Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Total Opposites

The Train Ride

by miSsmalfOyO3O9 0 reviews

Have you ever hated some one so much, that you truly loved them? Loved their brains, personality, looks, and all around them? Did you have to lie to yourself to get a certain some one out of your h...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Draco, Hermione - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-12 - Updated: 2006-02-13 - 615 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling owns everything.

Total Opposites- Chapter One: The Train Ride

"Harry! Hermione! Ron! Ginny! Come on! You don't want to be late! Let's go! GO, GO, GO, GO!" Molly Weasley exclaimed, rushing the friends onto platform nine and three-quarters.

It was five minutes to eleven when they went through the platform. When the friends met up with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, they said their good-byes to each other and ran onto the train. Ginny found her friends and went into their compartment. Harry, Ron, and Hermione found an empty compartment and settled down in there.

"Did you guys hear any word on who the Head Boy is? I know this isn't your favorite subject to talk about, but I have this weird feeling it is Malfoy," Hermione mentioned. Both Harry and Ron shook their heads no.

"That would be grand if Malfoy was the Head Boy. It would be a very fun year for you," Harry sarcastically aimed at her, while trying to make his best 'Malfoy smirk.'

"Oh yeah! That would be just fun to have Malfoy as Head Boy. We could get our freak on in the common room," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Don't even joke about that Hermione. That is just sick and wrong," Ron said shaking his head getting the bad image out.

"Ron! I will be finding out soon anyway because McGonagall wants me and the mysterious Head Boy to meet her in the Head compartment. She wants to talk to us about our duties as the Head students," Hermione said.


'I hope the Head Girl isn't Granger! Although I am sure it is Granger because she gets more than perfect grades on her tests and exams. It would be fun to torment her all the time. I will find out my fate when I meet the Head Girl and McGonagall. I better head off to the Head compartment before McGonagall yells at me for being late,' Draco thought to himself.

"Well, I better get going. I wouldn't want McGonagall to take away points before we even have any! See you two in the Great Hall," Hermione said, while getting up.

Hermione walked all the way up to the front of the train. She wasn't surprised when she saw the blonde-headed git entering the Head compartment. She took a deep breath and opened the compartment door.



"Well, this is going to be a fun year," Hermione said with a roll of her eyes. Draco raised his eyebrows and had his infamous smirk on his face.

Professor McGonagall knocked on the door, and then opened it to find Hermione and Draco there already. "This shouldn't take that long. You will have all the same duties that you did when you were a prefect. You two will also be in charge of all the dances the school will hold. The first dance will be the Halloween dance. I advise you both to start planning it because it will be Halloween sooner than you think. Since tonight is the first night here you do not have to patrol the Hallways. Starting tomorrow, the first day of term, you will have to patrol the hallways. Well, that is all I wanted to tell you," McGonagall said and left.

"Who could have thought a Slytherin, like yourself, would have become Head Boy?"

"I don't know, but everyone knew you would become Head Girl. I guess they just loved my charm," Draco grinned. Hermione just rolled her eyes at his comment.

A.N- I hope you guys liked it... sorry for the shortness they will get longer! I promise! Reviews are very much appreciated!
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