Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Canadian Intervention

The Trouble With Old Friends

by austin316hockey 3 reviews

Harry gets answers from Ron & Hermione; Dobby and Winky make an apperence; Harry finally comes to a realization after a scary incident with Frankie.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2008-05-31 - Updated: 2008-06-01 - 5068 words


Supper had long been over at the Burrow. While Molly puttered about, directing the dishes to clean themselves, amongst other evening chores, Ron and Hermione retreated outside, more to escape the twins and their pranks. At least, that's what both told themselves.

To an outsider who observed them long enough, of course, it was very clear there was more than chemistry at work. They were spending much more time together, with more of that being spent WITHOUT Hermione having her nose buried in a book.

Of course, much of that was on the back burner at the moment, as both were VERY concerned as to what their best friend was up to. That morning's Daily Prophet had already screamed to the public at large that Harry had applied for emancipation in Canada. They also knew Albus had gone over in an attempt to get Harry to see reason and return to England.

As both teenagers sat at the picnic table not far from the back door, there was a brilliant flash of flame, and a bird both of them recognized from months before appeared. He lighted upon the table, and stuck out his claw, indicating the two letters.
"It's from Harry!" Exclaimed Hermione, as she opened hers.

Dear Hermione,
I know that you're likely ready to curse me into oblivion. I'm sorry it has taken me this long to get a letter to you guys and let you know I'm Ok, and I'm sorry if I've given both of you a fright with concern. I know an 'I'm fine' note just won't do in this case, so I'll tell you some of what has been happening.

I'm now considered an adult, at least here in Canada. There was a hearing this afternoon, and although Dumbledore attempted to prevent it, the magistrate was sympathetic, I guess. She was less than impressed with some of the antics of my former headmaster and my relatives-would you believe Dumbledore actually brought them to the hearing?! What was he thinking?

When all was said and done, I was given wand rights, and Dumbledore along with my miserable relatives, are now sitting in a ministry holding cell.

Before you start a rant on 'how could you' and so on, you have to understand, 'mione, I am not someone's tool, and I'm tired of being seen that way. I want some control over my own life, and this is how I chose to do so. What I need from you and Ron, is both your friendship and support. You guys have been there since the first year, and I hope that can continue.

Hope to hear a reply soon,

"Harry, what in Merlin's name are you thinking!?" Hermione burst, staring at the letter. Dumbledore in jail?! Incensed was the best way to describe the bushy-haired young witch at this point.

Meanwhile, Ron read his:

How are you, mate? As I wrote to Hermione, I'm sorry it's taken this long to get a letter to you and let you know I'm fine. The past few days have been an eye-opener, to say the least.

I am now legally an adult, at least in the eyes of the Canadian Ministry of Magic. I attended a hearing this afternoon, and although I'm not going into any details, it has resulted in Dumbledore and my miserable relatives being arrested. I don't know how long that will hold up, considering how powerful Dumbledore is, I'll have to wait and see on that.

As to how and why this came about, I'll just say that I have been doing some thinking about all the stuff that's happened to me over the past 5 years I've attended Hogwarts, and I don't like what I see. Dumbledore only sees me as a tool, and I will NOT be someone's tool.

What I do need is the support of my best friends. You and Hermione have been that since we first met on the train in first year. I don't know what will happen, or where I'll end up, but it will be nice to know if I can count on the both of you.

I'll see about meeting up with you guys sometime in the near future; whether it be me come back to London, or have you guys come over here to Toronto. I would suspect that will probably be up to your mum.

At any rate, I would love to hear from you, and I've asked Fawkes to wait for a reply.


"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed, almost dropping the letter, "Harry's…" But Hermione was already storming back to the house, her letter gripped tightly in her hand. Ron only shrugged, and followed a ways behind, leaving the magnificent bird perched on the picnic table, appearing rather confused.

