Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book VII

Chapter 16: Accension of Lady Shredder Part II

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Dumbledore,Ginny,Harry,Lily,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-06-15 - Updated: 2008-06-15 - 5674 words

Chapter Sixteen: The Ascension of Lady Shredder Part Two:

A figure quickly dropped down through a manhole to the sewer below. Stepping out of the shadows, the figure revealed himself to be Harry Potter. Taking a few cautious steps forward, Harry moved towards the lair, hoping that he was not too late. Still, if what the Ancient One said was true, then he had to watch his step, just in case there was something dangerous down here. Quickly, Harry stepped into the shadows and saw the entrance to the lair completely destroyed. Eyes widened, Harry rushed forward to investigate the source and when he entered the lair, he saw it was completely destroyed.

“Guys, Master Splinter, anyone!” hissed Harry in a low voice, as he looked around, but the lair appeared to be completely destroyed and deserted. Quickly, Harry levitated some rubble out of the way and saw a ripped piece of cloth lying underneath it, with an extremely familiar symbol, the symbol of the Foot.

A loud humming noise brought Harry out of his thoughts and the Boy-Who-Lived found himself having to dodge a blast of heavy laser fire from high above. Quickly, Harry ducked and dodged, as he attempted to get a fix on what he was dealing with and from high above, he saw a Foot Mech. The operator of the Mech, spotting that Harry had seen him, armed the robot and shot a rocket at Harry. Harry was too quick and he banished the rocket back at his opponent. The operator’s eyes widened as he was blown right to the ground, which Harry quickly leapt on top of the downed Mech and shattered the glass with well placed blasting curse, before he grabbed the operator by the throat.

“Where are they?” demanded Harry quickly, staring right at the Foot Mech operator’s face. “Who did this?”

“You’ll never get anything out of me,” replied the Foot Mech operator in a definite voice, as he slammed his fist into a button that caused the Mech to begin to vibrate. Quickly, Harry leapt off, the fool had activated the auto destruct feature. Putting a shield charm over him, Harry watched the Mech blow to pieces, along with the operator inside. Wreckage and blood splattered in every direction of the lair.

Harry stepped back to survey the situation. By distracting his adversary with what was put across as an act of mindless rage, Harry had managed to pull enough information out of the mind of his enemy to figure out what happened. What he learned Karai had been the architect behind the attack on the lair, which his brothers and Master Splinter had been killed, with Harry being the only one left that Karai wanted finished off, in order to avenge her father. Also, Foot Ninjas were watching the Potter Residence rather closely, but Harry did have more than one way inside there, that could get around any Foot involvement. The more pressing issue was what exactly happened to his family. As Harry had learned, things were never as they seemed.

Quickly, Harry moved from the lair, keeping on the move, in the off chance that more representatives of the Foot behind. The last thing Harry wanted was to be captured before he could properly find out the truth about whether or not his family perished. If they did, then Harry would have to deal with that situation, but there was also a chance that they were badly injured and needed to be rescued.

On the rooftop of Foot Tower, Karai stood looking out in the sky. So far, no sighting of Harry Potter, but she had agents watching the Potter Home and the moment Potter was spotted outside, they were ordered to capture Potter, destroy him only if absolutely necessary. Karai wished to do that personally, to properly avenge her father, to kill the individual who ruthlessly murdered him. The fact that Harry Potter was considered a hero to many rather sickened Karai to her stomach. She saw him nothing more than a murderer, who really had no business in constantly interfering in Foot business in any way. As questionable as some of Oroku Saki’s business activities may have been, Potter had no right to play judge, jury, and executor regarding him.

At that moment, one of Karai’s Foot agents walked up in front of her.

“Report,” commented Karai shortly.

“Mistress Karai, the Foot Mech stationed at the lair of the Turtles has activated it’s auto destruct feature, but one final transmission was given out, signaling that Harry Potter had visited the lair during that time,” replied the agent and Karai nodded calmly.

