Categories > Books > Harry Potter > For the Greater Good

For the Greater Good

by Immortal7 6 reviews

The last of the Death Eater trials is for one of the most hated Death Eaters of the War, Pansy Parkinson. Who's crimes include murder, torture, and giving He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Ginevra Weasley. ...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Luna,Pansy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-04 - Updated: 2008-05-04 - 3684 words - Complete

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this story.

A/N This was an idea that has been biting down on my mind for a while. I have it planned out to be four chapters and hope to have them out at least every two weeks between my other works maybe faster.

Hermione as you receive this letter do not look at me or at all act like anything of importance has happened. I do not want you to do anything but read this as quickly as you can and than give me an answer by either signing the contract on the bottom or not.

Dear Hermione,

If you are reading this that means that you are now in the court room ready to see the trial and conviction of Pansy Parkinson for crimes of being a death eater, murder, torture, and most importantly giving Ginevra Weasley up to Voldemort which in turn lead to her rape and murder. I bet I can feel you looking at me right now. I can understand the feelings you are feeling. Ginevra could possibly have been your best female friend up until our sixth year when it seemed like the world changed for the worst. You and I had become a sorry sight of bitter rivals in a class that looking back didn't matter in the least. I want you to know that even if you never heard it than or you ever hear it from my mouth again that you were, are, and most likely ever will be my best friend and I want to thank you for all the things you have done for me in my life.

Well before I sidetrack myself to much and forget the point of this lets move on and I'll backtrack later on. First off I know that you have decided to leave the magical world after this trial is over. I also know that Luna is at least go with you for a time. I imagine that she is looking at the little trip in to the muggle world is for fun. I also have noticed that since the end of sixth year she has been tagging around you for sometime. Its been what four years, I hate to tell you this, but I doubt she is going anywhere my beloved bookworm. You seem to be just as fascinating to her as her Crumpled Hornshanks or how ever she spells that to be honest I have never bothered to learn and I should have I guess I haven't been that good of a friend to ether of you. And I doubt after my next announcement will have ever have been a good friend period. And yes saving you from the troll doesn't count if I have been truer to myself that day you never would have been in that bathroom in the first place.

Hermione how would you like to be Lady Potter. I want you to know that the outburst you just made was against the rules. Thank god I know how you would react to such a statement. Just to let you know that I charmed this letter with a silencing spell so the words and scream that you undoubtly unleashed in my direction. Now please grab Luna's hand to let her know that you are okay. You may not notice or I am just dense, but she really worries about you. Okay now that your calmed down please don't take this the wrong way, but I am not asking you to marry me. In fact I am asking you to be my heir. Consider it as a way for me to legally make you my sister. If you have no problem with this please sign the form at the back of the letter. I know that this is a hard decision. I just need to make sure that my line and vaults go to somebody I trust with everything that I am. If it helps you any Luna has been named my heir for the Black family since technically there are no more males in line for the seat with the death of Draco. I can claim any one in my family as my heir for Potter, but the Black were adamant that the heir be as close to a pureblood as possible so I decided to give it all to Luna. I only ask that if you sign that contract you do this before they start questioning Pansy.

Hopefully you went ahead and signed your name on the dotted line and I can officially claim you as family. I guess you are wondering what this is all about. I have been staring at this parchment for close to a week trying to figure out what I should write down to you so that you can understand the betrayal's that we have been subjected to in the last ten years. I guess I should start at the beginning. I was a baby newly orphaned and discovered to be an amazing medicine against solidified and up and coming dark lords. In the greatest of all the brilliant ideas I was placed in the loving arms of my Aunt and Uncle. I guess I should say that I was left on the doorstep where my blundering Uncle could step on me in the morning going for his morning paper. I was than brought inside so that the police could be called and I could be taken away from the their nice and perfect world of the neighborhood. That is until they saw a note. Yes that is right Dumbledore didn't even bother to talk to them instead he left a note that threatened my relatives that I would be staying there until I was seventeen and they had no choice in the matter. They didn't take that very well.

While I will admit that at least took care of me as an infant. I guess that even they could not harm a baby. As I grew up and became a young boy of the age of three I was granted a small little cupboard as a room and started what I consider a life of chores. I learned to cook under constant supervision of my Aunt until I was the age of five. Than I was given the chore of breakfast and lunch for the next three years. While I know by the time this story gets out to the public ,and it will one way or another, I did know my name as soon as I could understand the language. I did grow up being called Freak and Boy, but that really only came out later as my accidental magic was at a massive high. I might not have understood it at the time though and the change scared me I guess I don't hate them for all the mental abuse that they subjugated me to through the years I pity them. They could only understand such a small spec of the world so I see no reason for anyone to harm them. Let them grow old and wallow in the guilt that they are very insignificant in the grand scheme of the world. And when Dudley has a magical child that they will cower from or realize just how bad they treated me growing up.

