Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's not just them I worry about hurting me

Nice to meet you Satan

by blazingava 0 reviews

They say first impresions are everything. Both Gerard and Ilena will have to strugle with theirs.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-12 - Updated: 2008-06-12 - 1024 words - Complete

Ileana’s POV

Science was boring math was boring it was all boring. There was no challenge for me. We were in algebra 1. How ridiculous is that? Very much so. I was already past this geometry and into algebra 2. The lunch bell ran and I sauntered out onto the lawn. I didn’t eat food cooked by other people and sack lunches were just as bad. I didn’t really ever eat lunch any way. I went and sat under a tree in the furthest corner I could .Ignoring the waves and looks and cat calls. About 10 minutes into the period I heard laughter and tensed listening to the approaching voices. “So you push any more girls over Gee?” One voice asked between cackles. Three others chimed in. They rounded the corner and I could see them from behind the tree. “I still don’t think it’s funny.” Mikey snarled sitting down. “No one asked…” The one with the fro started but a pale dark haired boy held up a hand. They all exchanged glances then four of them turned away but the pale one stood up and walked around the tree. “What are you doing here?” He asked crossly and folded his arms over his chest. I hung my head low and tried to scurry off but was grabbed by another one of the boys. He was shorter than the rest with a lip ring. I tried to scream but pale boy’s hand went over my mouth. “I didn’t say you could leave! I asked what you were doing here.” He growled taking me from lip ring. My heart thudded. ‘I’m going to die’ was all my brain could process. Flash backs of my abuse came back. Hitting kicking molesting. They would kill me because of her. I tried to keep screaming and thrashed about. “Stop it!” I heard Mikey yell and felt his hands around my waist. “Chill Mikey it’s not like she’s in pain.” Lip ring said. Mikey shook their grip off me and pulled me close putting his has lightly over my mouth. The pale boy looked surprised and angry, “She’s not fighting you…why?” The afro man said. “She doesn’t mean it. She’s just scared, terrified actually.” Mikey said slowly dropping the hand on my mouth and rubbing the back of my neck. For some reason I began to settle and my eyelids drooped. Pale boy took me from Mikey, picked me up and sat down with me. He unsettled me and I wiggled. “Stop that now!” He barked and I flinched and obeyed. This made him smile and he combed my hair with his fingers. “I’m Gerard. The kid with the fro is Ray the short one is Frank. It seems you’ve met Mikey already.” He said trying to pick through a tangle. I nodded again. That only made Gerard mad and he yanked on my hair. I let out a yelp. “When some one introduces themselves you do the same”

Gerard’s POV

“So you push any more girls over Gee?” Frank said. All three of us laughed and Mikey got mad. “I still don’t think it’s funny.” He said distain hanging on his words. “No one asked…” Ray started but I put a hand up and cut him off. She was behind us I could smell it. I got up and walked behind the tree. Sure enough there was the girl. “What are you doing here?” I asked firmly and crossed my arms to show her my anger. She lowered her head and got up to run. Luckily Frank grabbed her before she could run. Why would she run any way? I didn’t tell her to go. I slapped a hand over her mouth. “I didn’t say you could leave! I asked what you were doing here.” I snarled lowly. She let out a wild screech into my hand and thrashed about. The fear coming off her made me physically ill. It was as if every action made was in slow motion and an attempt to save her life. “Stop it!” Mikey yelled harshly. I almost let go from surprise. Mikey was never this cross and he had never yelled at me. He wrapped his arms around the girl and took her from me firmly but gently. His hand lightly covered her mouth and her fighting slowed to uncomfortable squirming. “Chill Mikey it’s not like she’s in pain” Frank mumbled sounding like a child that had just been scolded. I observed her scared, shaking, and young frame. Dark hair that flew around her face eyes that sparkled no matter what. I growled deeply. Why wasn’t she fighting Mikey? He hadn’t even started sedating her yet. I would have felt it. We always feel it when he forcibly calms some one down. “She’s not fighting you…why?” Ray asked carefully. “She doesn’t mean it. She’s just scared, terrified actually.” Mikey whispered beginning to sedate her. Jealousy flashed through me and I snatched her picking her up and sitting beneath the tree with her. Her connection with Mikey broke and she began to squirm around. “Stop that now!” I yelled getting fed up with this behavior. She flinched and didn’t breathe for a moment but obeyed staying still. I smiled at her stroking her hair and lightly pulling through tangles. Hoping maybe it would comfort her. I didn’t want to hurt her. Just keep her still. “I’m Gerard. The kid with the fro is Ray the short one is Frank. It seems you’ve met Mikey already.” I said. She only nodded at me. My anger returned and I yanked her hair. She yelped like an animal. “When some one introduces themselves you do the same” I explained like I would to a young child. Still she said nothing. “You boys stop right there!” the principle said scurrying across the yard. How had she seen us? I sighed and loosened my grip on the girl. She gladly accepted the escape and stood up.
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