Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ++Stay+Gerard Way++

++Stay+Gerard Way++No-one changes++#04++

by RavenxBlack 0 reviews

Whats wrong with me?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2008-06-14 - Updated: 2008-06-14 - 319 words

My heart sank. I had no idea how he felt. No idea. This can’t be right. He raped me. He tried to kill me. And now he’s saying he misses me. Nothing made sense. I was still on the floor, I looked at the door quickly and had a glimmer of hope, but obviously I realized Adrian wouldn’t have been so stupid. I got up any way, looking around, wondering what the hell I was supposed to do now.

I wanted to go and find Adrian, for some reason I felt sorry for him. I could actually feel it, It was like I didn’t want him to feel any pain, which was strange because I did. I crept up the stairs, you could tell the sun was setting, because the light streaming through the crack were now an orangey glow. I pushed the door I saw him vanish through open. The room was crimson, and in the middle of it was a big bed with drapes covering it, and there was a huge crystal chandelier on the ceiling. Opposite the room he was standing out on the open balcony with his head in his hands. Oh god, my heart sank even more, I felt like I wanted to hold him, like I hadn’t seen him in years, as if he was… No.

I shook and he turned round. He looked like he had given up. I walked over to him, I didn’t even know what I was doing it was just happening, I got as close as I could to him and held him. He hugged me back limply, and sighed into my neck, his breath was warm and human like. But then the atmosphere changed. He gripped me tighter and tighter, and pushed me closer to him. He moaned deeply in my ear, as I could feel his teeth on my neck.
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