As they had the previous night, the group chose to have dinner out on the back deck, as it had been yet another beautiful summer day in Southern Ontario.
"So Harry. What do you plan on doing next, now that you're an adult?" Asked Travis.
"For now, I want a few days… just to take a break. I have a book on Occlumency I need to finish anyway. You guys realize, summers are usually difficult for me," Answered Harry. There were nods of agreement, most appreciated Harry's less-than-pleasant experience with his relatives. "Thing is, I can count on the Order coming after me, or whatever. They won't leave me alone, that's a certainty. As much as it is that I will have to face Voldemort."
"And when you do, you'll be ready," Said Travis, "And I'll help you however I can."
"And so will I," Said Frank.
"Frankie, what can you do, man? I mean, we're just, err, muggles. How can we possibly deal with a wizard?!" Questioned Gerard.
"I don't know, but, God, whatever I can. I mean, FUCK, this Voldemort guy hates us as much as he hates Harry, right?" Frank answered.
"More so," Said Harry. The conversation was interrupted by a flash of flame, as Fawkes appeared right in front of Harry, and set down on the table, narrowly missing his plate. Two letters dropped onto the table, and the bird then lit over to the railing. Harry groaned, as one of the letters was shaking.
"What is it?" Asked Frank.
"A howler," Harry groaned again, as the letter seemed to free itself from the other, and thrust itself up to eye level. The red letter opened itself, and formed into a very angry face.

"Damn… talk about possessed mail," Said Gerard.
"Hermione, one of my best friends," Harry sighed, looking at the remains of the letter, "I guess she does have a reason to be angry with me."
"She sounded more concerned than angry," Said Travis, "Although I'm surprised a phoenix would deliver one of those."
"Maybe… he understood… understood the point of the letter," Said Frank. Harry nodded, and turned his attention to the 2nd letter, this one from Ron.

Good to hear from you, mate. You've got the Order running around in circles, mum just found out about Dumbledore being arrested, she's in a right state… you sure that was a good idea?

Harry, no matter what, I'll always be your friend. You didn't have to ask that, after everything you, Hermione, and I have been through together? And as far as me coming over there, I don't care WHAT mum says, I'll find a way. Glad to see you finally got rid of those nasty muggle relatives, I hope they rot in Azkaban.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Harry smiled at this one. A little more than his usual letters, but then again, considering the last few days, it was no surprise. "Well, their reactions were somewhat predictable," He said, "Though I didn't think Hermione would actually send a howler."
"Good that you have friends that truly care for you, Harry," Said Lisa, taking a sip of her tea.
"Best friends since first year," Said Harry, "We met on the train. Ron and I hit it off right away, and we, well, saved Hermione from a 12-foot mountain troll on Halloween that year. We've been inseparable since." That drew looks of surprise from a few at the table.
"If you would like, we do have the room, so if you would like to invite your friends to spend some time here, I wouldn't mind in the least," Said Lisa, recovering.
"And there will be more room after EdgeFest," Said Gerard, "We'll be leaving shortly after that. You really fought a… troll?"
"Yeah, I did… err, well, with Ron's help," Answered Harry, and then proceeded to tell the tale of how the 'golden trio' was formed in Harry's first year.
"How irresponsible can a school get?!" Lisa gasped, "I find that kind of incompetence astounding."
"Couldn't agree more," Said Harry, "That's why I'm here and not there. I've had enough."
"If I were you, I'd drag anyone else you care about away from that school, it's fucking dangerous in my opinion," Said Travis. Harry nodded. "I used to see Hogwarts as my real home, you know. The last 2 years, though… just too many bad things have happened… I just… I just don't see it that way anymore." He again felt a hand slide around his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze.
"So Harry… now that you can legally do magic… is there any chance I could get you to show me your Patronus?" Asked Travis.
"A Patronus? What's that?" Asked Frank.
"They're a type of shield against several dark creatures, such as Dementors," Explained Travis.
"A Patronus, son?" Asked James, from the portrait. It had been set up in one of the chairs.
"Yeah, I've been able to do it since 3rd year. Remus taught me how, since Dementors had taken an interest in me… they were at the school because of Sirius' escape from Azkaban," Explained Harry. His father only nodded in understanding.
"Well, let's see it, then, dear," Prompted Lily. Harry only nodded, and stood up, drawing his wand from his back pocket. A happy thought, he thought to himself. Then his eyes fell on his parents' portrait. That was all it took. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

