Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Always Love You

I'll Always Love You

by david_desrosiersbabe 0 reviews

Hey Peoples. This Story is actually not about My Chemical Romance. It is a story about Evan Ellingson. Their is no category about him (yet) but I am asking to put one. He is A Celebrity. Anyways, s...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-31 - Updated: 2008-06-01 - 331 words - Complete


Name: Kammeryn Colmes (goes by Kammie)
Birthday: August 5
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Height: 5'5
Hair Colour: dark
Eye Colour: hazel


Hi my name is Colmes but everybody calls me Kammie. I am 15 years old, I am in
Grade 10, I am 5'5, I have shoulder length dark hair with blonde streaks, and I have hazel eyes.

My mum and I have just moved to La Verne, California from New York City. My Family is from Greece. I was born their but we moved to the States when I was 12. I grew up speaking both Greek and English because my family knew both. So yeah, I grew up speaking both. My English is perfect. I am a bit bummed that we moved becasue I had lots of Friends in New York, and I hate leaving friends behind. Oh well, I gotta live life the way it is. Anyways, right now my mum and I are eating lunch (we are eating Kotopulo lemonato me pita). Mum and Had finished un-packing all of the stuff yesterday. We moved here to La Verne, California from New York four days ago.

My mum and Dad divorced when I was 4 years old and my dad moved after they divorced. I dont know where to. I have not seen my dad since him and my mum split. My mum is 30 years old. She was 15 when she had me. My mum is really nice and she is like my best friend. When mum and I were done eating, we decided to go out back. We have a huge house and it is really nice.

"so you excited for school tomorrow?" she asked me
"no, not really"
"why not?"
"I dunno. I'm nervous I guess"
"I see"
"you excited to start work tomorrow?"
"I guess"

Mum and I sat and Talked for a bit and then we went back inside and watched some t.v.
For dinner mum and I had Cjicken and mashed potatos. At around 11:00 I went to bed.
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