Bio:I've always wanted a cool alter ego name. I decided on The Wordslinger, mostly (almost entirely) based on my recent fathom with The Dark Tower series by Stephen King (my hero).
But really, that's quite unimportant, isn't it? You don't really need to know too much about the author, right?
As long as you like the writing. That's all I'm shooting for.
A few quick ground rules and I'll let you be off and running...
1) One of the most important... please, when you're reviewing my stories, try to keep text talking down to a minimum. As you can see, I tollerate bad spelling (being a slinger of that as well as words), but "if u rly leik my writng skilz0rz!!1one", take a few extra minutes to type out a complete, good old statement.
2) Don't flame my spelling. I'm an awful speller, I get that.
3) I do write slash. Not all, but a good hunk of my stories include it. If you don't like it, please just don't even read it.
Thankee, sai.
Enjoy, and my your days be long and plentiful.