“Send some ninja to the sewers, it is possible that Potter still may be down there, find him and capture him, he must pay for the Shredder’s death with his life,” ordered Karai and the agent nodded before walking off to do as he was instructed, as Karai looked up into the sky. “Tonight Father, your memory will be truly and completely avenged.”

Harry swam deep below, head incased in a bubble headed charm. Something drew Harry to this particular body of water and he looked around, spotting a fuel trail in the water. Quickly, Harry used his arms and legs to propel himself forward and magically created a light in the water, spotting the overturned Shell Sub, partially sunk in the ocean floor. Moving down, Harry surveyed the damage of the Shell Sub, it had been impacted by several missiles from the looks of things and he pulled back the doors, with some effort.

No one was inside the wreckage of the Sub, living or dead, so Harry made his way quickly out of the water, cancelling the Bubble Head charm, before he walked out of the water. Looking around to ensure that there was no one looking nearby, Harry spotted an oxygen tank laying on the beach. In an instant, Harry picked up the tank, investigating it.

“Empty,” muttered Harry as he placed the tank on the ground. “Okay I know have all the pieces that I need to know about what happened, now I need to find a way to piece them together, to something that makes sense, just like the Ancient One said. Concentrate on what happened and my mind should do the rest.”

Harry sat down cross legged and closed his eyes in meditation, as a vision of the events of that lead to the trashing of the Shell Sub had began to piece themselves together.

The Shell Sub zoomed through the water below, the Foot on their tails, shooting at them. Don looked downwards, before he pointed the Sub downwards. Missiles fired down, blowing a hole in the Ocean Floor. Quickly, the Sub submerged into the hole created, as Don opened an emergency exit hatch from the bottom of the Sub. Punching into the computer, Don set the ship to resubmerge within thirty seconds, before he grabbed Master Splinter and an oxygen tank, helping him to the exit. They dropped down, with Don slamming the exit hatch shut, just as the Shell Sub rose out of the water and was completely obliterated by a series of blasts from the underground vehicle from the Foot.

On the ocean floor, obscured by some underwater weeds, Don and Master Splinter watched the Foot report to Karai before moving off. Splinter used the oxygen tank to take a breath, before they cauctiouslessly swam off before the Foot came to investigate the wreckage more thoroughly.

Harry’s eyes quickly snapped open and he spotted something on the ground, that he had not noticed, because they were so faint and it was dark outside that it was not noticeable at first. Quickly, Harry lit up the ground in a magically created infrared light, spotting foot prints, leading to a warehouse off the shore. Two sets of foot prints that looked very much that looked very much that they belonged to a large rat and a large turtle. Sticking to the shadows, Harry made his way slowly and cautiously, creeping towards the warehouse. Harry flicked his wrist towards the key hole and the door clicked open. The young warrior made his way inside the warehouse.

Don looked up, having brought Master Splinter to the warehouse so he could rest up, before they could try and find the others. He saw a figure moving in the shadows and pulled out his Bo Staff, pointing it towards them.

“Who’s there, step out where I can see you?” challenged Don and as a result, Harry stepped from the shadows, and Don breathed a sigh of relief. “Harry, I’m glad it’s only you and not someone else, but the others…”

“We’ll find them Don, but I need to get you to a safe place right away, if the Foot catches up and the lair’s out of the question obviously, because the Foot knows about it,” said Harry quickly, but he was at least relieved that some of his family were safe, this gave Harry hope that the others would be as well, before he looked around. “Where’s Master Splinter?”

“Right here, my son,” said Master Splinter in a weak, tired voice, as he walked forward, looking much older than Harry had remembered. Don handed Master Splinter his Bo Staff to use as a crutch to old the rat. “Shall we go then.”