A brilliant light burst from the tip of Harry's wand, to form into a magnificent stag. The ghostly figure bounded around the deck, then came to stand beside caster, before vanishing. All present carried various expressions of shock and/or surprise at the demonstration. Travis was clearly impressed, as was Bill; both Harry's parents appeared proud of their son.
"But… I mean, what would you need a Patronus for?" Asked Frank.
"Dementors," Answered Harry.
"What's a Dementor?" Asked Mikey.
"A vile creature," Answered Travis, "I've never seen one, but they…"
"It feels like… like you're reliving your worst memories, if one gets near you," Harry interjected, "And if they really get close, they can… they can literally steal your soul. That's a Dementor's kiss." He shuddered at the thought. "It leaves an empty shell of a person behind."
"Sounds fucking scary to me," Said Frank.
"Worst thing is, for someone like you," Said Harry darkly, gesturing to Frank, "You wouldn't see one coming… you… you guys can't see one."

As the sun finally set, Harry still sat on the deck, staring off into space. As much as he wanted to have his friends close, he also didn't want to cause more grief from their parents. Then there was the puzzle that was Frank Iero. How was he able to see his Patronus? It completely defied logic. His eyes fell back to Fawkes, who was still resting on the railing, busying himself preening his feathers. No, he needed his friends at his side. Gather as many allies as possible. He started running down his mental list: Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, Luna, Neville… the Ministry group, most definitely. The twins, with their shop, and their knowledge of pranks and the like. Remus? He WAS a dear friend of his dad's, right?

Did he involve any professors? McGonagall had been a staunch supporter of Harry from day one; he remembered numerous incidents where she had stood up for him. Yet, most likely, she would be too busy dealing with school matters come September. Still, a letter to her would probably be a good idea. At least to say 'thank you' for her support, and the like. I'm sure she would like that, he thought.
"It might be best to make a proper list," He said aloud, "Coming, Fawkes?" The bird trilled happily, and lighted upon his shoulder as he stood.

Stepping into the shop, he was acoustically assaulted by music, as My Chemical Romance was again playing. Whether it be practice, or something less formal, Harry was too distracted to stay and ask. His eyes briefly met Frank's, before he made his way up the stairs to the room. He retrieved some parchment, his hastily written notes from a few days before out of his trunk, and a pen from Travis' desk. Ink and quills were a pain in the ass, and if there was something easier handy, why not use it?

Minutes later, he had made himself comfortable by the fire pit, having started a fire, and began making notes. People to contact. Items to procure. And a certain house-elf he would offer a job to. That was the first order of business. Question was, could the excitable house elf be summoned from such a distance? Only one way to find out… "Dobby?" He called, to no one in particular.

For several seconds, nothing happened. Then, with an audible POP, the little elf appeared in front of Harry's seat.
"The great Harry Potter call for Dobby?"
"Yes, I did, Dobby," Answered Harry, "You know I've got my independence, right?" Dobby nodded. "Good. I know you're a free elf, and I wouldn't ever want to…"
"Does the great Harry Potter want to bond with Dobby?"
"Is that what it's called?" Asked Harry. The elf nodded. "Then I guess that's what I'm asking, but I also want you to be happy, I mean…"
"Nothing would make Dobby more happy, than to be bonded with Harry Potter!"
"I… the only thing is… I don't know how…" Dobby only nodded and bowed, saying, "Dobby swears on his life and his magic to serve Harry Potter until he dies, or is given clothes. Dobby will do all that is asked of him, by Harry Potter and his friends. Dobby promises to always protect and never betray Harry Potter's secrets." Harry could feel the swirl of magic around them, reminding him of the list Hermione created the past year for Dumbledore's Army. So it was important for him to lay out his part of the deal. "I, Harry James Potter, will always protect and treat Dobby fairly and kindly, for however long Dobby is in my care." Another swirl of magic surrounded them, and Harry knew, the contract was formed and sealed.