I want to move past my first ten years of life for now though. They are not worth the ink and hours that I would have to dedicate to unraveling all the varies things that I had to put up with over the years. Let us move on to the further manipulations of a man I once was proud to claim as a mentor. The day that I was liberated from what I had deemed my prison. It came in the form of a letter with a charm placed on it. While I can only bet that you know the name of the charm I just know its effects. It was a two part spell. The first part was minor compulsion spell to trust the Weasley's on my first encounter with them and the second was a inhibitor on my magical core. I'm sure you have a very cross look on your face of horror. It only gets better next I am given a very incomplete letter and as nice as he was a very biased guide to reintroduce me to the magical world. I'm sure that you were told how to get on to platform nine and three quarters. I was not. I was told to just go to King's Station and find the platform. Which in turns out I didn't have a clue much like every other muggle on that day. Until suddenly by some strange form of chance a completely pureblooded family just happened to have taken a new way to get to the station that day. And they just happen to be speaking loud enough for everyone to hear about things like muggles and walking through the barrier. The family of course was the Weasleys and somehow I just happened to share a compartment with one Ronald Weasley and had to watch his sister run the platform chasing after my window like a distressed lover. Which is disturbing even more now as she was only ten than. And the rest of the day I am sure you remember.

I am sure that I could write a few books on our adventures that lead us to the point in our lives we are at now. I have found a few things out over the years that I have been unable to verify like you would like, but I know that after Halloween on our first year you were placed under a spell that would not let you tell me certain things about my past. In fact I think that it also made you stand Ronald more than you would have normally. I also thought you would like to now that I had to drag Ronald to help get you away from the troll. I heard not to long ago he claimed he went willingly. I know that I could keep a very detailed report of where we were charmed, but this letter would be to long. I left all my notes in my study that are yours not matter what. If you have signed my contract than I can also legally let you have all the information that I have from Dumbledore's private study. I hope you can gladly use it much better than I ever could. To just outline some key events of our school years I know that you broke the charms before I did in our third year, but you were placed back under before we left. Which is why you tried to stay friends with Ronald in our fourth year.

Fourth year is when I started fighting my own charms. It was mainly due to the use of the imperius curse by Jr. That and amazingly the way you looked in your dress at the ball. I know I hid it and said something stupid, but you looked so beautiful that night and I was an idiot for ever thinking about Cho when I could have had you. That however is a different story. By the beginning of our fifth year I was placed under a much harsher charm. Yet once again if you never could tell I broke that one as well. It is just that being under the charm had become so common for me I didn't act any different, yet how many people do you know would break a date with a woman they had been pining over for two years just to go to their best friend. I want you to know that even though Sirius dying hurt, as I watched you fall from that curse I stopped breathing. Nothing else mattered I thought I might as well die because you were dead. It took Nev to knock me out of it. Come to think about it I never did thank him for that.

After Dumbledore told me the ravings of a mad woman right after my godfather died I went for a walk. That is when I figured I was being used. That is when I realized that I was in love with you. The one person who no matter what stood by my side for what ever reason. I figured that I didn't need to stress over Sirius because he never would have wanted me to do that for him. So I had planned on asking you out that summer when I was released, but you had been charmed again and now you were showing affections towards Ronald. So I let it slide trying to figure out what I could have done as I watched our closeness disappear in over two months. Which leads me back to the year of hell. Sure it wasn't as action packed as other, but sixth year was the worst we ever had.

Yet I also had an angel that year. She has the purest black wings I have ever seen and well I don't think you want any of the details. It happened the second week back I was off on my own since you were angry over the book and I didn't want to be around you making eyes at Ronald. Just past a stair case and she grabbed me and threw me against a wall. Before I could even protest I was being kissed. It was great. Than I found out who kissed me. It was Pansy Parkinson. To say I freaked would be an understatement. In fact I believe my word were something like 'what the bloody hell is wrong with you?'. I shoved her off of me and I turned to leave only to find myself in a full body bind. I got scared and worried about what she was going to do to me. Than she bent down to me as said will you behave if I let you up. It was so movie like it wasn't funny. I think I did a very good impression of a fish at that moment and just nodded my head slightly. Which thinking back means I had broken the spell, but you live and learn.