The group made their way to the back exit of the factory and quickly climbed down the manhole, to the sewers. Not seconds later, a group of Foot Ninjas had passed, shining flashlights all around to look for Harry. Had they arrived seconds later, they would have gotten them, but Harry, Don, and Master Splinter were already down a tunnel in the sewers, making their way deep into the sewers, to find a safe place.

Harry pulled back a piece of wood, revealing an unused and mostly forgotten part of the sewer, a bit lower than where the old lair was located.

“Wow, it looks like an old reservoir pumping station, from the turn of the century, this place hasn’t been used for many years,” commented Don and Harry nodded, as they moved forward, towards a wooden door in the lair. Harry pushed it open and sure enough, Don’s hunch was correct, as it was in fact an abandoned pumping station, several pieces of long forgotten, dusty equipment, with several platforms stationed throughout.

“This place will serve us well Harry,” said Master Splinter in a tired voice, as he sat down against a water pump. “Now, time is of the essence, go and find the others, time is off the essence.”

Harry nodded, before he quickly walked off, leaving Master Splinter and Don to recoup, as Harry returned from the underground pumping system, back into the main sewers.

Back in the sewers, Harry looked around before he spotted a fuel trail. Following the trail, it lead Harry to the Turtle Tunneler, crushed slightly from the sewage pipe that had swung down upon it. Harry stepped forward, noticing the beating that the Tunneler had suffered, the side hatch blocked by the wreckage. As he levitated the wreckage away, Harry looked inside, it was open and once again no one was inside the Tunneler. Looking around, Harry shut his eyes once again, deep in concentration, in attempt to fit together what evidence that was left to go to him and once again, his mind began to bring up a vision of what happened.

The Turtle Tunneler propelled himself down the sewers, chased by a Foot Mech. Mikey looked over his shoulder, his cat Klunk looking rather fearful, as the turtle attempted a reckless move in an attempt to shake his pursuer off, but the Foot Mech continued to move in hot pursuit. As they reached an underground body of water, Mikey wondered if he could get away. He floored the Tunneler, before he picked up Klunk, steering the Tunneler towards the water. Tucking Klunk underneath his shoulders, Mikey activated the autopilot before he threw himself out the side entrance, dropping into the water and quickly leaping into the tunnel to the side, watching the Foot Mech chasing the empty Turtle Tunneler down the sewer. The Turtle Tunneler was shot at, the shots connecting as it smashed into the wall. The impact dislodged the sewage pipe which crushed the Turtle Tunneler, as the Foot Mech moved forward, the pilot looking down at the wreckage, before reporting in.

Off to the side, Mikey watched the Foot Mech off, with Klunk remaining quiet. Quickly, Mikey moved off, just in case the Foot came back to do a more through investigation.

Harry’s eyes snapped up, before he directed his movement towards the tunnel where he saw Mikey and Klunk disappear to. Walking forward, Harry saw candy wrappers and half eaten bags of potato chips, along with an opened can of cat food, evidence that they could not be far at all. Harry walked a few more steps and he saw Mikey laying in an alcove, with Klunk snoozing on his master’s chest. Klunk’s eyes opened slightly and he began hissing at the approaching form of Harry.

“Klunk, it’s just me, Harry,” said Harry, as he reached forward and absent mindedly scratched the cat behind the ears, in an attempt to pacify it. When Klunk had recognized him, the cat purred and Harry nudged Mikey. “Mikey, c’mon, rise and shine, time to get up.”

“Huh, no Master Splinter, I don’t want to go to school today,” mumbled Mikey and Harry blasted a jet of cold water in Mikey’s face, which woke him up. “Oh, Harry, you’re back, the Foot, they attacked the lair…”

“I know, I heard, I found Don and Master Splinter, I’ll take you to where they are and then I can find Raph and Leo, so we can properly plan our next move,” said Harry, as he helped Mikey out towards the water pumping session, Mikey obviously was still a bit rattled from the fight from the Foot, as he needed Harry’s assistance to remain upright.

