Categories > Anime/Manga > Beyblade > Drabble Collection: Beyblade Version

Blood Red: Hilary Centric

by QueenTangerine 0 reviews

Hilary discovers the joys of mascohisim... and how wonderous the color red really is.... all thanks to her only friend.....

Category: Beyblade - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-05-23 - Updated: 2008-05-23 - 399 words

Drabble Collection: Chapter Five: Blood Red

First Angsty centric Drabble!


Disclaimer: No, I don't own Beyblade, I don't even own the concept of it, because, no offense to the writers, spinning tops doesn't exactly fly off the shelves.

I will own cabana boys and a mansion in Venice one day!


The dark red liquid stained the carpet dark brown as it rolled of the towel, a pleased sigh escaped Hilary's lips as the red blood continued to stain the carpet. She would have to get it cleaned. She shuddered once more as the voice in her head cried out,

'You can just end it here, you know...' That voice, that voice was her friend, her only friend, as everyone else had abandoned her.. the nineteen year old sighed wistfully as an image of Kai appeared into her head...

'All you have to do is get rid of him... the source of your pain...Kai...' the voice spoke with such distain at the end of the sentence that she couldn't help but shudder. Blood made her friend stronger, and the sight of it pleased Hilary, so they were both happy, she couldn't believe how easy it was to steal it from Kai. Yes, she knew the bastard had kept it... all she had to do was wait till he left and it was hers... simple as that.

'That's right, it's all that bastard's fault... you gave him your heart and he stomped on it in the end... choosing a monster over you... such a waste...'she had to stop herself from crying out, that voice, pure poetry in her mind... it was her friend, and a friend would never turn their back on another, unlike Kai and Ming Ming... she felt conciousness slip from her mind and her loving [/friend/] speak triumphantly... that melodic voice guiding her into deep sleep. The voice that was her only friend... Black Dranzer.


Queen: Alright, the next chapter should be out in a jiffy! Yeah, I orignally was going to just have her cut herself, but then I realized Hilary would never do something like that, not without a reason... I just figured that Kai wouldn't be dumb enough to leave Black Dranzer with a bunch of pyscho lab men, do you? Now, please review!

I might make a second part to this, if you all are interested.
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