Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Liar's Place

chapter 3

by darkyn 1 review

Naruto gets a few visits...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2008-06-04 - Updated: 2008-06-05 - 3421 words

"I'll repeat my self one more time. What...the hell...was that?"

"And I will continue to give you my answer. your questions....about my poison. See, I can talk really slow too." Kakashi was surprised by his answer to the question they had been asking him for the last twenty minutes. The Naruto he had seen so far had never shown such blatant disregard toward his teacher, except when insulting Kakashi's grammar. Now, the boy was being sarcastic and even looking a little angry.

'Control yourself my son. It is not worth it to kill the little humans. It will only cause trouble for us and your bother.'

'Yes Father. Sorry for losing even a little of my control.'

'You are forgiven.'

'Thank you.' Out loud he said, "Kakashi-sensei, you were intrigued by my poison, so I showed you how I produce it. I warned you beforehand that you would be unable to reproduce it."

"Yes, but I didn't think you would need to almost kill yourself to do so."

"I do nothing that can cause permanent damage to my body. Look, my wrist is already healed." He held his wrist high enough for the team to see the unmarked skin. The slash didn't even leave a scar.

"How is that possible?" was the only thing Sasuke had said in the last hour.

Naruto answered him with a short, "None of your concern," before setting down his pallet and laying down. "Do not expect me to take first shift. I will watch after you Kakashi."

"Fine by me."

--------------------Two days later-------------------

"Well, well, well, look at this. Hatake, Kakashi, the great Copy-Cat Ninja, reduced to babysitting some brats. It's pathetic, seeing how far you've fallen." The, so-called, great Momochi Zabuza stood from atop his sword, sneering at them.

"I hope your not calling me a brat, Momochi. You owe me, and I will ask you to pay up." Zabuza looked down to see, to his udder disbelief, Naruto Uzumaki.

"What are you doing here Naruto? All grown up now?" On the outside Zabuza was sneering down at the team, but on the inside he was worried. He knew the boy could kill him, one look into his hollow eyes and any good ninja would come to the same conclusion. But he also knew he couldn't fight with the boy, a servant never fights the master.

"Yes." Kakashi watched in disbelief as the boy calmly answered the Demon's questions. "The team I was placed on was given a mission to protect Tazuna. Will you interfere?" This was the last straw for Sasuke.

"How the hell do you know him?" He then flinched at the cold gaze of his teammate as it fell on him. 'His eyes are dead.'

"On my seventh birthday, I was walking in the woods outside the Village. I came upon a man lying on the ground. I helped the man sit up and leaned his torso on the roots of a nearby tree. After giving him some water, he thanked me and asked my name. We talked for awhile before he got up to exit the Fire Nation. The man's name was Zabuza. As he was leaving, he turned and told me that he was in my debt. Now Zabuza, I will give you this final chance to leave without injuries, I suggest you take it."

'He saved Zabuza?' Of all the possible ways for Naruto to run into Zabuza, this explanation didn't even cross Kakashi's mind.

"I'm sorry you will have to waste more time on me Naruto. I guess we will have to fight. I never would've imagined meeting you like this again. And I even forgot to get you a birthday present. Sorry, maybe next year." As he finished, he made a hand sign. "Kirigakure no Jutsu"

As the mist thickened, Naruto said, "There will be no next year." He then yelled back at the members of his team, "He will send a bunshin after one of us, then another in the middle to separate us. He will go after either you or me Kakashi. The others are all to weak for him. Be on alert." Everyone nodded.

"Sasuke, Sakura, stay back with Tazuna. Naruto and I will take care of Zabuza. Don't worry, we won't allow you to die." The heroic mood Kakashi's words set came crashing down with Naruto's next statement.

"I really will not mourn their passing, but it would cause me trouble if I did not protect them, Correct?" He said, turning to Kakashi.

"Yes it would." With that they disappeared into the mist.

Zabuza waited in the trees as his clone conversed with his master. 'Damn I really did forget to get him a present. I will have to ask Haku to get one while the clone fights.'