Back on the surface, Harry found himself drawn to the building where Leo had been fighting to the Foot. As he stepped forward, Harry saw the pile of bricks and saw a charred form of an explosive device. Harry levitated the explosive, examining it closely to get a better look. From all indications, it looked like it could pack quite a punch and wondered exactly how much of a chance anyone stood. Shifting through the wreckage, Harry spotted something peculiar sticking out, a piece of katana and looking closely, Harry found that it lead to a manhole cover, which had finger prints on it, like it had been recently pulled back on. Kneeling down, it looked like it matched a turtle, no question about it. Bending down, Harry closed his eyes, once again attempting to get a feel on what happened, attempting to mentally patch everything together in a logical manner

Leo clung to the side of the building, as he saw the Foot Ninjas stalk him, before they pulled out explosive devices. It was going to be rather tricky to dodge this, but Leo looked down, spying a manhole from behind. The explosives struck the side of the building, blasting Leo and forcing him to fall backwards. In an instant, Leo pointed his katana down and rammed it into the manhole cover, his actions clouded by the smoke, as he pried it up. Leo quickly dropped down into the sewer, pulling the lid shut, his katana snapping in the hole, but several bricks buried the area around Leo, causing the Foot to believe he had been destroyed.

From above, Leo heard the Foot’s report that he was done and heard them walk off. He leaned forward, hanging onto the wall, before climbing towards the vent leading towards the basement of a warehouse. Leo climbed inside, where he could nurse his injuries, before he moved out to check for the rest of his family members.

Harry’s eyes opened and he quickly made his way his way down to the sewers, following the same path that Leo took to go towards his safe hiding place. Climbing through the vent, Harry looked around, hoping that Leo had already not gone off, as there was a chance that Harry might not have been able to find him.

Quickly, Harry turned around and saw a figure moving towards him. For a minute, Harry had feared the worst, Foot Ninjas but he relaxed slightly when he saw Leo move forward, his lone katana held out.

“Harry, I thought it was the Foot for a second, I was just about to go out to see where the others were,” stated Leo but Harry looked at his brother with a serious expression, he looked rather banged up as well.

“No need to do that Leo, I’ve found Don, Mikey, and Master Splinter, I’m going to look for Raph as soon as I show you where they are,” said Harry and Leo nodded approvingly, as Harry cauctiouslessly lead the way, once again extremely careful to not run into any Foot Ninjas that may be patrolling the sewer.

Now with Don, Mikey, Leo, and Master Splinter in a safe location, Raph was the only one that Harry had to track down and on the streets below, Harry spotted the overturned form of the Battle Shell, which had taken quite some beating, as there were scorch marks on the side of it and it was slightly melted. Moving forward, Harry saw something out of the corner of his eye that lead from the opposite direction of where the Battle Shell would have turned.

“Shell Cycle tracks,” muttered Harry as he looked at them, but the trail ran dry at the side of the bridge, where the battered remains of the Shell Cycle laid. Harry once again shut his eyes, attempting to figure out what exactly happened.

The Battle Shell zoomed down the road, as the Foot Copter followed it. Raph looked, turning the wheel and jamming his Sai inside it, as he unbuckled himself. He moved forward, putting on his helmet, before he mounted the Shell Cycle and blasted out the back of the Battle Shell like a red blur, heading in the opposite direction that the Battle Shell was turning. Raph launched himself off the bridge and the Foot Copter followed the decoy Battle Shell, arming its missile launchers. Listening intently, Raph heard the Battle Shell blown to bits in the distance. Raph remained under the bridge for quite sometime, before he cauctioulessly climbed up and crossed the bridge, ending up on the other side, at the park, Coney Island.

