Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And Then I Found You

London Calling

by lil_sprinkle_butt 0 reviews

Everything is perfect, and yet you changed everything.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-30 - Updated: 2008-05-29 - 1112 words

Mark was from New Jersey. He lived there with his mom, step dad, and his younger brother and sister. He moved to Texas to go to school and to be closer to his dad. Though he loved his mom and step dad dearly, he took college as an opportunity to build a stronger relationship with his father. So UNT was the logical choice for college. Mark was a music major and UNT was known for it’s music program so it was the perfect fit.

Sara met Mark at school. Sparks flew the minuet they laid eyes on each other. They had everything in common and seemed to be a perfect fit. Sara fell for Mark fast; faster than she had ever fallen for anyone before. It wasn’t long before they were planning a future together.

Mark had left Sara at the airport about an hour ago. She insisted on getting there early in case of some sort hold up despite Marks reassurance that there would be none at 5am. Now Sara sat alone in a Starbucks, sipping coffee and reminiscing about the amazing week she had just spent in New Jersey. Sara had spent the first week of her winter break meeting Marks family for the first time. She hit it off with his mom right away and Sara now sat recalling all the great times she had this past week. She began to giggle to herself, recalling the look on Mark’s face as she pulled out his childhood playboy’s from underneath his bed. He always was bad at hiding things. Her thoughts were interrupted by a stranger asking for a light. Sara looked up and saw the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized his beautiful face; those sexy hazel eyes and these tender lips. She calmly fished her lighter out of her purse, trying to contain her composer and not turn into a giddy 13- year old. Finding the lighter, she handed it to him and smiled. ‘Thanks’ he replied, lighting his cigarette and handing the lighter back to her. He motioned to the chair across from her, silently asking to sit. Sara nodded giving him an awkward smile. ‘I’m Gerard’ he said extending his hand across the table. ‘Sara’ she said accepting his handshake. ‘So where you headed to?’ he asked, trying to make small talk.’ Home’ Sara replied with a sigh of relief. ‘Eager to get out of Jersey?’ he asked with a quaint smile. ‘No, it’s not that’ Sara answered ‘I just miss Texas’. ‘So you’re a Texas girl? I should have guessed from that cute little accent you have’. ‘Thanks’ she smiled weakly. Sara hated to hear that she had an accent; it always made her feel like a country bumpkin. But them again, with sayings like country bumpkin, maybe he wasn’t far off. They chatted for what felt like hours. He was so easy to talk to.

~Gerard’s POV~
Look at her. I just came over here for a light. I know the guys are looking for me but I just can’t seem to peel myself away from this chair. To be honest, I don’t want to. I feel like I’ve known her my whole life. She’s so easy to talk to. And those eyes, that smile … I feel kinda weak in the knees. Wait, I can’t feel weak in the knees, I have a wife.

‘Are you ok?’ Sara asked Gee. He was giving her a funny look.’ Yeah, I’m fine’ he smiled weakly. ‘I don’t mean to be rude but I’ve gotta get going’ Gerard said quickly, standing up. ‘Oh’ Sara replied. ‘London’s calling’ she said with a smile. MCR was going on their European tour. ‘Yeah, I was nice meeting you’ he said turning to leave. ‘Nice meeting you too’ she called after him as he jogged out of the Starbucks. Once outside, he regretted leaving. He still had two hours until his flight and he had been thoroughly enjoying himself. He turned around to go back in but when he did, he bumped into Sara who was standing him. ‘Sorry, you forgot these’ she said, handing him his cigarettes. ‘Thanks’ he replied ‘look, about back there …’. ‘It’s fine’ Sara interrupted. ‘I should have realized that you have better things to do than sit in a coffee shop talking to a stranger about bands and movies’ she said, trying to hid her disappointment. ‘That’s the thing’ he said trying to smile. ‘I’d like nothing more than to sit there all day talking to you, it’s just that I haven’t seen my friends in a while and we have to catch a flight soon and …’ he trailed off noticing the look of her in her eyes. ‘Hey, do you think I could get your number?’ he tried to ask casually attempting to change the subject and hide his nervousness. ‘Sure, I guess’ Sara answered in a questioning tone. After all, why would he want her number? It was a well known fact that he was happily married to Lyn-Z and he had only met her like an hour ago. ‘I just had a really great time talking to you’ he said, picking up on her unsure tone and staring deep into her eyes. ‘I thought we could do it again sometime’. ‘I’d really like that’ she said with a smile while typing her number into his phone. ‘What do you want me to save it as? Random stranger you met at the airport?’ she joked. ‘Sara will be just fine. Maybe you should put something about Texas too … just so I will know for sure it’s you’. ‘Of course’ Sara replied with a smile as she typed in Sara … the Texas beauty. She handed him the phone and was turning to leave when Gee grabbed her hand. ‘I just wanted to give you a proper goodbye’ he said, embracing her in a hug. As soon as Gee took her into his arms, Sara felt instantly alive. It felts so right to be in his arms. They seemed to stand there forever in their embrace. Finally they released each other. Sara blushed a bit from the emotions she had felt while hugging him. She felt so silly. ‘Well, I must get going’ she said, blowing a Gerard a kiss ‘Texas awaits’. She turned around and began walking towards her gate. There was no way anyone was going to believe her when she told them!

First story! Read and review please! =]
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