Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ++Stay+Gerard Way++#01++

++Stay++Gerard Way++Awake++#02++

by RavenxBlack 0 reviews

He's back.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-05-15 - Updated: 2008-05-17 - 376 words


She couldn’t see anything, her eyes were too heavy and a numbness at the back of her mind had refused her to move. In her own mind she asked herself, was I hit? Or am I dead? Somehow these thoughts didn’t scare her, but made her feel warm inside. The thought of being dead was perfect after centuries of being tormented by her loss. She couldn’t even say his name. Like he never existed, like he was an imaginary creature she would never get hold of again.

Suddenly it became cold. It hit her like a thousand needles on her skin. Cold, sharp and wet. Maybe rain? More came to her. She could feel the air, and the cold hard ground. And she could hear again the many voices around her.

“Sh! Sh! She’s coming around!”

“Should we take her to him?”

“No! He said we cannot touch her!” The voices hissed.

When she came too, and fully opened her eyes, she saw three men, vaguely, wearing suits and standing around her like she was a snake. She half sat up, while putting her hand in the air, blocking the light. She saw them all perfectly now. They were all wearing the same tattered suit, and they all had white hair. They all looked the same, but completely different.

“Miss, would you like anything?” One of them said.

I swallowed hard. And looked hard at them.

“I’m sorry, what?” She whispered, looking dizzy and confused.

“We have a room for you, would you like a hand?” He said again.

She looked in disbelief. She was sure that whatever was waiting on the other side of her blackout was going to kill her, disembowel her or either hurt her in some way. She wasn’t expecting a hotel. At that moment something caught her mind, she was staring into the mans eyes, when she realized something dark and horrible was wrong. She moved her gaze to a man in the background, on the stairs, looking at her. Him. Him. Him. It took years to forget what he did to her. Centuries. And he was there to do it again to her. Her gaze seemed to be stuck to him in fear.

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