Lawyers, Guns and Money
by Crystal_GoddessAuthor: Crystal Goddess
Category: hetero fiction
Archive: Yes
Summary: Second installment in the Emerald City series With the bounty hunter closing in, the hunt for the gold is on, and wherever ...
Category: Alias Smith and Jones - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor - Warnings: [V] [X] - Chapters: 9 - Published: 2005-12-02 - Updated: 2005-12-03 - 51829 words - Complete
Emerald City
by Crystal_GoddessAuthor: Crystal Goddess
Category: hetero fiction
Archive: Yes
Summary: ALIAS SMITH & JONES - The Great Shell Game. Curry chooses not to take the stage out of Hidalgo. The boys discover if any w...
Category: Alias Smith and Jones - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor - Warnings: [X] - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2005-12-02 - Updated: 2005-12-03 - 40153 words - Complete