- Member Since: 2007-12-25
Just a guy writing a story that some people like. I like HP, Ranma, BTVS and recently Naturo fanfics.
Not much about me. Except that I hate Slash or any form of Male/Male Stories. seriously it creeps the hell out of me.(no offence to the ones who wrote them and reads them)
At the current moment,...
I'm having touble with my stories at the moment as you can probably tell from the lack of updates posted. I'm in a pickle with the pairing for my Harry Potter/LOTR crossover. Here are the new o...
Hmm... nothing to say for now. I'm just your average anime fan who likes to write fics. Later!
ATTENTION: For some reason, one of my fics (Shadow Leaf dance, specifically) doesn't show up at all...
As you can see from my fic I can't write worth a damn, I feel the need to vent though....
What the hell is up the all the Gay!Harry fics? is being gay the new "IN" thing these days? I am a strai...
I enjoy reading and writing good fanfic and am not tolerant while reading. Any stupid plot or story just kind of pisses me. I dont like slash, nor do like ron, dumbledore, snape or draco.
About ...
One pathetically piss-poor author with a Bachelor's degree in Norse mythology. Part of the point of this fic is an attempt to explain my thesis in a way that makes sense. I'm mostly trying to make ...