Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Life Is Forever Changed

chapter 3

by Starfiire 1 review

chapter 3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-16 - Updated: 2008-05-17 - 375 words

Chapter 3

“YES HE IS!!!!” I said turning around to face the person of the voice.

“No he’s not lying, it’s true.” Mikey said again

“Then how come I didn’t know of this before? Huh… why did I grow up here in Florida while you two lived in New Jersey?” I questioned

“Just let us take you out for lunch and we’ll explain everything.” Gerard finally said

“Kaitlyn are you feeling well, you look a little pale. Maybe why don’t you go home and rest, I’ll call the office and tell them you’re helping me with something.” Mr. Hannah offered.

“Fine” I said, but I knew what he was doing. He wanted me to go with my brothers and let them tell me their story. Now I really didn’t like school so if a chance came up for me to leave I was all for it, but wasn’t going with my brothers. I ripped open the door to the office and stormed out shoving people out of the way.

“Alright everyone sit down so we can start class” Mr. Hannah announced.

So as I’m going to my seat to put my stuff away, the one person I can’t stand and tries to be like me but she just a wanna-be scene kid Terri came up to me.

“So I see that you got to talk to Gerard and Mikey Way, and I don’t see why they would want to talk to a freak like you, when they could just talk to me.” Terri said

“Wow how long did it take you to think of that one? You call me the freak you’re the one who started to try to be like me not even 5 minutes after I came to school like this… so let’s not start that shit!!! Cause bitch I’ll knock you out.” I fired back picking up my bag and walking away.

A.N. Now i know this is a short chapter but i got stuck and couldnt think of anymore. also sorry that this story took so long after i first posted this story i got into a car crash and hurt my arm.... and again im sorry.
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