Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Liar's Place

chapter 2

by darkyn 1 review

Travil to wave begins. Can Naruto continue to fool everyone? Of course...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-14 - Updated: 2008-05-15 - 2543 words

'Damn them all. I swear I will kill all cats one day!' Team Seven had gotten another useless mission; find the stupid cat...for the fifth time in two days! This time the cat had escaped the lady while she was running to get him out of Naruto's grasp. It had clawed up his arm, over his face, and down his back before running outside. Naruto had chased the damned animal down for two seconds before pouncing on it and dragging it back before anyone knew he was gone.

'I agree. We could start with the two tailed cat demon. She owes me money!'

'I will remember that the next time we come across her.'

"Wow, that was fast Naruto." came Kakashi's lazy complement.

'You would think that if he complemented someone, he would not sound so lazy.

'He does that to annoy you. At your test, you should not have held his book for ransom, it made him mad. Insulting his grammar did not help any.' Naruto smirked at the memory. At the beginning, he had hid at the top of a tree and watched as Sakura tried to defeat Kakashi with her horrible academy taijutsu. Scarecrow was beating her while also reading a little orange book. Naruto wondered what the book was and was surprised that Kakashi got angry when Sasuke attacked, leaving him unable to read the book. At the first sign of Kakashi letting his guard down around his direction, Naruto silently ran out behind him and grabbed the book. After defeating Sasuke, Kakashi reached back, only to find empty air where his precious book usually was!

"Where the hell is it?!?! I just put that damn thing down for a minute!" He was wildly twisting his body to look around him.

"Tisk, tisk, teacher, such language. Your grammar is even worse when you're angry. I have your book right here." Naruto was back in the tree, but this time was standing on a lower branch. He was holding the book up for the world to see. "I will give you it back, without harm, if you pass us in this test of yours."

"Fine! Just come down and give it!" Kakashi was getting desperate now; Naruto was an unknown and so, unpredictable. Kakashi had no idea what the boy was capable of or what he would do. Kakashi tensed as Naruto handed him the book. "Ha! And I called you smart! You just gave up your only bargaining chip!"

"Oh, really. Because to me, the status quo has not changed." Naruto was smirking, something Kakashi found unnerving. Then he felt a tapping against his chest and looked down to see a dagger lightly drumming on his vest. A thin strip of violet ran down the blade and a liquid seemed to be dripping of the blade. "This is the poison I killed Mizuki with. He died before I was even done telling him all about my blades. Now hold up your bargain." Naruto was whispering now, right into Kakashi's ear. "Oh, and don't think of telling Hokage-sama, he has bigger things to take up his time. Not that he would believe you at all." Kakashi nodded, and then turned to the other two saying, "Good job all of you. You pass!"

"Why are you smirking Naruto? Remember something funny?" Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts by the Hokage's question.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Very amusing." At this Kakashi shivered, suddenly overcome with the urge to check his book.

"Hey, Hokage, can't we do something more interesting than catching cats, I'm getting tired of it!" Sakura was complaining, like usual. Naruto could have sworn that he had scared her enough the last time she decided to start blabbering about nothing that she would remember the next time.

'Of course not, she is a fool.' His father decided to add his two cents in.

"Sakura, you must understand, you all are gennin, and as such, you are not prepared for any higher missions." came the Hokage's reply, the same reply he gave her every time they came to get a new mission.

"Hokage-sama, why don't we let the experience a C rank mission? If they see something higher, they may not want it so badly. I believe that they are ready, and I'll be with them." Kakashi himself was bored with all of the D rank missions. He also knew that at least Naruto was actually ready for higher missions. He had listened to his student and had not told the Hokage about Naruto's confession for two reasons. One being that Naruto was right about the Hokage being busy and that he would not have believed him. The other was that Kakashi would have to admit, in front of his fellow jônin that he had lost to a member of his own gennin squad.

"Alright Kakashi, you'll get your mission. Iruka, escort Tazuna in here."

"Yes sir."