At just that moment, Frank stepped out of the shop. He took one step toward the fire pit, and stopped dead, seeing the strange creature in front of Harry.
"Harry… what. The. FUCK. Is. That?" A sense of panic took over, and Frank lunged toward Harry. Dobby, not knowing this person, nor his intentions, instantly reacted, and sent Frank flying into the side of the shop with incredible force.
"Frankie!!!" Harry cried, sprinting over to where Frank had crumpled against the side of the building.
"Harry?! What's wrong?" Asked Travis, appearing in the door of the shop.
"Frankie… Dobby… he… Merlin!! Help me!" Harry blurted, gesturing wildly. Travis looked at Harry, then at the distraught house elf, then at Frank's unconscious form crumpled up against the side of the building. It was all he needed to see. "I'll be right back. NO ONE TOUCH HIM!"

Travis sprinted to the house, then into the living room and the fire place. "Incendio!" He said, pointing his wand at the cold hearth, which leapt to life at once. He then tossed a handful of floo powder into it, then again pointed his wand at the now green flames, and cast a shower of blue sparks into it. Moments later, the face of an aging witch appeared in the flames. "Upper Canada Hospital."
"I need healers here at the Carter residence. One of my friends was thrown by accidental magic," Explained Travis, "He's unconscious."
"I'll send someone through right away, step back," Said the witch. Travis stepped back from the fire, and two healers stepped through, including the woman he was just speaking to.
"Show us to the patient," Said the witch. Travis quickly led them through the house, then to the shop. Harry was then kneeling beside Frank, gravely concerned. The other members of My Chemical Romance were by now much aware of the incident, and all were equally concerned about their friend and band-mate.

While the male healer knelt down beside Frank, the other asked, "Exactly what happened?"
"It be my fault, mistress healer," Said Dobby, sadly, "I is only protecting master Harry Potter, I was!"
"He… Merlin, he… he blasted him across the yard!" Harry exclaimed, looking down at Frank, then back at Dobby. Dobby went to reach for a piece of firewood, and Harry knew exactly what he was about to do. "Dobby, no! You will NOT punish yourself! It's not… it wasn't your fault, you didn't know!" Dobby turned back from the wood pile, still looking very sullen.
"Well, he's very lucky, I will tell you that. A few bruised bones, and a mild concussion, that's about the extent," Said the male healer, summoning several potions.
"It might be best to levitate him to a bed before waking him," Said the female healer.
"This way," Said Travis. The female healer gestured at Frank with her wand, levitating him off the ground. Travis then led her into the shop, then up the stairs to the 'dorm', and directed her to Frank's bed. Harry followed close behind, still feeling terrible this had taken place.

After making sure he was comfortable, the female healer cast the charm to revive him. Frank's eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, looking quite confused. He made to sit up, but the female healer put a hand on his chest. "Not so fast."
"You must take these," Said the male healer, producing the potions, "Otherwise you'll be dealing with a 1st degree concussion." Frank only nodded in understanding, and downed the foul-tasting potions, one after the other. Tastes like shit, he thought.
"Frankie… I'm… I'm so sorry," Harry apologized, "It… Dobby didn't mean it, it's just, he…"
"Dobby was protecting master Harry Potter, he was! Dobby didn't know you was Harry Potter's friend!" Said the house-elf, squeezing in between Harry's legs.
"What… who are you?" Asked Frank.
"Frankie, this is Dobby. He's my house elf. Dobby, this is Frankie Iero, one of my new friends here."
"Mr. Iero, is it?" Said the female healer, drawing out a clipboard from her purse. Frank nodded. "Ah, yes, right. Muggle friends of Mr. Carter." She made some notes on the clipboard, then replaced it in her purse. "If there's nothing else, we do have to get back to Upper Canada Hospital."
"No, that's all," Said Travis, "I'll walk you back to the floo."
"Thank you," Said both Harry and Frank, practically at the same time. At that, their eyes again met, and Harry couldn't help but smile.
"What… what is a house elf for?" Asked Gerard, as Travis led the healers from the room.
"We is bonded to serve a wizarding family," Answered Dobby, "We does all the chores, cleaning, cooking, whatever master needs."
"Some families take good care of their elves, while others… like Dobby's previous owner, don't," Said Harry.
"But, isn't it slavery?" Asked Frank. Harry groaned. "What?"
"Oh, just, well… Dobby, can you explain that?"
"We is happy to be bonded to a wizard, master Frankie!" Answered Dobby enthusiastically, "A house elf with no family… doesn't do very well." That got Harry thinking. "Dobby, how's Winky doing?"
"Not very well, Harry Potter, sir," Answered Dobby, sounding suddenly sullen.
"Winky?" Called Harry. As before, it was several seconds, but a second house elf appeared with a slight POP in the middle of the room. This startled the other guys, and Harry as well, with the condition of the new arrival. It was very quickly apparent the house elf was drunk. This drew a few snickers from several of the guys.
"Guys, come on," Said Frank, rolling onto his side so he could see better. Harry glanced over at the numerous shelves of potions Travis had, then decided to wait. "Just wait a minute, Travis might have something."
"Have what?" Asked Travis, seeming to appear at the perfect moment.
"Anti-drunk potion, or something?" Frank guessed. Travis nodded, and pulled a small vial off the shelf. "Who needs it?"
"It would be Winky, sir," Said Dobby, pointing to the new arrival. Travis nodded in understanding, and passed said vial to Winky. She quickly downed the potion.

