- Website: Buzznet.com
- Member Since: 2008-04-28
- Real name: Rebecca
- MSN: NumberOneWithABullet@live.com
- Bio:
Heyo peeps! I am called Rebecca for some reason. I've learned not to question it, but hell, some people even go far enough to call me Becca. Whichever works for you will work for me. Alright, well, you've obviously came here to know more about the awesomeness that is myself. Not much awesomeness is here, but since you've made the effort to click on my name, I might as well humor you with what little interesting facts about my horribly boring life. Well, I LOVE Fall Out Boy. My username kind of gives that away. I'm 16 years of age, hail from Fort Worth Texas, and stand at a towering 5 feet, 2 inches. Yes. I am uber tall. (sure...) I'm in my high school marching band, and have the privelege to call myself Drum Major for this band. (Drum Major means I conduct the band) I play a few instruments. I play Drums, Xylophone, Marimba, Bells, Glockenspheil, Piano and Snare Drum. In short, I'm a percussionist. Any instrument that requires any percussive movements to create sound, I can play it. Erm... lets see here, I wear glasses cause my eyes suck, I have short black spikey hair and... hmmm... my fav color is red. I can't think of any other boring facts about myself, so I'll end this here. If you have gotten this far, your cookie is coming in the mail. You rock, thanks for reading.
They like nothing. Harsh.