"Are these pipsqueaks my guards? They're just a bunch of kids!" Naruto turned to see the old drunk. He was leaning against the wall, with a half-empty bottle in his hands.

Naruto took one whiff of the foul smell coming of the man before he had to protect his nose. The stench was awful. He held up his arm and covered his nose with his sleeve.

"What's wrong with you kid?"

"You smell worse than the alley behind my apartment. It is making me sick." The boy's response was the last thing Tazuna expected. He acted like any normal person would, by getting mad. Tazuna was glaring at the boy when he noticed that everyone else in the room was staring at the boy with wonder in their eyes.

"What are you all staring at?" Tazuna knew it was rude of him but it was getting annoying. Even the ANBU guards behind the Hokage looked as if they were staring at the boy. The ANBU with a bird mask answered him.

"Naruto always has perfect manners when he his expected to. I think that is the first insult I've ever heard him say in front of the Hokage! In fact, that's the first emotion I've seen in his eyes since he was six years old!" Tazuna stared at the ANBU this time before turning toward the boy still covering his nose.

"" His rambling was cut short by the boy's next sentence.

"Will any of you actually do what I suggest and work on your grammar?" Apparently that one sentence put everyone back in order, and it was obvious that the boy was back to normal. Kakashi broke the silence.

"Team, meet me at the gates in one hour, be prepared for a month trip and bring all of your weapons. Dismissed."

--------------One Hour Later--------------------

"Where is Naruto? Usually he's early for missions and now he's late. Did Mr. Tazuna smell that bad to Naruto?" Everyone else was waiting for the boy by the gate. They had expected Kakashi to be late but were surprised when he showed up early and Naruto was late. "Mr. Tazuna doesn't even smell that bad! What was Naruto talking about?"

"Naruto had a bad experience with drunks once. They surrounded him and mugged him, not that any six year old would have a lot of money with them. The day before the mugging, Naruto had been a happy soul and very loud. The next day he was the way you see him now, cold and polite. I think that he has become very sensitive to the smell of alcohol, as a defense mechanism. That is why he needed to cover his nose. He probably only wanted to run out but you were blocking the only exit Tazuna."

Tazuna was shocked, a six year old was beaten and mugged, and he had insulted him, while he was probably scaring the boy with his smell.

"Tell me Kakashi, are you going to tell my life story to idiots every time I leave you with them? If so, I ask you to rethink this practice, it could get you killed." The voice came from behind them, by the gates. Naruto stood there, glaring at Kakashi.

"Of course not Naruto. I was only answering Sakura's question."

"If you answered every one of Sakura's stupid questions, you would be constantly talking."

"That's not very nice. Anyway, what took you so long? You're usually that early one."

"I had to change clothes, and pick up some gear." At that, everyone noticed what he was wearing. Instead of the long sleeved grey shirt and plain black pants, Naruto was wearing a dark grey, almost black, shirt with sleeves that went down to his knuckles. His pants had almost no change with them except for the senbon holster on them. His shirt and holster was first thing that Kakashi noticed, but Sakura and Sasuke both only noticed on thing.

"You're wearing shoes!"

"That is obvious Sakura." Naruto had donned a pair of black shinobi sandals. "For long trips, I would prefer to keep my feet covered. Why does it matter?"

"She's just shocked because she's never seen you wear anything on your feet. Although if it's your feet she notices and not the holster, she really needs to get her priorities strait." Sakura looked sheepish at this and dropped her head. "I've never seen you wear weapons before Naruto."

"I do not usually find them necessary. And Kakashi you have seen that I wear weapons, just not where everyone can see them." Naruto was walking toward them now, with a small smirk on his face, but still no emotion in his eyes.

"Yes I have. Do you have any more hidden blades? When you threatened me, you said he died before you were done telling him all about your blades. How many do you have?"

"Are you scared of me Kakashi?"

"No, just interested." Naruto was in Kakashi's comfort zone now. One more step and the boy would close enough to do so damage if he wanted to. Sakura, Sasuke, and Tazuna, forgotten by the other two, watched the exchange with confusion in their eyes.

