- Website: http://member.mibba.com/48693/
- Member Since: 2008-08-22
- Real name: Logan
- Bio:
- logan.
- fifteen
- single
- short (try 4 ft 9 inches)
- loves God & has faith
- but she doesn't like to push her beliefs up your nose
- shy, but only when you first meet her
- too hyper, when you get to know her
- loves to DANCE XD
- loves music
- hates rude people
- hates when people assume incorrectly
- loves to WRITE (but that's so obvious, is it not?)
- loves to be with her friends (:
- tries to get along with everyone
- hard-working
- tries to understand everyone
- always has a motive
- a little too trustworthy
- she's hardcore. you're jealous.
-her myspace
Favorite Music
All Time Low
Cute Is What We Aim For
They like nothing. Harsh.