Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Continuous Motion

Continuous Motion

by UmbrellaPANSY 1 review

Jagger was always in motion, until she met people worth stopping for.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-04-11 - Updated: 2008-04-12 - 421 words

Continuous motion

Motion is everywhere; the earth quickly spinning on its axis, the rush hour of cars, the dancer across the stage, a twisting hurricane, Me. Motion is a good thing, it feels like it we all stopped moving the world would stop. But all my life I've been continuously moving, no time to stop.

I'm like Atlas holding the world on my shoulders. Without me things would collapse, my family, my boyfriend, my friends. But what happens when Atlas decides to shrug his shoulders? Obviously things would come crashing down. I've been counting the days till I could finally find a resting spot until it was time to get back into motion.

I started counting the day my family put all the problems on me. After twenty years of marriage my parents had split. My mother fled, she didn't just move out of the house she fled the country; Italy. My father had never worked a day in his life which meant I had to support him and the twins.
From the age of sixteen to the age of 23 I was the financial stability. Now, my family is living with me. Still in motion.

I've been with my boyfriend since high school, he can't be separate from me for more than a few hours. He says he loves me but all I see is obsession. He Is also the master of guilt trips, according to him I don't work enough, I don't spend time with him, there isn't enough sex, I'm self-centered. If only he knew sex was the least of my worries. Still in motion.

My friends are the ones I've had all my life. They tend to hold me back. They said if I leave they would have nothing to live for, but tell me I need to leave my boyfriend and my family to branch out in life. Says the girls who have small town thought process and married at the age of 19. Still in motion.

The day came for my break, I left everyone of them. I didn't tell them, didn't leave notes, phones calls or messages. I packed everything in the back of my old VW and drove to the city limits. From there I drove to the state border of Missouri. That moment my car passed the border is when I realized I would never go back. It was my break and I was going to miss it. I headed for New Jersey to see the one who kept me still. Not in motion.
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