Lucy/CosmicZombie. 17. My Chemical Romance, Fearless Vampire Killers, Ashestoangels, The Used and LostAlone enthusiast. Writer. Freak. Aspiring bassist with anxiety issues. History geek. Technology...
So I’m a teenager in Australia,I have an obsession with energy drinks, Horror movies and 'My chemical Romance', Frank is my fav band member. LOVE music of all kinds-mainly Punk/Rock (Volume turne...
Does anyone actaully read these? Yes? No? Ok. Whatever.
Hey I'm Georgie and I'm 16 years old from Brighton, England. I like bands and Sherlock and hella gay anime. I ship Frerard, Phan, Johnlock, Sherlolly, Pikey, Mystrade and more~
I met Dan and Phil...
Love MCR especially Mikey!
Zombies and horror movies are also amazing!