Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Harem

Chapter Two

by red_jacobson 6 reviews

Luna talks to a friend; Harry gets a shock, Albus gets an unpleasant mental picture.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-09 - Updated: 2008-06-10 - 1965 words - Complete

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Harem

by Red Jacobson

TITLE: Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Harem (2/?)

WARNINGS: M/F, F/F, M/F/F/F, Oral, Anal, Violence, Character Death

Ravenclaw Tower, 4th Year Girls Dormitories

“Luna? It's Padma, do you need to talk?”

“Just a second” Padma heard the door unlock and open, showing her young friend standing there with a calm expression on her face.
“I've brought butterbeer, I thought it would help if you needed to get something off of that lovely chest of yours.”

Luna smiled slightly, taking a bottle, and leading Padma to the bed, where they both sat down.

“Thanks Padma, and I'm glad you find my chest lovely, and I enjoy yours too, but, you're right, I do need to tell somebody what happened last night. It was terrifying at times, but, I also had the most amazing experience!”

Luna told her friend about the trip to the Ministry of Magic, including getting separated from the others.

“I was so frightened, I was lost and alone, and could hear somebody behind me. I kept trying doors, trying to find a place to hide, and a door opened up. I ducked inside and shut the door behind me. I looked around the room, and saw mist coming toward me. I remember saying something like; “Mommy, I'm scared,” and then the mist was all around me. It was the strangest thing, the mist felt comfortable and, I guess, loving, is the best word, and, then the mist was gone, and I was standing in the kitchen of my house, and my mother was standing there!”

Padma gasped and pulled Luna into a hug, as tears dripped from the blonde's eyes.

“She looked right at me, and said, “Hello Luna, to answer your questions, because I don't have long here, Yes, it is really me; and I am so sorry I had to leave you and your daddy. I only have a couple of minutes, and I need to correct a horrible wrong that was done to you when you saw me die. You were damaged in ways I don't think you realize even now. She put her arms around me and kissed me on the forehead, and, suddenly, everything was much clearer! I still see things that others don't; but, I found that I'm focusing on what everybody else calls reality a lot easier. Anyway; she managed to unlock my gift, you knew I had a touch of seer in me didn't you?”

At Padma's nod, she continued; “Well, it's a lot stronger now, and, for a change, I can actually understand what I am seeing. For example, I know that I need to take the invisibility cloak I took from one of the Death Eaters last night, and head up to the hospital wing within the next 10 minutes, I don't know exactly what will happen there, but, I do know that it will make both you and I and several others extremely happy; and lead to a quick, successful end to the war against Voldemort.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Better get moving, you can tell me the rest of the story when you get back!”

Luna kissed Padma and grabbed the cloak from under her bed. Padma opened the door when she left, and waited until she felt Luna move passed her before shutting the door.

Hogwarts Hospital Wing

The next several hours proved to be the most embarrassing ones Harry could remember; even worse than the aftermath of Rita Skeeter's poison quill during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. It wasn't bad at first, with Madame Pomfrey scanning him, but, after double checking the results, she brought the Headmaster in as well.

“Madame Pomfrey, what's going on? Is something wrong with me?” Harry was getting really concerned when she didn't answer him. In fact, it seemed as if she didn't even hear him, she was so intent on what her scans were showing. Finally; when Dumbledore arrived, he tapped her on the shoulder and said, “Perhaps we should answer some of Harry's questions before he hexes us.”

Harry was slightly relieved to hear the humor in the old man's voice, 'I guess it can't be that horrible, at least he's smiling.'

The nurse flushed, “Sorry Headmaster; I just lost track of what I was doing. Anyway; Mister Potter; I don't know why you still manage to surprise me; but you've done it again. Your magical core has almost doubled in size since the beginning of the school year; and that is what is causing your headaches. The Headmaster has an idea of what has caused it to suddenly increase, and I'll let him discuss that with you; and then we can discuss a course of treatment.”

Harry wondered why the normally unflappable nurse was blushing when she mentioned the 'treatment'. Shaking his head, he turned toward Professor Dumbledore with a curious expression on his face. “Well, sir, why do you think I've suddenly got this problem? Is it because I was possessed last night?”

The damnable twinkle was back in his eyes as he said “In a sense, Harry, in a sense. What I believe happened is that Tom had established a link with you when he first gave you that scar, and had been drawing off a portion of your magic all the time. When you forcibly ejected him from your mind last night, I believe that you managed to nearly sever the link, and, without Tom draining a great deal of your magic; your core has expanded beyond what your body is used to. A side effect of damaging that link, I don't know if you've noticed or not, but your scar has noticeably faded. At any rate, the headaches are because you have magic in you that has no place to go, that is why the pain eased when you cast the spells earlier.”