"Do not get me a present Zabuza. The only thing I would want is new jutsu, something you do not have. Father and Brother will provide me with presents." Zabuza turned to see Naruto standing behind him.

"Love your new look. How are things in Konoha?" Zabuza wanted sit down, but knew it was rude to sit before the master. Naruto sat down on the tree, he wanted to talk to Zabuza while their clones fought.

"Make yourself comfortable. After I had passed the exam, I was put on a team with those fools. I really have nothing else to say about it." he said while shrugging his shoulders. He looked up at Zabuza, "How have you been?"

"Didn't do anything worth noting. Kept away from the Leaf like you ordered." He stopped when he saw Naruto wave him off. "What?"

"Why are you here? I told you to keep your nose clean."

"You sound so old when you say that. Gato paid us to kill some bridge builder. It sounded so easy, I couldn't pass it up. Sorry if I made you mad." Zabuza watched Naruto slowly roll his shoulders and make himself more comfortable. 'That's a good sign. Now I need him to say those magic words...' He sat straighter when the cold gaze of his master fell on him.

"No, I am not angry." Zabuza did a little jig in his head. "But you cannot think that he will paid you. That would be foolish. Gato does not even pay his bodyguards." Suddenly, Zabuza felt a pain in the back of his head.

'That foolish man, I am surprised they have not killed him yet. Quit flinching. You have felt my presence before Zabuza.' The said man flinched one more time before settling down. He looked over at his master.

"I forgot I gave your Father permission to enter my head. My apologies." He then formally bowed to them both, Naruto and his father.

'I would have entered anyway. Getting permission was only a formality.'

"One that has honored me beyond anything before." He bowed again. He had his head low when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, his eyes met with Naruto's icy ones. He was shaking his head.

"Zabuza, you were one of the first to see me, not Father. Even though you say I am your master, you will not bow to me. Understood?"


"Good. Now leave, all of the clones have been dispersed. Contact me should you get any more orders from Gato. I will tell you how to respond." With a nod, the mist shinobi was gone. Dispelling his own clone, Naruto returned to the road as the mist faded. With a sigh, Naruto turned to see how Kakashi had fared. Seeing him passed out, Naruto walked over to him and slung him over his shoulders.

"Sorry, used my eye too much. What happened in your fight?"

"Clones were used against me. They were no problem."

"Good. Well, I think I'll sleep now." Was all he said before nodding off.

'To think, he was so close to speaking, without contractions, twice,'

'Short sentences do not count.'


-----------------few days later-----------------

"What do you mean climb trees? How could that possibly help us?" Sakura was complaining, again.

'I cannot wait for the day that we could just kill her.'

'Me either.' Naruto raised his hand, "Kakashi, I have completed this exercise. May I train on my own?" Everyone was watching him at this point.

"You've done this before?"

"I believe I just said the Haruno." The ice is his voice stopped any and all arguments the others may have come up with.

"You can go Naruto." With a nod, the boy turned and walked east into the forest.

"Any and all persons trying to spy on me will be dealt with in a swift and painful manner." He said without turning back, as if it was an afterthought. Taking to the trees, Naruto was quickly out of sight and out of mind.

-------in the forest somewhere--------

"You can come out now, Kisame-san. We are far enough away now."

"Yea. Yea. Shut it kid. They might hear ya." The gruff reply came from Naruto's left. Turning, he was able to see a large man walking towards him. He smiled.

"How are things with Uchiha-san? How is Brother?"

"Fine. Your brother is as annoying as always. He told me to give you this," after throwing a scroll at the container, he continued, "and say 'Happy Birthday' to you." Naruto smirked at the sharks remarks. He knew full well that Kisame only say the mask, not the face underneath. Only Leader-san knows what lies und that mask. Suddenly, Kisame turned to Naruto. "Hey, you never explained that Lie Place, or whatever you called it. I won that bet, so pay up!"

'I thought he had forgotten.'

'To bad he does not look like a elephant. That would start a whole new line of jokes.'

'So true.'