Harry’s eyes snapped open and he crossed the bridge, knowing exactly where Raph was now. He entered the park, looking around, Raph could not have been all that far, as the cool wind blew through the air. Harry put it out of his mind, he had a job to do and as he watched closer, he saw Raph sitting in the distance, absent mindedly drinking a soda, in a bit of a downer mood but his eyes snapped up, as he saw the approaching figure. Raph’s expression lightened when he saw that his youngest brother showed up.

“Harry, I’m glad your here, man, the others, we got split up, Karai got to us, an entire Foot army attacked us and I don’t know if they’re alive or…” stated Raph as he trailed off not wanting to complete that sentence but Harry gave his brother a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry Raph, they’re all fine, and I am as well, but we’ll get to that when the time comes,” said Harry in relief, as all of them had been found. “They’re all resting right now, I’m going to take you there right now.”

Raph nodded gruffly, as he followed Harry towards the nearest entry point to the sewer, before they made their way to the new makeshift lair at the water pumping station.

Back at the lair, the group cheerfully reunited, all relieved that everyone had managed to survive their near brush with death at the hands of the Foot. Harry stepped out of the shadows.

“I’ve had time to do some thinking and perhaps I was wrong about certain things, but that really doesn’t matter all much in hindsight, the fact that we’re all together and safe is of utmost concern,” said Harry and the others were hard pressed not to agree. “Still, this place should be good, perhaps we can fix it up and you should be able to live here relatively comfortably.”

“It is nice to see that you’ve mostly recovered from your ordeals, not that I expected you to ever completely recover, but you are ready to learn from what happened,” said Master Splinter and he looked at Harry with a searching glared, seeing a determined look in his eyes, but admittedly less obsessive than the determined look that Harry wore for quite some time previously. “I can see it in your eyes my son, you feel that there is something else that needs to be done, but I must warn you, do not take her lightly, her skill have improved much since your last encounter with her.”

“I’m ready for anything Master Splinter,” said Harry in a confident, self assured voice, before he turned to the others. “Guys, rest here, I need to run a couple of errands before I return, pick up food and supplies, sit tight and I’ll be back by morning.”

Without another word, Harry walked off, leaving the others to settle in as best as possible.

On a roof across from the Oroku Saki Memorial Library, Harry, cloaked in the shadows, pulled out a pair of heat-vision goggles. Quickly, he put them on and after shifting through the settings, he saw Foot Headquarters behind the Library, shielded from view with a cloaking device. To the outside world, it was just an empty spot, but Harry knew better. The outside was also patrolled by Foot Tech Ninjas, also rendered visible by the heat-vision goggles. Quickly, Harry conjured a rope with a grappling hook on it out of thin air and swung it around. Successfully, the grapping hook latched onto a gargoyle across the way and Harry looked down, before he swung from the roof of one building, right inside the window of the top floor of the Foot Headquarters skyscraper.

Harry watched Karai kneel before a jade statue of Oroku Saki, the helmet of the Shredder placed beside her, but otherwise, Karai wore a modified version of the armor that her father had. Quickly, Harry removed a dagger from the inside of his robes, he did not wish to attract the attention of hundreds of Foot Ninjas, just send Karai a powerful message. With expert precision, Harry threw the dagger at Karai but at the last second Karai spun around, catching the dagger in her hands.

Harry dropped down into the shadows, eyes narrowed from them, as he looked at Karai, whose eyes also narrowed when she realized who she had seen.

“Potter,” said Karai coldly.

“Karai,” remarked Harry softly. “I must say, you sent a very powerful message, it really got my attention for sure, that attack on the lair. That was something that not even your disgraced father would not be even bold enough to try.”

“Do not speak of my father, Potter, after you killed him but despite that, I find myself rather impressed that you managed to find your way inside,” said Karai angrily, as she held a sword, cautiously regarding Harry. “Security is rather airtight but yet I find you here.”

Harry just nodded calmly, as he really took Karai’s armor in for the first time and could not help but snicker, which needlessly to say did not amuse Karai one bit.

