Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Bet You Ten Bucks I Can Make You Regret Her

Silence Is Golden, Duct Tape Is Silver

by XxMyChemicalPanicsxX 12 reviews

The following night leaves Ryan with a big question imprinted in his mind.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Erotica,Horror - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2008-06-13 - Updated: 2008-06-14 - 1790 words - Complete

Okay, Im VERY hesitant about this chapter so tell me the truth and dont lie to me. I guess. watever. so blah,blah,blah,read then review,blah,blah.

Breakfast this morning was not to my expectations.

I spent the whole time frowning, glaring at my cheerios telling them quietly to stop being so fucking round or I'd destroy them with my execution utensil.

They wouldn't listen.

But like I said before, breakfast this morning was not to my expectations.

All I wanted was to eat something, to sit at my table, maybe watch the news, and just relax in front of the TV. for a little while.

Now really, is that too much to ask?
Apparently so because all I got was dead cheerios and loud screams drowning out the voice of the newscaster.

You'd think that lie I told her about the rooms being soundproof would stop her.

Now I tried.
I really did.
I really and truly and honestly did.

I attempted to overpower the noises by turning up the television.

That didn't work because it sounded like a mess, kinda like "AHH!!! Expect hot days and cold nights Las Vegas HEEELP!!! The six year old, originally from Carson City was last seen OH GOD!!! The newly married couple were recently photographed dining out AHH!! DAMMIT AYMI JUST SHUT UP!!!

xUh-oh. What's this? Trouble in paradise?
What paradise?
xI mean.... feigned paradise?
Yes it appears so.

But it didn't stop.
It felt as if the whole house was shaking.
Shuddering, from the pleading cries.

Remembering I'm not the only one in the neighborhood, I ran to the front door, frantically wondering what's going through my neighbors' minds.

Throwing the door open so roughly it bounced off the wall of the house and hits my foot, I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.

Then I listened.

Faintly but clearly I could hear every word that was uttered.
I looked around.
Almost every car on the block was gone and almost every house was pitch dark.
The only exception was two houses on each end.
Don't you just love summer vacations?
Though I found it peculiar that they all left either last night or early this morning.

A small smile formed across my face as I stepped back into the house.
It then bid me farewell when I recalled why I was outside in the first place as I turned off the television set.

I attempted to...calmly talk to the noises.

To my left.
"I suggest you listen to him. Do you really want to make your stay here tougher than it is? You're already down to six fingers," (I had some more fun, what can I say) "Want me to start on the toes?"
"I'll see you tonight."
"If you touch me, I swear to God I'll kill you."
Now I want you to read that last sentence again.
Go on.
I want you to understand that she provoked me.

I watched with a smirk on my face as she backed up with every step I took towards her.

My smirk grew.
"What the hell's wrong with you?"
I cocked my head.
She stopped to choke back a sob.
"Why are you doing this?"
Bigger does my smirk grow.
"What did we do to you Ryan?"
My facial expression fell a little.
She struggled in her duct tape blanket.
I raised an eyebrow at her random, foul outburst.
"Do you have a fucking heart? How can you just do this and feel nothing?"
Now I decided to respond.

"Sweetie, hearts have nothing to do with this. All my heart does is pump blood through my body."
"Cold blood."
"Alright, I'll let you have that one but only because I'm not in the mood to teach you biology.
Besides, pretty soon you'll find out why. At least I hope you do. 'Cus who wants to pass confused?"
"What did you say?!"

I stepped out the door and locked it.

Then to my right.
"Brendon, sweetie, it's me. Thank you for at least taking a crack at it. She wrecked my morning a little."
No answer.
I take this as a "I know babe."
"But this will all be over very soon so just make yourself comfortable."

xWell as comfortable as a person can with six deep wounds in a cold room with no furniture can.

I stood in front of the linen closet.

I pursed my lips together slightly and harked intently.
The air condition blew.
And all was silent.


I probably took about two steps down the stairs when I heard soft talking.

I heard even softer sobs as I sat on the top step of the stairs.
"Don't cry."
"Brendon he hurt me. He- he."
"I know, I know. Just... don't talk okay. I can't believe I'm saying this but.. be...good. I'll find us a way out, okay."

I can't believe what I'm hearing.
'A way out'.
I knew I should've put one downstairs and one upstairs.
This hallway isn't a short one at all but at the same time, the only thing between the two doors is a linen closet which is about two and a half feet long.

xShut up, he's not done.

