Bio:HI! :)
My name is NEELIE (Nee-lee. It's easy to say but everyone gets it wrong.) I'm a Tennessee girl, Hatfield by blood, and I love snow and the beach.
I have three finished 30 Seconds to Mars fanfics & I am currently working on my fourth one. Because I have problems with female characters, I have based the main character in my 30STM fics off of myself. (I'm not crazy or obsessed I just can't come up with good character ideas so I base them off of myself.) XD I'm not like my characters at all anyways. I do this for all of my stories... sometimes.
I prefer 30STM, MCR, David Cook, and BTR in that order, and my favorite shows are reality shows, dramas, and comedies, which if you have EVER watched them, you can see where I began loosely basing my stories and then went my own way. I won't name them all. There are too many.
I dream of being a writer, and I have even been looking up local publishing companies. I want to write for a living, whether I have a college degree or not.
:) -echeloncookie