“What is so funny, Potter?” spat Karai in a disgusted tone, she was offended that Potter would find amusement from the situation.

“The fact that with that armor, one would get the impression that you believe you are the Shredder,” replied Harry, with a smirk.

“I am now, Potter!” shouted Karai.

“Of course you are, Karai,” answered Harry in a patronizing tone of voice.

“Potter, I’m the Shredder and I will be your doom,” declared Karai with a wicked look etched on her eyes, as she put the helmet on and pulled out the sword, before she rushed to the attack, but Harry calmly dodged the attack and before Karai turned around, the Boy-Who-Lived ended up on the other side of the room, motioning, almost goading Karai, taunting her to attack him.

Karai raised her sword and rushed at Harry, before she leapt up into the air, in an attempt to split the murder’s skull in half, but once again, her opponent had moved out of the way. Looking around, Karai spotted Harry on the other side. She rushed forward, in an attempt to stab Harry in the chest but at the last minute, the Boy-Who-Lived somersaulted into the air and landed by Karai, causing her weapon to be stuck in the wall. Angrily, Karai struggled to pull it out of the wall, but Harry gave a bored yawn, which prompted Karai to abandon her attempts to extract the sword and resume her attack on Harry. A swipe of the gauntlet was avoided when Harry back flipped out of the way and landed on his feet

“Let’s face it Karai, you’re not mad at me for killing your father, rather, at your inability to save him,” suggested Harry and Karai rushed forward, gauntlet extended but Harry once again slid out of the way, before Karai attempted to attack him again, but Harry once again dodged around the attack. “Trust me, it’s a place I’ve been, but sometimes things are out of control, I would highly recommend letting things go, it’s unhealthy to dwell on revenge.”

“Fight me, you wretched wizard!” shouted Karai angrily, as she attempted to kick Harry in the face but Harry calmly arched backwards, causing Karai to land crookedly on her feet, before she spun around and shot a chain out of the arm of her outfit, but Harry once again dodged out of the way, Karai rushed Harry, but Harry calmly avoided the shot. “No…I have to win…I must have my revenge…stay still Potter…fight me….no…I have to…”

Karai’s frustration continued to bubble, as Harry bounced off the walls to propel himself to the other end of the room. She had prepared for a Potter who would fight head on, not a Potter who refused to fight back, who forced her to come to him, to attack him. Karai angrily rushed forward but Harry dodged the attack, before flicking his wrist and the metal in the legs of Karai’s armor, became temporarily heavier, forcing Karai to her knees. Karai struggled to her feet, but Harry had her finished, summoning the sword from the wall. Harry caught it and held the blade an inch away from Karai’s head, who flinched.

“I could kill you right now,” said Harry in a chilling tone of voice.

“Do it!” challenged Karai. “Like you killed my father, finish me off Potter!”

“I could, but what would you learn?” asked Harry coolly as he dropped the sword to the ground casually before he looked at the Saki Statue. “And if you come near my family or my friends one more time…”

The jade statue of Oroku Saki shattered into dust and at that moment, several Foot Ninjas entered the study.

“Mistress Karai, we heard a disturbance,” stated one of the Foot Ninjas and Karai looked up to tell them to attack Potter, but he had already evacuated the premises by the time she had looked up. She angrily shifted her eyes down to the pile of dust that was once the statue of her father. Potter would pay for making a fool out of her. This was not over, she would have her revenge and Potter would pay with his blood.

Back at the lair, Harry returned to the lair, with several boxes of Chinese Takeout, that he dropped right in front of his family.

“Chinese Food for Breakfast?” asked Mikey, before he took the attached chop sticks and began to dig in, with the others joining him. “Works well enough for me, I guess.”

“Like I’ve said, this place looks like it would be remotely safe to live, everything should be okay and fix it up a little bit, it could be suitable for habitation,” commented Harry with a smile, before he reached behind his back and presented an exquisite looking walking stick. “Master Splinter, this walking stick was said to be carved from an ancient and very powerful mystic tree, it’s a gift from the Ancient One and from me.”

