Sorry if it's the wrong category, I wasn't really sure. My entry for a creative writing prize at school. Please read, and enjoy! =)
Lena is a girl on an incredible adventure to save her kingdom from a horrible curse!
Two fates bound by hatred. One is Human, the other, a Devil-Human. How did these two come to hate each other? And how does a complete stranger, the girl with emerald colored eyes, tie these fates?
A fifteen-year-old girl who lost her parents is hanging by her last thread. The Father and His Council send her aid, in a very unexpected, unusual way: an ex-murderer who literally wears the "scale...
DISCLAIMER: Everything in this story; characters, plot, etc.; is owned by me, Twilight_Phantom. Any resemblance to any actual person or event is completely coincidental. Forgive the weak beginni...
Saymon is the last character you will meet in this. This is the story of his mother, his fathers, and the events that lead up to his birth.
READ THE AUTHORS NOTE PLEASE! this is a dream that i had ages ago about a old pizza place near my house...its all boarded up and shit and yeah
Vala is a vampire hunter on a vendetta against the most dangerous vampire in centuries. With her watcher gone on a retreat she is forced to fight Ambrose alone. With the use of magic Vala just migh...
Chapter 1: An introduction of sorts. A classroom of kindergartners is treated to a most unusual and entertaining. presentation
An attractive man named Edward with amnesia wakes up in a strange house with a voice that is not his own in his head. Who is the stranger talking to him, and what was he doing there?
This was written a long time ago. - Craggon is a young lurikeen in the realm of Hibernia, using the few abilities he has in order to steal what he needs to get by. He aspires to be a hero, but when...
Work in progress. There are those who are natural born rulers, who combine their strength of body and mind as well as knowledge of the arcane in order to subdue the masses. Their legacy is one of t...
It's just some random story I thought of while watching t.v. .... so... yeah.
What happens when you get caught stealing from a rich, mysterious man. Become his personal thief. What happens when a young PI has it out for you, and know's your secret? Find out for yourself. M/M...
Sex and Love. In exactly that oder. -- Everyone knew about the demon and that he did horrible things that no one returned from...but what they didn't know is WHAT those horrible things were.