'When did Naruto threaten Kakashi and why would it scare him?' Sakura wondered.

'When has Naruto killed someone?' was on Sasuke's mind.

'I better not piss that boy off...' was Tazuna's thought.

"I have two daggers, like the one you saw, with me now. One on each arm. I also have a sword strapped to my back. All of them are very dangerous in my hands, even without their poison tears."

Naruto stepped back, "Can we leave now?"

"One last question, then we'll leave. Where is your headband Naruto?"

"Easy, connected to the hood that is attached to my shirt. Inside the village yellow hair stands out. Can you imagine how much it will stand out outside? When it is needed, I will cover my hair with my hood, and my headband will be in full view to the world. Will that appease you Teacher?"

The boy said the last word with such sarcasm that it was funny to Kakashi.

"Yes, but I don't think I'll be teaching you anything."

"I agree."

"Let's go Team." With those parting words, they turned and left out the opening gate.

----------------On the Road----------------

'Naruto! Behind you!' His father's panicked warning woke Naruto from his musings. He ducked while pulling one of his daggers out for its sheath attached to his forearm. As the would-be assailant passed over his head, Naruto stabbed him, giving a deep wound on his upper chest area. The attacker quickly landed and spun around to face Naruto. 'You are surrounded. One behind, one in front.'

'Thank you. I do not know what had me so occupied I could not even sense them.'

'No problem. You were probably ignoring the human female's annoying voice a little two well, she called to you before I did.'

'That must have been it.' Naruto could hear his team now.

"Naruto! Are you okay? I thought they would come for me first. That's why I allowed them to attack.'" Kakashi felt the need to explain himself. He was tormenting himself on the inside. 'Naruto could've died! Foolish, foolish, foolish. Never endanger your team again!'

"Do not apologize Kakashi. You have seen very little of what I am capable of. What you have seen though should tell you I can handle these idiots. One is already dead." Naruto pointed to the stab wound on one's chest. Kakashi could see that the cut was green around the edges and his face was turning grey.

"That poison is as potent as you say. What is it made of?" Any information he collected on the poison would aid the ANBU in reproducing it. "And how did you get it in the diamond on the hilt?"

"Maybe I will show you when I am done. But do not be foolish, none can produce this poison except me." Naruto then ran forward and in a flash, was in front of the one behind him. The ninja leaped back in an effort to doge Naruto's slash at his neck. He was almost dragged down to the ground when his brother pulled on the chain connecting them. This action ended up saving his life, as the dagger swung inches above his head.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled at his partner. He looked at him only to be knocked into a tree. Before he gained his bearings, he felt himself tied to the tree.

"Do not blame your partner, it is hard for a corpse to remain standing. Kakashi, you interrogate this one, I will dispose of the other body." Kakashi nodded to his student before walking up to the tree...

After the interrogation, Kakashi turned to see his team sitting by a fire that was burning on odd-shaped pieces of wood. 'That's not wood, Naruto burned the body.' "Why did you burn the body? We could have learned something from it."

"Like how I make my poison, or what it contained?"

'Damn he figured it out.'

"I told you I would show you, and I will." Naruto stood. "Now watch why you would not be able to copy my poison. I will only show you once."

Naruto rolled his sleeve up to show an empty scabbard. He then unhooked it from the brace that kept it attached to his arm. "Hold this for me. Do not do anything to it." He said while handing it to Kakashi. Naruto then took his blade, from which he had cleaned the enemy blood, and cut his own wrist. Everyone was rooted in place as they watched the blood from his wrist flow down the groove and fill the diamond. As soon as it was full, Naruto removed his wrist and sheathed the blade. He held the whole thing up while making hand signs unknown to the team with one hand.

"Demonic Tears: Blood Conversion." was all he said. His lifeblood glowed red, then turned purple. As Naruto was turning back to the fire, he attached the blade back and rolled his sleeve back.

'What the hell did he just do?'
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