“What a thoughtful gift,” said Splinter with a smile, as he examined the walking stick closely. It’s craftsmanship was amazing and if nothing else, it would save him the trouble of forging a brand new walking stick to replace the one that had been destroyed in the Foot attack. “And indeed, Harry I agree with your assessment, this place will make a suitable place to stay once it’s fixed up slightly. After all, as a wise man once said, home is where you hang your hat.”

Ginny sat in her room calmly but was brought out her thoughts with a knock on the door.

“Come in!” called Ginny and the door opened, causing her expression and mood brighten significantly when she saw who was standing on the other side. “Harry!”

Ginny rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Harry in a warm hug, not wanting to let go, fearing that Harry would have to go away again. She quickly kissed Harry before she stepped back, as Harry pulled out a large bouquet of flowers, before he handed them to Ginny.

“Beautiful flowers for a beautiful young lady,” commented Harry with a smile which caused Ginny to look at Harry, for a few seconds, closely studying him.

“You’ll back, all of you,” said Ginny quietly, as she surveyed Harry. She was sincerely happy that Harry had recovered from his traumatic loss at the hands of Lord Voldemort, along with the deaths of Daphne and Theodore, but a part of Ginny was also apprehensive. This meant that Harry would also want to finish things with Voldemort and as selfish as it was, Ginny still wished that Harry did not have to needlessly risk his life. “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too Ginny,” commented Harry as he surveyed her, something about her seemed off. “If you’re upset about me abruptly tearing off with only a note, I’m sorry…”

Ginny gently placed her finger on Harry’s lips to silence him, before staring intently into his vibrant emerald eyes.

“No Harry, I understand, I was lonely without you, but it had to be done and I’m sure that you’re now in a much better place of what you did,” said Ginny, caressing Harry’s cheek reassuringly. “Still, Voldemort…’

“Ginny, I understand your concern, but I’m not making it known that I’m alive until all the Horcruxes have been collected,” said Harry and on the subject of Horcruxes, Harry discarded a certain paranoid theory of his, absolutely confident that it was a byproduct of his dreams. “There might be a lot of work to be done, but defeating Voldemort is something that has done. I can’t hide from it for ever, in a way, no matter how much I hate to believe in destiny, it still does seem to be mine to fight Voldemort and anything else that comes that way.”

“I’m there for you Harry,” said Ginny in a resigned voice, but she completely understood what Harry had to do, Voldemort needed to be stopped eventually and Harry was the only one who she felt had a chance to defeat him. The Draxxor thing also weighed in the back of her mind and she had no doubt that Harry had the powerful demon that possessed the body of Albus Dumbledore, but had focused towards Voldemort for the time being, as she saw Harry looked at her, to reassure her that everything was going to be okay, without saying words.

“One day Ginny, I will defeat Voldemort but there’s one thing I need to know,” said Harry as he dropped to one knee, before pulling out the most beautiful ring that Ginny had ever seen in her live. “Will you, my beloved, Ginerva Molly Weasley, marry me?”

Ginny was struck dumb for a few seconds but she managed to catch her breath in time, pleasure swelling up within her. She had thought Harry would wait to ask her until Voldemort was finished once and for all, but still she was not complaining.

“Of course I will Harry,” replied Ginny breathlessly as she wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck before kissing him passionately. Thanks to the bond, they were practically married anyway, but the fact that Harry wanted to make it official, perfectly illustrated why Ginny loved him. They slowly broke apart, before Ginny flashed a playful smirk towards Harry. “You know Harry, we’ve got almost four months of lost time to make up for right now and we’re alone in this room.”

“Lead the way my lady,” said Harry which caused both of them to share a laugh at the slightly cheesy nature of Harry’s statement, before they moved towards the bed, both making sure that the door was secured.
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