Hi! so this is my first and ever fanfic acct. I first learned of fanfiction from my older sister because she would hold up the computer {grrrr} and now i'm hooked now heres my bio :D !
I'm a pre-teen ATS belly-dancer,alt.rock loving,one direction loving,free loving hippie.... Wait whats that........ puts hand behind ear you don't say...... you don't like...... GET OUT...... J-JUST GET OUT!→
Hi! This is my first EVER fanfic but its not ready yet so heres the first part here's my summary:
Rumplestilskin found a girl singing in the ocean this girl was no ordenary girl she was a mermaid ...
Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!!] [!!!] - Published: 2013-08-26 - 70 words