens right in the eye with an arrow and it burst open from the impact, as Mikey dodged the white goop of another alien that had been burst open by a well placed “Reducto” from Ginny. “Right now Leo, I think your plan really stinks.

“Stay focused!” warned Harry as used a dagger to stab one of his enemies in the chest, causing him to be ripped open and his insides to explode in every which direction, splattering Harry, Ginny, and Hailey in the goop.

Bishop walked down the corridor of the saucer, before he leaned forward, to speak into his wrist communicator.

“The President is secured in the probe room for extraction, meet me outside the room in five minutes…” stated Bishop, but Bishop was tackled from the side by Raph, slammed into the wall, knocked into the wall.

“YOU!” shouted Raph, as he attempted to pound Bishop but Bishop smacked him backwards, dropping him to the ground as Don leapt up and knocked Bishop back with a shot but Bishop removed his overcoat, to reveal high tech body armor.

“You’re a fascinating specimen but nothing can be allowed to interfere with my work,” said Bishop, as a series of miniature rockets rose up from Bishop’s armor, as he aimed them at Don, but Raph leapt at Bishop, grabbing his arm, sending rockets whizzing in every which direction, but Don managed to die out of the way. Bishop paused, having run out of ammo, before Raph reared back his fist and knocked Bishop back, causing him to stagger, falling down a ventilation shaft.

“Raph, let’s go,” prompted Don but Raph held up his hand.

“Hang on, I want to hear him hit bottom,” remarked Raph and a loud crash caused Raph to smirk.

“GO, GO!” shouted Mikey, as he lead the way, with Leo, Hailey, Ginny, and Harry, all covered in various degrees on the white goop, as the remaining aliens sent jets of laser fire at them.

“BRING IT ON!” yelled Raph as he stood in battle stance, weapons drawn ready to engage the bug eyed extraterrestrials in battle.

“Raph, move it!” ordered Leo.

“Ah, but I like it when they go pop,” said Raph in a downed voice, but he followed the others down the hallway, after all, they needed to find the President.

Speaking of the President, he opened his eyes and looked up, face to face with one of the grey bug eyed aliens, as the highest Muggle official in the land found himself strapped to an operating table, as several other aliens moved towards him, one holding up a drill.

“Ah, what is it, let me go!” shouted the President in a terrified voice, as he was tied down, looking absolutely helpless. “What do you want from me, answer me?”

The aliens did not respond but seconds later, Mikey, complete covered in the alien goop, burst through the doors and dropped to the ground, looking up to the President with a sheepish look etched on his face.

“Uh, hi,” said Mikey as he looked up at the President nervously, with the others entering, Hailey having a very noticeable “we’re so screwed” look etched on her face. “We are so dead.”

“We’ll worry about that later, right now, let’s go and get the President,” said Leo but the aliens turned to the group, before they blasted a jet of laser fire of them.

“A lot easier said than done,” remarked Ginny in an agitated voice, as Harry attempted to blast one of the aliens out of the way, but the alien dodged, but then the doors burst open, to reveal Agent Bishop and his commandos. Quickly, Ginny, Harry, Hailey, and the Turtles

Dodged behind a control console, as Bishop and his men stood forward, their own weapons drawn.

“Agent Bishop, help me, these aliens…” said the President.

“We’re here to save you, Mr. President,” replied Bishop in a would be reassuring voice before he turned to his squadron. “Open fire, destroy them all.”

A blast of fire was opened up, impacting the aliens, causing them to be obliterated with a matter of seconds on contact, as Bishop and his commandos made short work of this simulated threat.

“This is nuts, we can’t let Bishop take the President,” remarked Raph.

“Raph, if Bishop wanted to hurt the President, he could have done so by now,” said Don. “There’s something else, something bigger than we could ever imagine.”

“We need to get out of here before those commandos attempt take us out,” commented Leo, and seconds later, they turned, before they snuck out as the last alien failed and the commandos walked over to free the President.

“I owe you my life Agent Bishop,” said the President graciously. “Whatever your department needs, money, men, just say the word and you can have it.”

“You can count on me, sir,” replied Bishop smugly, as he escorted the President from the saucer.

Back at the Potter Residence, Harry, Hailey, and Ginny were sitting around the television, watching the fallout from Bishop’s faux alien invasion.

“The President is now safely back in DC, where he has pledged to renew funding for the Earth Defense Force,” said the newscaster.

“All this, just for money,” remarked Ginny.

“Figures,” commented Hailey in a disgusted tone of voice, as the President walked up to the podium that can be seen on the screen, with Bishop standing coolly in the shadows.

“Citizens, the alien threat is very real and the Earth Defense Force will do everything in their power to prevent any further attacks, from aliens such as this,” said the President, as dramatic artist renditions of the Turtles appeared on the screens, with glowing red eyes, fangs, and claws, with menacing looks etched upon their face, as Harry narrowed his eyes as he looked at the screen.
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