Bio:R.S. Valentine here. I was invited by The Wordslinger to join this site and so I have. We're pretty good friends so don't mess with 'em.
Anywho, I'm mostly a drama writer but I can also do some humour...And apparently very sad things.
A few rules, not that I ought to have to say this...But hey, here I am, in a typing mood so say it I shall.
1) I tend to write with quite a bit of detail, in the style of my literary heroes C.S. Friedman and Stephen King. If you don't like my style, don't tell me about it...That's not constructive.
2) If I spell something like a retard, do tell...I DESPISE spelling errors AAAH! Works catches many of them but things like the 'their' and 'there' SNAFU happen.
3) I write a lot of slashiness. Don't like, don't look. I DO try to warn with ratings and summaries. If it hits you out of nowhere, I apologize but again, don't tell me. I know, I wrote it.
4) I'm a cusser, not too careful about my language...If profanity bothers you, the same applies to this as in number three. I'm very sorry.
5) Violence is paramount in many a story. I don't recall if many of mine on this site have it but they're bound to eventually...Rule three also applies here.
6) This one's not so much a rule as a request. If you add one of my stories to your favorites list, please comment. Even if it's just a 'hey, nice job', that's totally good enough for me. Everyone loves a good pat on the back once in awhile. I make it a point to check the accounts of people who've commented (hencing not a word the reason I've disabled anonymous comments) and who knows? Maybe you'll get a 'long days and pleasant nights' from me.
7) Constructive criticism in my mind is defined as a helpful comment that offers advice to me to improve an error or weakness in my writing (or tell me I spelled 'necessary' wrong). It is not to say 'ew Tassadar isn't gay for Jim Raynor!' First off, yes, he is (hahah, sorry, I'm...Err yeah...) and second, that's not a weakness or flaw, it's a preference.
8) Lastly, since eight is a kickass number (or I can't think of anything else that bugs me), I'd like you not to stop at reading this gobbledigook but go on to read a story or two of mine. Once again, not a rule so much as a request...I'm on my knees here, people!! Naw, kidding. Anywho, long days and pleasant nights...