"Well, Kisame-san, if you have the time I will explain it to you." With a nod of his head, Kisame sat down. "Make yourself comfortable. It may or may not take awhile." Tucking the scroll up his sleeve, Naruto sat as well. "How do you imagine your mind?"

"What are ya talking about?"

"How does your mindscape look to you?"

"Are you going somewhere with this?" A nod of his head, and his own curiosity, made him answer. "I don't know. Never thought about it."

"Well, my mind has many different passageways. Most of them lead to Father's home. The other's lead to my memory. Most people's memory are seen as a bookshelf. When they need the information, they subconsciously open the book and read it. This also happens when you lie. Although you try to hide the book from other's sights, they can still tell you are lying."

"And your minds different?" Another nod.

"Yes. That area of my mind is locked in a room called my Liar's Place. At all times, I keep my subconscious in this room. When I am in there, none can enter, only Father. If I need to lie, the answer to get me out of trouble comes out of the books, and I speak it. None can force the truth out of me if I do not wish them to. Not even the Yamanakas."

"What about Itachi?"

"What about me?" came a voice to Naruto's left. There stood Itachi Uchiha, in all his glory. (sorry I love him!) "Well, were you talking about me?"

"I was explaining to Kisame-san how no one can force me to say anything I do not wish to say." He turns back towards Kisame, "No Itachi cannot force his way into my mind. He is one of the people who helped me create the Liar's Place."

Kisame looked up from Naruto's eyes to Itachi's, then back to Naruto's. This continued for another five minutes. When it was getting close to the nine minute mark, Naruto turned to Itachi.

"You might want to stop him. I would hate to have to listen to him complain of neck pain the whole ways back to base. If Brother summoned me of course."

"He did not. I wish to tell you happy birthday as well." With that, Itachi hit Kisame over the head and started dragging him back into the forest.

"Goodbye brat!"

'I hate it when he calls me that.'

'Open the scroll. Let us see what your brother has planned for you.'

'Yes Father' Pulling out the scroll, Naruto checked his surroundings one more time. 'I spent too long explaining Liar's Place to Kisame-san, I do not have time to practice.'

'You at least have the time to read it through.'

Opening the scroll, Naruto read the top margin.

"Naruto, my brother, these jutsu are very powerful. They are a gift, one I hope you use well. Sign the summoning first. After memorizing the contents, burn the paper."


'It looks as if all of these are genjutsus. These have some interesting descriptions.'

"Demonic Mask: Accursed- Victim is forced to live in a world of their own fear. Suicide often follows. That sounds interesting."

'Look at the summoning.'

"Brother, even though I instructed you to sign this first, you will be unable to summon anything until you perfect the first three Masks. You must be able to use them without trouble. They have minds of their own. You must break their spirits. They must follow your command without complaint. After doing this, the summon will give you your next jutsu. I am sure that you will make me proud."

The last words were stamped into Naruto's head. He would do anything to make his brother proud. "I will work on them tomorrow."

'Finish reading it though.'

"Demonic Mask: Brutality- Victim sees allies as enemies. Victim then attack the 'enemy'. Demonic Mask: Animosity- Used during interrogation. Victim's emotions are amplified."

'How could that be used?'

'Think about it. Fear could be amplified to the point of madness. Then they would do anything in order to escape. Add that to Accursed, and there spirit will break. They would become putty in your hands. Truly ingenious.' The fox seemed to be drooling over the possibilities.

'These could come in handy.'

'Let us go back to that drunks house. It is getting late.'

'Yes Father.'

-------------at dinner, a few nights later-----------

Naruto had been practicing the Demonic Mask jutsus for some time now. During the last two days, while the rest of the team walked up trees, Naruto had been several miles south of them, practicing his masks. He was first surprised to figure out that each jutsu was a mini summon. The chakra needed to perform the technique wasn't a lot, but the masks themselves had a mind of their own. He had been practicing the Accursed mask.