Harry waited for several minutes before again addressing the new house elf. "Winky?"
"I is happy to see Harry Potter again!"
"And the same, Winky. I've already bonded with Dobby, and I would like to do the same with you. Would you like to be one of my house elves?" The answer was clear as day on her face.

Like with Dobby, the bonding only took a minute, after which, Harry introduced them to his new friends.
"Damn, Harry, not too many wizard families have house elves over here," Said Travis, sitting down at his desk.
"Why not?"
"I don't know. I know the ministry has them and stuff like that… god, I think the Bartletts had them, but then again, I'm only guessing," Answered Travis. He thought for a moment. "Guess I'm gonna need to add another couple of small mattresses, eh?" He drew his wand, and transfigured some trash into two small beds, then placed them against the wall near the birds' perches.
"Master Travis is too young to be practicing magic away from school!" Dobby gasped.
"No, I've been emancipated, like Harry," Answered Travis, with a grin, "Are these acceptable?" He gestured to the beds.
"They is immaculate, master Travis!" Answered Winky.
"Ok. Dobby and Winky. You will not refer to any of us as 'master'," Said Harry. Both the house elves nodded. Just then, Bill stepped into the room.
"Harry…" He stopped, spotting the two house elves. "Where did they come from?"
"They work for me, Bill," Answered Harry. Bill only nodded, then said, "Harry, I have to return to London, they have something brought in from Egypt that requires my talent." He flashed a smile.
"Will you be coming back?" Asked Travis.
"As soon as I'm finished," Answered Bill, with a smile, "Although I'm not sure as to how long it will take, you never know with these things. And I do want to drop by and see mum and dad."
"Tell them… tell them I'm Ok," Said Harry, "Your mum's probably wondering if I'm eating enough, I'm sure."
"Will do, Harry," Said Bill, "Cheerio, then." With that, he was gone.

An uneasy silence fell over the group, the incident of not long ago still fresh on everyone's mind. Harry finally dropped into a seat, and remembering the notes he was working on earlier, drew his wand. "Accio notes!" He stated, his wand pointed at the door. A few moments later, said notes and parchment wafted through the room door, and into his outstretched hand.
"That was cool," Said Frank.
"Yeah, bloody useful sometimes, especially now that I can do it without worrying about letters from the ministry," Said Harry.
"What were you doin' anyway?" Asked Frank, as Harry straightened out the notes.
"I need an action plan," Answered Harry, "And just as important, I need allies. Friends. People I can rely on and trust. I was making notes to that effect, and Dobby was at the top of the list."
"Now that all makes sense," Said Frank, understanding.
"It was only bad timing, I was about to introduce him to you guys before, well…"
"Sorry," Said Frank.
"Not your fault," Said Harry, turning back to his notes, "Tomorrow, I'll be sending Fawkes with a note to identical twins, Bill's younger brothers as a matter of fact. They run a joke shop in Diagon Alley."
"Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes? Heard of them," Said Travis, with a smirk, "They're borderline crazy, man. You sure you can trust them?"
"They helped me get out of England," Said Harry. Travis instantly understood.
"I'll also be sending letters to a few others, particularly Ron and Hermione. The rest, I'll be contacting over the next few days."
"Have you thought about school?" Asked Travis.
"No," Said Harry, "I'm holding off until I get my OWL results."
"No offence, Harry, we were just worried about Frankie… we're gonna go back downstairs," Said Gerard. Harry only smiled and nodded. The rest of My Chemical Romance made their way from the room, leaving the house elves, Travis, Harry, and Frank.
"Hey Gerard," Called Frank, "Since I'm gonna be stuck here, would you mind bringing up Pansy?"
"No, I got it," Said Harry, drawing his wand again, "Accio Frankie's guitar!"

