Harry Potter's Strange Night
by MasterKtuluHow can a planned night of fun turn into something so different so quickly and change Harry's life forever? (Absolutely NO Male Slash! / One-Shot / Set during OotP)
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Cho, Ginny, Harry, Luna - Warnings: [R] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-01-29 - 10453 words - Complete
'Quidditch Practice'
by DivinitiOne shot PWP. Harry gets laid by three hot chasers when Angelina schedules a ‘extra Quidditch practice’ with only the seeker and chasers. These wicked girls certainly do plan to ride a broomsti...
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Angelina Johnson,Harry - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-01-06 - Updated: 2008-01-07 - 3297 words
The Real Harry Potter
by The_Blood_RiderAfter fifth year, Harry decides that its time to stop hiding and show the world who Harry Potter really is. Harry/Many
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2008-04-11 - Updated: 2008-05-06 - 26207 words
Harry Potter GTS
by iamhawkHarry Potter wants the head of Bellatrix Lestrange on a platter and now he has Summoned just the demon for the job! Or so he thinks...
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor - Characters: Bellatrix,Harry,Tonks - Warnings: [X] - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2008-01-02 - 18398 words - Complete
- by Fission25 8 reviews
While enjoying a more realistic use of the Room of Requirement, Harry walks his own path toward maturity in a world filled with pureblood bigotry, corruption and evil. Harry/Harem. Fifth year AU.
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Angelina Johnson,Cho,Fleur,Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [X] - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2007-12-26 - Updated: 2008-07-07 - 28603 words
Morphing Desire
by zoodHarry has to learn something that only Tonks can teach. Harry/Tonks M/F
AU after OOP.
Repost of my story on aff (09/2004). Abandoned because of too little reviews.
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Harry, Tonks - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Chapters: 6 - Published: 2006-06-20 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 7881 words
Harry's Seraglio
by stuffjeffAfter the last battle Harry does the Minister of Magic a favour and takes a number of slaves. Slavery !!!
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Bellatrix, Cho, Harry, Hermione, Narcissa, Padma, Pansy, Parvati - Warnings: [R] [X] - Chapters: 6 - Published: 2006-09-16 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 44409 words
"Because She Told Me To!"
by RooNeville makes a shocking discovery about Luna Lovegood, and discovers that genuine trouble doesn't always have to involve Death Eaters. (FEMMESLASH, takes place during HBP)
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Luna,Marietta Edgecombe,Neville - Warnings: [!!] [X] [R] [Y] - Chapters: 7 - Published: 2007-08-21 - Updated: 2008-03-02 - 60423 words - Complete
Keeping it Down
by pettybureaucratHarry arrives at the Burrow a boy but wants to leave it a man. Ginny's brothers tell him not with her! Friends assist them in 'Keeping it Down.'
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Fleur, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna - Warnings: [!!!] [X] [Y] - Chapters: 8 - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 27982 words - Complete
- by AncientzDream 9 reviews
WIP/AU Lily and James went to greater lengths to protect their son than even Dumbledore knew and, as Harry grows into his inheritance, the Wizarding world will find out just how deep one old man's ...
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Erotica, Romance - Characters: Dobby, Dumbledore, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, James, Lily, Luna, Lupin, Moody, Neville, Ron, Sirius, Snape, Tonks, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] [X] [Y] - Chapters: 10 - Published: 2006-04-13 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 146733 words
Naruto: Kitsune Juggernaut
by MikeJV37In the Forest of Death, Naruto finds a gem that makes him a juggernaut.
Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover,Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] [R] [?] [Y] - Chapters: 14 - Published: 2013-06-18 - Updated: 2018-10-09 - 47250 words
Shadows of the Night
by CrimsonRogueIn the middle of an attack by Voldemort, Harry discovers the true power he can use to kill him. However, things aren't as they seem . . . AU: Dark Harry, Harry/Fleur/Narcissa/Others
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Erotica - Characters: Fleur, Harry, Narcissa, Tonks, Other - Warnings: [!] [?] [R] [X] [Y] - Chapters: 17 - Published: 2006-04-06 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 45067 words
The Lemon Games
by HunterBerserkerWolfTrapped in a Video Game, Naruto must get it on to level up.
I do not own Naruto or any other things mixed in this story and I do not make any profit from writing this story.
Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Chapters: 28 - Published: 2012-12-23 - Updated: 2016-08-28 - 245015 words
Horus Goes Home
by SamStoneAU where a Harry Potter Raised in the future with different magic fianlly meets the Wizarding World.trained in lethal magic and with a different morality he takes on these strange people.
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover, Erotica, Horror - Characters: Andromeda Tonks, Angelina Johnson, Bellatrix, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Narcissa, Padma, Parvati - Warnings: [?] [V] [X] - Chapters: 33 - Published: 2006-03-21 - Updated: 2008-09-13 - 648684 words
The Secret Technique
by SleepyMattHaruno Mebuki had been having a bad month that November. She didn't have to look far to find help relieving the pressure. Mebuki/Naruto. Warning: Shouta Content!
Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] [R] [Y] - Chapters: 34 - Published: 2014-04-16 - Updated: 2015-10-11 - 198339 words - Complete
Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.
by VanirHarry escapes Britain, and learns the truth about the weirdest heritage ever. He learns stuff and gets some girls, too. There is much to experience in the land of the Midnight Sun.
(There will be ...
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Parody - Characters: Fleur,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Luna - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] [R] [?] [Y] - Chapters: 34 - Published: 2007-09-10 - Updated: 2019-11-26 - 255250 words
by TheLemonSageDuring his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the
secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinob...
Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Chapters: 107 - Published: 2013-01-10 - Updated: 2024-12-13 - 2425639 words