“So, I just have to keep casting spells so the headaches stop? I can do that for now, but what about during the summer? I don't need another warning from the Underage Magic morons!”

Dumbledore paused for a moment; “Well, unfortunately; casting would only be a temporary measure, and would not keep working for more than a few more days. There is a method of treatment that I'm aware of, because I had to undertake it myself when I was just a little older than you are now. I'm sure you will find it enjoyable, if a little embarrassing.”

“Okay, what's the treatment? Am I going to have to parade down Diagon Alley in my grundies waving a wand around? Because you might enjoy something like that but it's really not my idea of a good time!”

Dumbledore paused at the mental picture, then shook his head; smiling; “No Harry, nothing quite that public. In fact, the treatment is generally done in private. There is no easy way to say it; but; in order to drain off the excess magic until your body adjusts to the change requires sex, several times a day!”

Harry blinked; then blinked again, before he started laughing. “Oh, that was good! You really had me going for a minute there! But, seriously, what is the actual treatment?” At Dumbledore's look, he said; “You aren't kidding me, are you? I really have to have sex to keep my magical core from overloading? Oh Bugger! How the bloody Hell am I going to do that? I can just see myself going up to a girl and saying, 'Hi, I've got to have regular sex to keep my magical core in check, so you want to take a walk?' That would go over about as well as Umbridge as a Page Three Girl! Even if I found someone willing; how long do you think it would be before she is selling the story to Rita Skeeter or one of the other leeches?”

Dumbledore grimaced at the analogy, but, said, “Actually Harry; I believe that you might be pleasantly surprised. There are several girls in the school who are attracted to you; and not; as the 'Boy Who Lived' but as Harry. And would not be the types to tell your secrets to anyone! You may not realize it; but the way you have handled yourself over the past five years has made quite an impression. Well, I can see that you don't believe me; at least not yet, so I'll take my leave. Madame Pomfrey has a pain relieving potion you can take for the evening; so you can go back to Gryffindor Tower. I'll be talking to you tomorrow about an idea for where you can spend your summer, so I wish you a pleasant evening.” With a final twinkle and look around the examining room, he left.

Harry laid back on the table, “Oh bugger, where the fuck am I going to find a girl who's willing to have sex with me and not go blabbing about it to everyone? Hermione? I'm sure she'd be willing to help me; but she's still recovering from the fight, and, could I ask her to do that for me? Ginny? It looks like she and Neville are getting closer, and I wouldn't do that to a friend! She's out! Luna? I like her, and she's proven she can handle herself, but would she want to be with me? She might, but how the bloody hell do I bring it up with her?” His musings were interrupted by the rustle of cloth as a figure appeared from under an invisibility cloak.

“I'm glad you think so highly of me Harry; and I would very much like to be with you, although I would need to have some help, because I don't think I could keep up with your needs.” Luna said, as she walked over to the table. “I know you aren't aware of this, but I come from a long line of Seers, and knew that I needed to be here in this room today. I'm just glad I had the invisibility cloak, otherwise I would have had to hide behind a plant, and I don't think that would have worked too well. I just wish you would have come in earlier, it's been very boring sitting still all day. But anyway; there is something that Professor Dumbledore didn't tell you; maybe because he didn't know; but; a girl that you are having regular sex with; that is; if you are she are together more than a couple of times; gets an increase in her magical core, making her a more powerful spell caster, and, since I know you are concerned about it, she would be better able to defend herself from Tommy and his followers.”

“That's something, I suppose, but, you are very different Luna; I've never seen you so focused.”
“I'm glad you noticed, you weren't the only one to have something happen to them last night, and I'll be happy to tell you about it later. Anyway; that potion won't keep the pain away for very long; do you want to come with me?”

“Of course I do, Luna; but; I hope you understand; this is quite a shock to me, I've never even had a girlfriend, and now you are offering me something extremely special! Are you absolutely sure this is what you want to do?” Harry said; as he stared into Luna's eyes.

“Harry, I've been waiting for a long, long time for this, even before I knew who you were, I knew that my first male lover would have dark hair and gorgeous green eyes. I've just been waiting for the right time. Now, shall we go?”

Harry took her hand and the two of them left the Hospital Wing.

End Chapter Two
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