Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's not just them I worry about hurting me

Hell holes

by blazingava 0 reviews

Is it love or lust. Is love even possible when you live as far in fear as Ilena or when you're stuck in your stuborness and force like Gerard?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-06-12 - Updated: 2008-06-12 - 590 words - Complete

I was sitting in the shade avoiding the sun and talking to my friends and brother Mikey. Don’t ask me why we still went to school during the day. Being vampires it wasn’t to fun for us. “Dude’s check that out!” Frank said staring and pointing at a dark haired girl walking into school. “Never seen her before,” Mikey said adjusting his glasses. I said nothing only stood up and walked towards her wanting a closer look. The closer I drew the more gorgeous she became. I could smell fear all over her making my senses crave her. Should I say something? No then I’d just look soft. I was getting closer and running out of time to plan. Before I knew it I shoved her to the ground and trotted off. At first every one laughed, except Mikey, and then it got quiet. Once I got back to the tree I turned to look. The girl was still on the ground curled up and shaking. Her dark medium length hair hanging over one eye but you could still tell they where closed tightly. The principle came and shooed us all off to class. I rolled my eyes and headed for my locker. Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder. “That wasn’t funny Gee. That poor thing was terrified.” Mikey said shaking his head. I grunted at him. “Mikey it may be because you read minds and feel what others feel but you’re too soft. She needs to know who’s boss then we can be friends.” I said puffing out my chest without knowing. Mikey looked at me with disappointment and walked off. I growled and kept on my way to my locker.

Ileana’s POV

I finally found my locker and began a struggle to put my things in the way I liked them. I was still terrified, especially now that I was alone in the hall. If any one tried to get me I couldn’t do a thing about it. Some one walked behind me and opened the locker to my left. My head was still lodged inside my own locker so I couldn’t see them. “Hi,” A shy voice said behind me. Never the less I still jumped and hit my head from the surprise. I turned around pressing myself against my full locker and looking at him fearfully. He put up his hands trying to soothe me but I flinched for fear of being struck. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be frightened. I’m Mikey” He said putting his hands down and backing away. I nodded but said nothing only watched and waited for him to strike. He seemed to notice because a hurt look came over him. He smiled at me sadly and said goodbye before disappearing into the halls. I headed to my first class.

Mikey’s POV

I knew my brother and I heard his thoughts when he saw the girl. Why can’t he leave the poor creature alone? She was obviously scared. He could have at least waited for her to settle into school. I looked down at my hands. She thought I would kill her. Her thoughts were so scrambled, her eyes were so frightened. I wouldn’t have hurt her. I wouldn’t kill more than I need to and I always settle them down but she seemed to see through me. A monster. That’s what I was to her maybe…that really is what I was.
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