The mask had attached to his face and forced him to relive the first six years of his life. He had soon found the mask inside his mind and destroyed it. The next time he used the mask, it was fully submissive to his will. The next mask he decided to work on was Animosity. That was the only reason he was eating with the rest of the team. Naruto figured a live subject was in order. So he chose Sakura to get an idea what it would do to a person as explosive as her.

After casting the jutsu, Naruto sat back and waited for something or someone to do something to his lab rat to make her show some emotion.

"Why do you always train? Why? What do you think you can change?" The small boy who sat across from Sakura yelled at her. She ignored him, instead she continued to fawn over the Uchiha.

'Did I not perform it correctly?'

'No. Everything was correct. Just be patient.'

"Don't you ignore me pink-haired bitch!" He slammed his hands down on the table.

"WHAT?!?!" Sakura stood and slammed her own hands on the table.

'Poor table. It looks as if it's going to break'

'Look closely at her face, you can see the impression of the mask.'

It was true. Naruto, and no one else, could see faint traces of the mask. It was a brutish-looking mask. It was overall a red color, but the paint was chipped, giving a old look. The eyes were huge, they took up the most space. They were wide open, with slitted pupils and yellow surroundings. The mouth was set into a grimace, with two huge tusks protruding from it. Overall, it looked like a horrific cross between a boar and a human.

'If she could see herself, she would scream.'

'It shows anger, I wonder if the image changes with the emotion."


'She is one to talk.' Apparently Kakashi felt the same way.

"Sakura! Control yourself!"

"WHY THE HELL SHOULD I LISTEN TO A TEACHER WHO CAN'T EVEN TELL TIME? WHY SHOULD I SIT HERE AND LISTEN TO A BRAT SAY CRAP ABOUT ME? WHY TH HE-" The rest of her rant was cut off as Naruto hit on the back f the head, hard. She instantly fell onto the table. He then turned his frosted eyes to Kakashi.

"Such language was not called for. Do you agree?"

"Yes. Sigh. Naruto can you carry her upstairs?" He turned hopeful eyes to the boy, knowing what he would say.

"Yes." but he made no move to do so.

"Will you carry her upstairs?"


'Of course. He is so predictable. At least when it comes to the team.' Of course, Kakashi wasn't going to say that out loud. He hated the coldness of his student's eyes. They seemed to get even colder when he glared at someone, and Kakashi didn't want to see how cold they could get.

'Well, that was...interesting. I wish she was not so loud. I thought my ears were going to bleed.'

'The bleeding would have stopped soon enough. But, yes, it was interesting. To say the least.'

'When should we work on the last one?'

'Are you tired?' After feeling more than seeing his son's shake of the head, he continued, "Then sneak out and we will start now.'

'Where will we find a lab rat?'

'We passed a town before coming here, we will use the people in the bar there.'



Ren was having a good day, as in past tense. He had got paid today, so he went where he always went when he got paid...the bar. Or brothel, depending on his mood for the day. He had met up with a good drinking buddy, and they came up with the idea to play some card against the others that were easy with their money. So far, so good. He and his partner were even winning. A good day indeed.

"Wow! I've made quite a lot of cash! I think I might just visit a few of the back rooms." At this, Ren looked up. He saw his drinking buddy round up the cash and get up from the table. Getting up as well, Ren quickly caught up to the man.

"Hey, share some of that! You owe me."

"I don't owe you crap. This is mine." His words struck him hard. All of a sudden, he was angry.

'Who the hell is this guy? Walking off with my money?!?' Just as suddenly, Ren found the ability to stab the man, and he did.

Stumbling around, the man turned to face Ren. But to Ren, the man was only a face, nothing more. He had no other options, he would finish what he started. Faster than most could register, Ren started stabbing him repeatedly, with an almost happy look on his face. Then, someone grabbed him from the back. Turning, Ren easily stabbed this one in the heart, making the man stumble back. He quickly dealt with everyone in the building, even the whores. All the people he saw were out to get him. Soon, calming darkness over came the red, and Ren saw no more.

A small smile graced his lips, as he removed the senbon from the drunk's neck. Everything had worked.

'Very interesting effects.'

"Very interesting indeed..."
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