The others had to duck, as Frank's guitar floated up the stairs, into the room, and into Harry's outstretched hand. He passed it to Frank, who was again impressed with the blatant display of magic.
"You better get used to it, Frank," Said Travis, seeing the expression on his face.
"It's not… it's just amazing," Answered Frank, shaking his head, "It's fucking awesome!" Both Harry and Travis grinned at that comment.

Harry didn't remember falling asleep. The next thing he knew, he found himself once again sharing a bed with Frank. How did this happen, he wondered. The curtains had been closed tightly, but someone had placed a small magical light source at the top of the canopy that gave off a very dim yellow glow. It was enough to see.

In that dim light, Harry could still make out the features of the man who lay next to him… or partially lay next to him, propped up by several pillows Travis had transfigured earlier. His guitar was still across his lap. He looks so peaceful, he thought, adjusting his position so he was sitting up as well. Peeking outside the curtain, into the dimly lit room, he found the portrait of his parents had been again placed on the bedside table. Where was his wand? He only needed to reach down to his back pocket for the answer. He carefully pulled it out, as not to disturb Frank, then placed it on the table. He knew it was still the wee hours of the morning, and so relaxed against the pillows, feeling at ease for the first time in a long time. Maybe it had something to do with the person beside him.

Frankie. What a huge puzzle he was turning out to be. Dobby and Winky must have put him into Frankie's bed. Or Travis. Or maybe not. No, Harry thought, It was probably Dobby or Winky. Even THEY must see the connection. Of course, he had virtually screamed his name earlier, after what Dobby had done. Exactly like what had happened a year earlier… with Cedric. The realization struck him like a stampeding herd of hippogriffs. There was no turning back, it was far too late for that. He was once again helpless, as his emotions overran him.

Frank was awakened by the sounds of sobs coming from his right. He too did not remember Harry being placed in his bed, not that it mattered to him. The only thing that mattered at the moment, was that he obviously needed comforting.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He whispered.
"N… nothing," Answered Harry, trying to get a grip on his emotions. Frank carefully slid his guitar off to the side, then slid an arm behind Harry, and pulled him close. "C'mon, stop shutting everyone out, Harry." Harry only looked into Frank's eyes, and said, "I've fell hopelessly in love with you, Frankie Iero."

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thanks to stealacandy, for pointing out a canon error in this chapter. As was pointed out, muggles absolutely CAN see a Patronus, it's the Dementors they can't. It changed the scene above dramatically, but once again, it leans toward authenticity. So, if you see something that isn't canon (such as this example), PLEASE let me know, so I can correct it.

I almost ended the chapter where Frankie was sent flying into the side of the shop… it would have made for a bomb of a cliffie, now wouldn't it? Alas, I didn't. I felt it would have made for a weak chapter with little action save for the end, and that just wouldn't do.

Ron and Hermione. They were meant for each other, and in my opinion, JKR set them up well. We got hints of that pairing as far back as the 4th book, even, where they fought like cats & dogs. This is one pairing I will NOT mess with, so live with it people ;-)

A pairing not written that well: Bill and Fleur. I have to agree with one of my reviewers, Shinigami's Shadow on this one. This pairing came across as being rushed, more an answer to all the Bill/(insert male character here) slash. Sorry, JKR, you flopped with this one, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people here will agree with that one.

On the issue of Fawkes delivering a howler… I'm sure some people are gonna say, 'no, he wouldn't'… my angle is that Fawkes is a VERY smart bird… and knew the context of the letter.
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