Bio:I'm 22 and i work, nuff said. I have been reading fan fiction for a while and have decided to try and write my own set of stories. Most of my work will be AU as i encorporate my warped mind into the wonderful world of Harry Potter.
Now, i love Harry Potter as much as the next fanfic writer/reader however, i have issues with certain aspects and you can expect the following to occur in most of my work
1. there will be NO Harry/Ginny - we spend the first 4? books gearing towards the harmony pairing we all want only to have it snatched away by JK Rowling not wanting to be obvious. All this relationship portrays is that the princess will always get her prince. I suspect love potions, especially with the beast in harry's chest! It will never happen in any story of mine.
2. There will be NO Ron/Hermione - another massive WTF!!! they are polar opposites and totally not suited, what was JKR thinking. There will be very little R/Hr in the fics, and Ron will be slated a fair deal. I dislike him as a character and he will suffer.
3. Dumbledore - now i like him myself, expect him to be an old man who makes mistakes but is not malicious. I have found though that it is easier to write a MOB story. I will usually try to get rid of the MOB tendancies though.
4. Draco/Snape will always be evil.
5. Horcruxes - i like them as a plot point but i feel that in JKR's books they should have had more prominance throughout the series.
6. Deathly Hallows - will not exsist in my work.
7. Luna - There will be alot of Luna (well as much as i can write without it becoming obvious) - she's a great character.