- by ColorOfAngels 0 reviews
The dust has settled and the final battle is over now that Harry has defeated Voldemort for the last time......Harry is eager to get on with the rest of his life and is feeling kind of spontaneous,...
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2005-06-07 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 10411 words
- by adolf3 0 reviews
An unknown heritage can cause so much change. It can make nations fall and mountains tremble. Harry Potter has an unknowm heritage and it is going to change more than just our world...
Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Bellatrix, Cho, Fleur, Harry, Lupin, Padma, Parvati, Sirius, Tonks - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] [X] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2006-10-21 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 6698 words
- by femaleprongslet 0 reviews
Harry's time turner shatters and he is sent back in time! How will he cope with not being able to kill Wormtail? How will he deal with the curiousity of Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs?
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst - Characters: Dumbledore, Harry, James, Lily, Peter, Sirius, Other - Warnings: [!!!] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2006-06-20 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 6700 words
- by spqr1060 0 reviews
Bellatrix just treading water in her life.. Harry, the billionaire philanthropist has his own personal problems.. Who is stalking the people of Hogsmeade under the guise of the Wolves of the Red Mo...
Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Erotica - Characters: Bellatrix, Harry, Lucius, Other - Warnings: [?] [V] [X] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2006-05-05 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 4920 words
- by Nooka 0 reviews
What if Harry was a girl? But, due to safety reasons, the Wizarding world thought she was a he? Follow Harry as she attempts to keep her secret in a new, and often strange, world.
Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2006-03-03 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 9228 words
In Silent Decay
by SecretlySnapeSnape discovers that Hermione has been raped, but can he help her get over it? And where does Draco fit into this?
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Horror - Characters: Draco, Hermione, Lucius, Snape - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2006-06-09 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 3073 words
Everything's So Wrong and That Is Real
by steelfoxThe War is getting worse, there are battles every day. Hermione is kidnapped by Deatheaters and changed. Hermione/Remus pairing and possible Ron/Harry
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Harry, Hermione, Lupin, Ron - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2005-10-11 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 4857 words
- by Quillian 0 reviews
Parodies of different songs twisted specifically for the HP-verse...
Rating: PG - Genres: Parody - Characters: Fudge - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2005-05-16 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 1504 words - Complete
Oblivion & Other Temporary Fixes
by odogoddessSeven years after the war, Susan Bones is tired of saving the Chosen One from his own folly, her friends, Neville & Hermione have made a huge decision, and a retired professor and his trusty famili...
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Erotica - Characters: Harry, Hermione, Justin, Neville, Snape, Other - Warnings: [V] [X] - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2007-04-23 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 16568 words - Complete
- by SilverWolf7007 2 reviews
'"I don't know how to tell you this, mate, but you're a homicidal, insane teenager with magical powers that make Dumbledore jealous." - Seamus Finnigan.' In which Harry's mental state is discussed....
Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Blaise Zabini, Dean Thomas, Draco, Dumbledore, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Lupin, Neville, Oliver Wood, Pansy, Parvati, Percy, Ron, Seamus Finnigan, Snape, Theodore Nott, Voldemort, Other - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2006-11-02 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 7886 words
Queens Of Darkness, Ladies Of Light
by ThalarianWar is raging across the world, and Voldemort has done the unthinkable. Now, with time running out, can Harry harness powers that he knows nothing of? While killing the people he loves most? PostHB...
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Fleur, Harry, Other - Warnings: [!!!] [R] [V] [X] - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2006-08-08 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 105516 words
Harry Potter: Warlock Guyver
by Wkar01One soul cries out for vengence, one weeps in utter saddness. Together, they will change the fate of all by uniting two worlds... and uncovering an evil greater than anyone has ever imagined.
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Bellatrix, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Fleur, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Lupin, Narcissa, Neville, Sirius, Tonks, Other - Warnings: [!!] [?] [R] [V] [X] - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2006-06-09 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 8369 words
Marriage of (In)convenience
by ladylaughalotHermione has found a way to destroy the Horcruxes but it requires a couple that has been married for exactly one month. Unfortunatly for once Hermione hasn't done her research and it's only after H...
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Harry, Hermione - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2006-05-16 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 2974 words
The Travel Through Time
by Myrddin_EmyrsHarry has been trained by Dumbledore over the summer after his fifth year. But when the train is attacked, he gets flung back in time, pulling Voldemort along for the ride. Where'd they land? Find ...
Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Erotica, Romance - Characters: Bellatrix, Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione, James, Lily, Narcissa, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [Y] - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2006-04-18 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 4385 words
- by bigdonadiet 6 reviews
Harry/Lily/Petunia (Yes, you read that right.) Harry has a confrontation with the Dark Lord, and his life is turned upside down.
Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Harry, Lily, Petunia Dursley - Warnings: [?] [X] - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2005-12-28 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 15929 words