Review for The Confessional - Continued

The Confessional - Continued

(#) fyre_byrd 2005-07-21

It amuses me that Nooj can be so melodramatic about sea-sickness, so that he even contemplates death. That all of this is delivered in his dead-pan tone as though he really was suffering near death throes, only adds to the subtle comedy.

Nooj is very insightful. His observation that he should thank Baralai in front of his comrades shows that he does understand the emotions of others, even if he does not always choose to cater to them. Again, I am amazed at the subtleties of character development which you are able to employ in your writing.

Nooj's constant observations about the incompetence of the Maesters sets the reader up not to trust them. You are a master at showing and not telling. The details of the scarcity of water and the fact that the men will have to fight it out amongst themselves confirm what Nooj has already guessed, allowing the reader to place a great deal of trust in him as a narrator.

I have one small problem - certainly, if the tent is dark no one can see Nooj using the device, but surely if he can hear Baralai and Gippal making noises then they can hear him talking to himself and Paine can as well.

Author's response

You are right although he speaks very softly. As a matter of fact, he has begun to trust them sufficiently that he no longer greatly cares if they know he is doing this recording.
Incidentally, Baralai is notorious for squealing during sex. It is one of his more lovable traits. And Paine thinks Nooj is a total idiot where understanding other people is concerned. She thinks she is much better at that. LOL

Given his cast of mind, Nooj sees most things through the prism of death. He is, after all, Taydrcaagan - Deathseeker.