"We'll go. Right away, no stopping, straight to Salem. To that little wedding chapel you found and get married there."

The word.
It felt like a punch to the chest.
Like the feeling you get when you learn that everything you've worked hard for, worked so long for was for nothing. And you have to redo it and start again, when you have only a short allotted period of time.

"We'll call someone to get our things and we'll stay there. Only to come back to put Ryan away for good."

Now this.
This feeling...
Have you ever hoped and prayed for something?
Hoped and prayed so much that you have to force yourself to stop because you imagine when God hears it for the millionth time he rolls his eyes?
Put so much faith in a maybe that all the yeses become nos?
Made yourself comfortable on a crumbling mountain?
You know what's going to happen.
God says no.
Maybe becomes never, yeses become perhapses, and nos become hell yeahs.
The mountain breaks.
And then the shock sets in.
It rattles your body so bad you give the appearance of a seizure.
Now that.
That is only one-third of this.

Put Ryan away for good?
Beckoned from my lover's lips?
Away from my lover's lips?

I wouldn't allow it.

I got up.

I didn't need to hear anymore.

I went to my temporary room and grabbed a bag..

Swiftly I approached my door and began to unlock it.
Very obscurely I could make out quick 'I love yous'.
No one ever means it.

The feeling now?

Tell me, do you feel sympathy towards Brendon.
If you do, please express yourself.
If you don't, please let me continue.

Tonight blood was shed.
But not like you think.

After I unlocked the door, Brendon inched over to the farthest corner of the room and closed his eyes as tight as they could get.

I playfully prodded his foot with mine.
I did it again.
Still nothing.

I'm guessing I got mad.

I prodded him this time on the side of the head without the injuries with my foot.
He fell over and coughed up blood after his head bounced off the tile.


I didn't mean it but it was all for his sake.

"I heard everything Brendon."
He groaned.
"You want to leave me. And put me in jail?"
A mix of pain and shock shot across his face as he rolled over on is back.
"I won't let you. I'd never let you. Understand that if you ever leave this house it will be with me. Understand that the next time you see her at her best won't be at a dingy little wedding chapel in Salem, but in a garbage bag. Think of it kinda like a goldfish that you take home from the fair. The Ziploc bag, garbage bag. The fish, Aymi. The water-"
"Don't interrupt me. Now you need to learn Brendon. You cant continue to live your life like this. It's inhumane."
"And it's your fault."
I took the sole of my left sneaker and placed it on his throat, shifting some of my weight to that foot.
Looking down at his face I proceeded.
"Flattery will get you nowhere. Brendon, do you believe I'm here to help you?"
Under my weight he shakes his head no.
I respond by putting all my weight on my left side and by applying additional pressure.
"Brendon, do you I'm here to help you?"
Under my weight, gasping painfully as he struggled, nodded yes.

"Then will you allow me to do that?"
Another nod.

Everything from there was better than any roller coater I'd ever rode, than any song I'd ever wrote, than any fling I ever had.

Even better Brendon finally understood the facts I gave him and accepted it.
I'll admit.
It wasn't very accessible and he wasn't very welcoming.
It was very different from our time in the living room.

It seemed to me as if he was pushing instead of pulling me closer.
Screaming "No, stop!" instead of "Oh yes, faster!"
Choking and yelping in what came off as pain with every thrust instead of moaning and groaning with pleasure.
Not once did he look me in the eye.
That appeared odd to me.

Afterwards was kinda awkward.
It wasn't staring intently in each others eyes, playing with each others hair, or whispering nasty things, or laying in each others arms.
It was me staring at his eyelids, me playing with his hair, us saying things like "That was amazing" or "Damn" breathlessly and "God kill me now" and "Aymi" between sobs and "Brendon?" and "What the fuck did you do to him" restlessly. My arms wrapped around his waist, kissing him, and constantly having to pull him towards me.

Now I sit.
On the couch with my feet propped up, reliving today.
Laughing occasionally, smile on my face always, and thinking deeply whilst admiring my new silver engagement ring.

But there's one thing.
I've got a question for you.
It's been puzzling me greatly.

"Do I seem crazy to you?"
Okay people, this is the part where you DO NOT go on to another story, but when you review so....yeah.... doesnt have to be long though i wud prefer is .....aaaawwwkkwwaarrrrrrdddddd
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