Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Em' Hell, Kid

Score One

by alyssainwonderland 0 reviews

AJ and Gerard catch up.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-05-30 - Updated: 2008-05-30 - 1526 words

It took a good minute for the both of us to get over the initial shock of actually seeing each other again. Gerard looked like he thought of himself crazy, and I couldn’t help but think the same thing. How could I have forgotten that Gerard and Mikey moved to Belleville? It seemed like too big of a coincidence to actually be a reality.

But if this was a dream, I will totally freak out whenever I wake up.

The silence between the two of us was long, but not awkward. We were both taking this moment of quiet to soak each other up, let the changes between us sink in. But the more I looked, the more I noticed that there weren’t all that many changes in either of us, at least physically.

When I’d last seen Gerard, he was a chubby little boy of nine or ten, with extremely pale skin despite the Italian heritage that ran in his mother’s blood. His hair was jet black and seemingly never washed; It was greasy and stuck around his face like glue was holding it there.

Now, he was taller, thinner, although still as pale. His hair actually looked as though he’d washed it recently, though it was still the same shade of black. It was fairly long for a boy, falling in soft wisps a little past his ears. I wanted to touch it, it looked so soft, but I restrained myself.

He was still pale, and in that moment I came to the conclusion that he would never, ever, as long as either of us was alive, get a tan. And I didn’t want him to. A tan just wasn’t Gerard, and he must know it as well as I did.

And once we’d both had enough of the silence, he was the first one to speak. “Well, this is a pretty fucking awesome surprise to come home to.”

I found myself grinning like a complete idiot. The fact that he actually liked coming home to find me as a guest in his house was comforting, and it made me think that he missed me as much as I’d missed him over the years. But that was totally and completely impossible.

“Yeah” I agreed, speaking for the first time since the long silence. “I was pretty surprised when Mikey came up to me at school today. Well, really Alex brought him, but..” I said, correcting myself.

“Wait.” he interrupted, putting his hands up like stop signs to stop me. “At school? As in you were walking around Belleville High School today? As in you’re attending Belleville High School now?” He asked.

I couldn’t quite figure out why he was so surprised by this. “Yeah...” I said. “Today was my first day, obviously, because it was everyone’s. It was kind of annoying. The student body president launched herself on me the first chance she got. Maria whatever.” I said.

He didn’t seem to hear anything I had said past ‘yeah’. He was grinning like a mad man. “That means you live here now!” He stated excitedly. Had I somehow missed that part? Or had I so stupidly thought that it was to be assumed with my presence.

“Yeah!” I said, almost laughing at the excited face he still wore. “We moved about a week ago. My dad got a new job.”

“Score one for Steven!” Gerard half-shouted, praising my father for something he never really had control of. In reality, he hadn’t wanted to switch bases; It was just something his company made him do. He’d even complained about it to his boss, but being faced with being fired and moving his family to a different city caused him to choose the latter. I guess at least one good thing comes out of every bad one.

I laughed at his enthusiasm. It was nice to see that, although he’d changed slightly in appearance, he hadn’t changed too much personality wise. At least not that I could see as of yet.

And then it was silent. Silence was one of the things I feared the most. A lot of people would think that was a stupid thing to be scared of. But I wasn’t going to deny it; I feared silence more than anything else in the world.

Especially when I was talking with someone I hadn’t seen in a while, or hadn’t really met before. To me, a moment of silence that wasn’t forced by others in remembrance of army heros was a sign that either a) the other person thought you were weird, or b) you had nothing in common. That was exactly what I didn’t want to happen with Gerard.

It was at that moment when my brother and his two companions rushed up from upstairs. Thank God. Usually timing this good was only in the movies, and it made me happy to know that it could, in fact, happen in real life.

I wasn’t counting my blessings too much, though. It wasn’t like they were trying to help me. Chances were that, if they knew of the awkwardness that was plaguing Gerard and I at that moment, they would have stayed downstairs longer just so they could hear me suffer. That was just the way they were, lovingly, of course.

Mikey looked genuinely happy to see his brother; I almost couldn’t see his eyes, he was smiling so brightly. They had always been closer than any set of brothers I’d ever seen, and by the expressions of each I could tell that even being away from each other for a week was hard for them to cope with.

They quickly embraced and let go of each other before Frank could taunt them for hugging. Or at least that was what I assumed. I’d only met the small junior boy less than an hour ago, but already I was starting to get a feel for what his personality was like. I could tell we were going to be friends.

Gerard turned to Alex, and a smile similar to the one he’d given me upon seeing me again spread across his pale face. “Jesus” he commented. “The Eller twins haven’t changed at all!”

“Nice to see you, too, Gee.” Alex said, his trademark smirk on his face as he and Gerard shook hands. It was a manly gesture, unlike the pick-up-hug that he’d greeted me with.

“We’ve just decided we were going to play laser tag.” Frank announced proudly, trying to find some way into the conversation. I couldn’t blame him; If I was over a friends house when they were having reunions such as this, I’d probably be doing the same thing.

I couldn’t recall playing a game of laser tag since I was eleven, but I didn’t mention that. “Do you two want to come with?” Frank continued, asking Gerard and I. “Especially you, Oh-Great-Volvo-Key-Holder.” He turned to me, and gave his best attempt at a puppy dog face. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m up for laser tag.” I said. Even if I hadn’t played it in seven years, I could remember it being fun. Maybe it was one of those things that got old as you did, or maybe it stayed fun throughout your life. Gerard simply nodded, and everyone knew that meant he was coming, too.

“Score!” Frank shouted playfully, earning a chuck from Mikey and Alex. “To the Volvo we go!”

As my twin and the two younger boys sprinted out the door to my car, Gerard kept pace with me. “You know” he said as he closed the door behind him. “I have a car, too. We don’t have to pile in yours, if you don’t want us too.”

“Why not?” I asked. “It’ll be fun piling up in my car. Three of you will probably have to squish in the back seat, but I really don’t care.” I said. It was true, I didn’t. Back in Newark, I was the oldest of my friends, and therefor dubbed their chauffeur. Almost every day five of them piled in the back seat of my car, and it was fun. Why should it be any different here?

“Ok” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “I just have one condition, though.”

“And what is that?” I asked.

“I get to ride shotgun.”

A/N - - Hello everyone! I’m so sorry it took so long to get this out, and that it’s short. I’ve been really busy lately, and my cousin’s grandmother died, so I’ve been spending a lot of time with her to get her mind off it. Along with the million and one graduations for my million and one cousins, it gets pretty tough to update. BUT, since I have no school today, I’ll probably write the next chapter soon.
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