I don't want to bore or embarrass you with the details, but in little over a two weeks after that incident Pansy and I rushed a physical relationship rather quickly. At first we were both using each other to ease the pain of the other. She no longer wanted anything to do with the pain being in this life, but was to afraid to let it all go. In fact that is why she stunned me that day she wanted me to kill her. She tried to anger me, taunt me in to loosing control. It didn't work instead she collapsed in to my arms and I held her as she cry the whole night. Its amazing just how bad you can judge a person if you don't know them. I hated myself for falling into the roll of my relatives. I looked back and realized you were right. I had become a bully to a certain type of person and could only feel contempt for myself and worry about how you would feel about me. So I let her have a chance. In those two weeks nothing ever happened to doubt her intentions towards me. Yet I used her a replacement. Now don't get me wrong Pansy is smart, but I have yet to meet a person that could out do you. She knew that I wanted you and I knew she wanted the reaper. So we held each other in an accord. We would use each other to be happy as we could at the moment.

If any of my so called friends in the dorms would have even noticed anything abut me they would have noticed that from about the time of your birthday to the middle of November I never slept in the dorm. I can't tell you when it happened I just know that it did, but I fell in love with her. She has this side of her that scares me because it is so cold and forceful. That is the side we saw for five years. It was created to be a barrier between her and the world. She is much like Luna in that way. I know you can understand me if I put it that way. I hope that maybe just maybe I live past this date and you still are talking to me I would like to introduce the two of you. I guess only time can tell. I can't see myself with out her.

And than it happened. About mid November I lost her. I forgot all about her. And the world that had just barely started to make sense for me again disappeared. All I could think about was Ginevra. It was the most angry I had ever felt in my life to see her and Dean snogging in the common room. I mean when I screamed Crucio at Bellatrix I wasn't as angry. I hope you can see my problem now. I took Luna to that stupid party and treated her horribly. She is a good friend and didn't deserve me to treat he like that. Hermione don't ever hurt her, she is more special that you know.

Moving on, of course you know all about stupid obsessions that year don't you. I know that you had a little candle for Ronald before that year, but did you ever wonder why to came out so bad in our sixth year. The same reason I thought I had a monster in my chest. We were being drugged with potions. I guess it was not right for the hero to settle for a commoner. I know that all Ronald wanted to do to you was treat you as a portable sperm deposit box. So don't feel bad for what is going to happen to him or his family in the future. I keep letting my feelings control my actions so I should hurry up before I have to rewrite this. Needless to say I spent the rest of the year in a funk. Only happy for those last two weeks that I was with my beloved Ginevra. Do you know that she tried to put out on our first day together. I some how found the control to turn her down. Than it happened Snape killed Dumbledore. And my mind was free. I guess that a lot of the potions needed a power supplier to work and with him dead the control went away. I broke up with Ginevra but I still wanted her. And I walked towards that staircase I had in the beginning of the year. It happened with the same results. I was free of all the cobwebs and I kissed her back. Than she shoved me away claiming I was a bloody bastard. How... well lets say what all she said is no longer important. And that is when I did the stupidest thing ever in my life. I reacted out of a rash hatred. I know that this letter hardly goes in depths of my unordered mind, but right there I came up with a plan. It was half to prove to her that I loved her and half to get a spy in the death eaters. That was the moment I gave Ginevra Weasley over to the hands of Pansy as a gift for Tom that would get her high in the group by giving away my girlfriend. I wanted her to pay for using me against my will.

I'm sure that your hate me now. I won't go in to details about the next three years of the war you were there. I made Ginevra in to a martyr and I don't regret it. As fast as you read they should be starting to question Pansy and having her tell the world it was my plan on how to punish the bitch. I'm going to attempt to save her. I might die or might escape. I will write you to see if you hate me if I live. I hope you have signed the papers if so you are now the head of the Potter clan. I lied to you one last time because while I don't love you like love her I still love you and I never wanted a sister. I'm kicked out and done. I am finally and simply Harry. This way when charges are brought up against me the Weasley's can not take it from you since they all were in on the potions and spells that we were under. The twins to Percy and I know that they would use that law we created to take the Malfoy fortune from you since to them you are nothing but a mudblood. I hope they all burn in hell and only wish I could have given them all to Bellatrix.

Well I fear that my time has come to an end. Wither that be by execution or prison that is to be decided. I am going to miss my best friend. And I wish you the best of luck and eternal happiness. I have one last request or better yet two. The first is this please look after Narcissa. All she does anymore is read and paint and I feel that her life is my responsibility so please look after her. And finally if I die I would like to be placed near my parents. If you want to know more stay close eye to the newspaper for more info.

Love forever


End Note: I hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter. To be honest it seems unpolished to me, but I going to post this all anyway. If you want leave your thoughts laying around so I can see them. Later everyone.
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